See also: Ancestor Ancestry Ancestral Ancestor Ancestors Ancestress Ancestro Common Most Direct Royal Lowest Would Anecdote Ance Anecdotal Ancef Ancient
1. Ancestor definition is - one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparent
Ancestor, And
2. How to use Ancestor in a sentence.
3. Ancestor definition, a person from whom one is descended; forebear; progenitor
4. Ancestor synonyms, Ancestor pronunciation, Ancestor translation, English dictionary definition of Ancestor
5. Geneology - Welcome to! Genealogy is the study and tracing of families
Ancestor, And
6. Thanks to the Internet, the tedious task of searching for ones Ancestors has now become extremely easy
7. Find 13 ways to say Ancestor, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Ancestor, Along, Antonyms, And, At
8. Ancestor: a person who is several generations earlier in an individual's line of descent
Ancestor, An
9. What does Ancestor mean? The definition of an Ancestor is a person or creature from whom one is descended or who lived in the past, or a person w
Ancestor, An
10. Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey is a third-person open world survival game where you Explore, Expand, and Evolve to advance your clan to the next generation in the exciting new adventure from Panache Digital Games.
Ancestors, And, Advance, Adventure
11. The Ancestor is a thriller that reminded me of Michael Crichton in that the author expands the genre, folding in sci-fi, horror, and historical fiction to create a novel that both entertains and asks you to reexamine how you see the world.
Ancestor, Author, And, Asks
12. The Narrator is the Ancestor of the player and former owner of the Estate
Ancestor, And
13. Ancestor-or-self::book: Selects all book Ancestors of the current node - and the current as well if it is a book node: child::*/child::price: Selects all price grandchildren of the current node
Ancestor, All, Ancestors, And, As
14. Ancestor Totem is a subtype of totem
15. Ancestor Totem skill summon Ancestor Totem instead of Ballista Totem
16. Most passive skills that affect totem also affects Ancestor Totem as well
Affect, Also, Affects, Ancestor, As
17. Ancestor Totem is counted in the maximum Totem allowed per character
Ancestor, Allowed
18. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Ancestor an‧ces‧tor / ˈænsəstə, -ses-$ -sestər / noun [countable] 1 FAMILY a member of your family who lived a long time ago → descendant My Ancestors were French
Ancestor, An, Ago, Ancestors
19. An Ancestor is a person (or another organism) from whom (or which) another is descended
An, Ancestor, Another
20. A very similar word is forebear.A female Ancestor may be called an ancestress
Ancestor, An, Ancestress
21. The line of Ancestors from which an organism descends is referred to as its ancestry.
Ancestors, An, As, Ancestry
22. What is the opposite of Ancestor? Antonyms for Ancestor (opposite of Ancestor)
Ancestor, Antonyms
23. ‘An ancient stringed instrument, it is an Ancestor of the European lute.’ ‘It is played on the oud (an Ancestor of the lute) and the rebaba (a one-stringed instrument).’ ‘It was placed there out of the conviction that it was the Ancestor, however remote, of the American constitution and the bill of rights.’
An, Ancient, Ancestor, And, American
24. Ancestor Money - 580 Piece Chinese Joss Paper - Ancestor Money to Burn - Large Dollar Hell Bank Notes, Heaven Bank Notes, Strengthen Connection with Your Ancestor, Bring Good Fortune (Small) 4.7 out of 5 stars 34
25. Ancestors are listed in alphabetical order
Ancestors, Are, Alphabetical
26. Resources relating to an Ancestor may be found by clicking on the name of the Ancestor in the Index
An, Ancestor
27. Beijing’s thrash force Ancestor is considered to be one of the first Chinese old school Thrash Metal bands
28. FindAncestor indicates the Ancestor in the visual tree of the bound element
29. This mode should be used to bind to an Ancestor control represented by the AncestorType property
An, Ancestor, Ancestortype
30. For more information, see Bind to an Ancestor
An, Ancestor
31. FindAncestorBindingContext indicates the BindingContext of the Ancestor in the
32. Antonyms for Ancestor include descendant, successor, descendent, inheritor, offspring, progeny, afterbear, heir, issue and child
Antonyms, Ancestor, Afterbear, And
33. Ancestor worship is a religious practice based on the belief that deceased family members have a continued existence, that the spirits of deceased Ancestors will look after the family, take an interest in the affairs of the world, and possess the ability to influence the fortune of the living.
Ancestor, Ancestors, After, An, Affairs, And, Ability
34. Ancestor worship, prevalent in preliterate societies, is obeisance to the spirits of the dead.
35. Ancestor(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z), Ancestor(Z, Y)
36. But now I have to write a method Ancestor(X,Y,Z) which also prints out the relationship between two persons
Ancestor, Also
37. P = Ancestor(h,type) returns the handle of the closest Ancestor of h, if the Ancestor is one of the types of graphics objects specified by type
38. The Ancestor axis selects all Ancestors element (parent, grandparent, great-grandparents, etc.) of the current node
Ancestor, Axis, All, Ancestors
39. Syntax: //Ancestor::tagName Let’s take an example to understand the concept of Ancestor …
Ancestor, An
40. The Ancestor is the first book I've read by Danielle Trussoni, and I enjoyed it! This book has an intriguing and mysterious start, and I was hooked from the beginning
Ancestor, And, An
41. The generated list of members is sorted starting with the nearest Ancestor of the member, followed by the next nearest Ancestor of the member, and so on
Ancestor, And
42. Using Sample Basic as an example, if you specify @AncestorS(200-30) , Essbase returns 200, Product (in that order).
As, An, Ancestors
43. Ancestor in Selenium Webdriver is a function used to find the Ancestor of a specific member at the specified layer
Ancestor, At
44. The level of Ancestor to be returned or level of the Ancestor relative to level of the member can be explicitly specified
45. It returns number of hierarchical steps from the Ancestor, locating the specified Ancestor that user wants.
46. In June and July 2019, social media users shared reports that claimed one of the Ancestors of 2020 presidential Democratic primary candidate and U.S
And, Ancestors
47. The Ancestor is a Cryptidfeatured in Awakeningand Exodus
Ancestor, Awakeningand
48. 1 Description 1.1 Attacks 2 Gallery 3 Trivia The Ancestors control the Cryptids and are the main antagonists of the Extinction storyline
Attacks, Ancestors, And, Are, Antagonists
49. The Ancestors' head is elongated and has two glowing eyes
Ancestors, And
50. Ancestor - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
Ancestor, And
51. The term Ancestor worship designates rites and beliefs concerning deceased kinsmen
Ancestor, And
52. Rites of Ancestor worship include personal devotions, domestic rites, the ancestral rites of a kinship group such as a lineage, periodic rites on the death day of the deceased, and annual rites for collectivity of Ancestors
Ancestor, Ancestral, As, And, Annual, Ancestors
53. Ancestor Money-25 pieces, Hoodoo, Voodoo, Santería, Vadou, Palo, Obeah, Rootwork, Conjure, Conjure Candles, Money Drawing, Ancestor Altar NewElementCandleCo
Ancestor, Altar
54. Bestseller Add to Favorites Ancestor Money 1122 Octillion Highest Denomination
Add, Ancestor
55. In China, Ancestor veneration (敬祖, pinyin: jìngzǔ) and Ancestor worship (拜祖, pinyin: bàizǔ) seek to honour and recollect the actions of the deceased; they represent the ultimate homage to the dead
Ancestor, And, Actions
ANCESTOR [ˈanˌsestər]