See also: Androcentric Androcentrism Androcentrismo Androgynous Android Androgyny Andragogy Androgen Andromeda Androgyne Andrew Androsexual Androgenic Andropause
1. Definition of Androcentric : dominated by or emphasizing masculine interests or a masculine point of view — compare gynocentric Other Words from Androcentric Example Sentences Learn More …
2. Adjective centered on, emphasizing, or dominated by males or masculine interests: an Androcentric society; an Androcentric religion.
Adjective, An, Androcentric
3. Adj. Centered or focused on men, often to the neglect or exclusion of women: an Androcentric view of history; an Androcentric health-care system.
Adj, An, Androcentric
4. Adj. Centered or focused on men, often to the neglect or exclusion of women: an Androcentric view of history; an Androcentric health-care system.
Adj, An, Androcentric
5. Authors suggest that Androcentric bias may be connected to substantial societal harms. “For instance, women with heart disease experience worse health outcomes than men, which …
Authors, Androcentric
6. On this page you will find the solution to Androcentric social system crossword clue crossword clue
7. ‘From its purely Androcentric and heterosexual viewpoint, however, Lacan's theory neglects to account for the experience of women or of homosexual men.’ ‘This was a woman-centred psychology, whose aim was to redress the theoretical and empirical inadequacies of an Androcentric discipline.’
Androcentric, And, Account, Aim, An
8. Androcentric (Adjective) Of, pertaining to or exhibiting androcentrism; focused on males
Androcentric, Adjective, Androcentrism
9. Unfortunately, the convention's minutes were generally Androcentric, which means that the participation of the woman is reported in relation to her husband
10. There is a preponderance of literature about the Androcentric tendencies of school boards.
About, Androcentric
11. Iddo Landau has written a focused and clearly organized book in which he investigates the extent to which Western philosophy is Androcentric
And, Androcentric
12. He concludes that it "is, in most respects and ways, not Androcentric, and that the few ways in which it is Androcentric are less consequential than is frequently believed."
And, Androcentric, Are
13. From Its “Androcentric Slumber”? Kimberly J
14. In 1988, Daly and Chesney-Lind suggested that criminology was awakening from its “Androcentric slumber” thanks to feminist critiques
And, Awakening, Androcentric
15. Is Philosophy Androcentric? Published: February 02, 2007 Iddo Landau, Is Philosophy Androcentric?, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006, 181pp., $45.00 (hbk).ISBN 0271029064
16. Much of the research on this Androcentric tendency to conflate men with people has measured more controllable behaviors
17. Aligning Androcentric humanist ideology with the adolescent male gaze, Grossman's series renders visible the processes by which the uncritical acceptance of the discrete human body reduces, mutilates, compresses, and disavows the full range of possibilities for …
Aligning, Androcentric, Adolescent, Acceptance, And
18. There is now a interest in women focused psychology or what is now called Androcentric bias
19. As for the "Androcentric" worldview, I think that's the major problem for the lack of development of the mother/son and husband/wife relationship, which is a pity
As, Androcentric, And
20. Psychology Definition of Androcentric: Describes a predominantly male perspective that often minimizes or completely excludes the female …
21. Androcentric bias has been connected to substantial societal harms
22. For instance, women with heart disease experience worse health outcomes than men, which is thought to be caused in part by androcentrism in medical teaching as well and an Androcentric overreliance on …
Androcentrism, As, And, An, Androcentric
23. Androcentric thinking refers to a bias _____
24. The Androcentric definition of sex as an activity recognizes three essential steps: preparation for penetration ("foreplay"), penetration, and male orgasm
Androcentric, As, An, Activity, And
25. Androcentric definition: having or regarding man or the male sex as central or primary Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Androcentric, As, And
26. Androcentric is defined as "centered on, emphasizing, or dominated by males or masculine interests." In other words, if the bible is indeed Androcentric, then women in the Bible would therefore : 11
Androcentric, As
27. An Androcentric view of history; an Androcentric health-care system
An, Androcentric
28. Under this Androcentric prejudice, the equal extension of education to women was opposed at every step, and is still opposed by many
Androcentric, At, And
29. The author argues that philosophy is Androcentric in some ways, but significantly less so than popularly claimed
Author, Argues, Androcentric
30. It made me think in a new way about what I was taught and have taken for granted for a long time -- the deep Androcentricity of philosophy -- so in a way it was an eye opener
About, And, Androcentricity, An
31. Antonyms for Androcentric include gynocentric, feminist and matriarchal
Antonyms, Androcentric, And
32. Is the left hemisphere Androcentric? Evidence of the learned categorical perception of gender
33. Androcentric thinking assumes maleness to be normative and attributes gender differences to females
Androcentric, Assumes, And, Attributes
34. A content analysis of articles reporting gender differences published between 1965 and 2004 in four American Psychological Association journals examined Androcentric pronouns, explanations, and tables and graphs.
Analysis, Articles, And, American, Association, Androcentric
35. See authoritative translations of Androcentric in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
Authoritative, Androcentric, And, Audio
36. Excerpt from Our Androcentric Culture by Charlotte Perkins Gilman CHAPTER 4: Men And Art Among the many counts in which women have been proven inferior to men in human development is the oft-heard charge that there are no great women
Androcentric, And, Art, Among, Are
37. Another way to say Androcentric? Synonyms for Androcentric (other words and phrases for Androcentric).
Another, Androcentric, And
38. Tion, Androcentric behavior can be moderated by factors that
39. Contexts That Moderate Androcentric .
40. Androcentric in a sentence - Use "Androcentric" in a sentence 1
41. Joan Gero challenged Androcentric explanations of tool-making on several levels
42. For instance, we have categories for " Androcentric bias
43. Click for more sentences of Androcentric
44. Test your understanding of androcentrism and the Androcentric bias by taking our interactive online quiz
Androcentrism, And, Androcentric
45. 6/15/97 Our Androcentric Language * David A
46. Though about 52% of all humans are female, our society uses an Androcentric language.In other words, our language is centered around the male ("andro-") portion of the population.Even if you are …
About, All, Are, An, Androcentric, Around, Andro
47. In Is Philosophy Androcentric?, Iddo Landau contends that none of the arguments for viewing philosophy as pervasively Androcentric ultimately stand up to rational scrutiny, while the ones that show it to be nonpervasively Androcentric do not undermine it in the way that many critics have supposed
Androcentric, Arguments, As
48. Although God’s word is the word for all, the narrative seems very male-dominated, or Androcentric
Although, All, Androcentric
ANDROCENTRIC [ˌandrōˈsentrik]
In this lesson, we'll discuss androcentrism and examples of androcentric bias. Androcentrism refers to perspectives concerned with masculinity or men to the exclusion of other perspectives. The opposite of androcentrism, which occurs when the feminine point of view is emphasized over another, is called gynocentrism.
adjective centered on, emphasizing, or dominated by males or masculine interests: an androcentric society; an androcentric religion. having or regarding man or the male sex as central or primary
When one assumes that the male point of view and experience is the norm for both women and men, he possesses an androcentric bias. An example of androcentric bias is using all male participants in a research study and concluding that the results of the study are true for both women and men. To unlock this lesson you must be a Member.
Feminists have long railed against the androcentric nature of culture, history and indeed safety standards. Apart from going along with an orientalist image of his own faith, he was androcentric in his laws on women and Islam.