See also: Ancestor Ancestry Ancestral Ancaps Ancestro Ancestress Anecdote Ance Anecdotal Ancient Ancey
1. Anceps In Greek and Latin meter, an Anceps syllable is a syllable in a metrical line which can be either short or long. An Anceps syllable may be called "free" or "irrational" depending on the type of meter being discussed
Anceps, And, An
2. Anceps syllables can be found in a variety of metrical forms.
3. Geographic Range The two-ridge rams-horn snail, Helisoma Anceps, is found throughout North America
Anceps, America
4. English words for Anceps include ambiguous, dangerous, uncertain, hazardous, risk, two-headed, peril, precarious and two-edged
Anceps, Ambiguous, And
5. Stauroneis Anceps is one of the most commonly misidentified Stauroneis species in North America. Reichardt (1995) designated the lectotype for this species (Tafel 16, fig
Anceps, America
6. Dendrobium Anceps is also commonly known as “Double Edged Dendrobium”.
Anceps, Also, As
7. L. Anceps was first described by John Lindley in the Botanical Register in 1835
8. Dendrobium Anceps is a species of genus Dendrobium 1 Description 2 Distribution 3 Culture 4 Naming 4.1 Synonyms Plant blooms from summer to fall with a single 1.25 cm wide fragrant flower
9. Meridion Anceps is widely distributed across North America, notably in the western United States
Anceps, Across, America
10. Desmella Anceps is a species of tephritid or fruit flies in the genus Desmella of the family Tephritidae
11. Thus Anceps sententia is an opinion which wavers, fluctuates between two decisions, while duplex sententia is a twofold opinion): “ Post altrinsecus ancipes securiculast, ” …
Anceps, An, Altrinsecus, Ancipes
12. Laelia Anceps, Yoshitaka Nagamatsu: L
13. Anceps, Bill Hilton the spike is 2 ft
14. Panicum Anceps (Beaked Panicgrass) Panicum Anceps (Beaked Panicgrass) from 1.05
15. Laelia Anceps is a plant in the genus Laelia
16. Laelia; Laelia Anceps: Scientific classification; Kingdom: Plantae: Clade: : Tracheophytes: Clade: : Angiosperms: Clade: : Monocots: Order: Asparagales: Family
Anceps, Angiosperms, Asparagales
17. Syllaba Anceps definition is - a syllable occurring at the end of a sentence or verse in a metrical scheme whose short or long quantity is obscured by the terminal pause; specifically : such a syllable occurring in the rhythms of ancient verse wherever there is a diaeresis or serving as a terminal demarcation at the end of a verse or between asynartetic cola.
Anceps, At, Ancient, As, Asynartetic
18. Coleataenia Anceps ssp. Anceps FAMILY Poaceae Beaked Panicum, Beaked Panicgrass Dig deeper at SERNEC, a consortium of southeastern herbaria
Anceps, At
19. Citation: LACHNOCAULON Anceps (Walter) Morong, Bull
20. Basionym: Eriocaulon Anceps Walter 1788
21. Uintatherium Anceps (Marsh) Uintatherium robustum (Marsh) See more items in Paleogeneral Mammals Terrestrial - Paleogene Mammalia Eocene Bridgerian Bridger Basin Paleobiology Taxonomy Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Synapsida Mammalia Eutheria Laurasiatheria Dinocerata Uintatheriidae NMNH - Paleobiology Dept
Anceps, Animalia
22. Anceps proper may be treated as the result of one rule and brevis in Zongo as the result of a different one: the distinction thus drawn depends inter alia on the metrical elements that the rules change and, of course, on the environments in which they operate syZZaba brevis in elemento Zongo means that there is a rule optionally
Anceps, As, And, Alia
23. Lachnocaulon Anceps (Walter) Morong – whitehead bogbutton Subordinate Taxa
24. Poa Anceps is a very variable species and would repay some critical horticultural selection
Anceps, And
25. Geographic subdivisions for Caulanthus Anceps: s SNF, Teh, sw SnJV, se SCoRO, SCoRI, n WTR
26. Overview: Iridomyrmex Anceps is a dull, light to dark brown polymorphic species with large inset eyes high on the head, dense pubescence, relatively long limbs, and distinctive anterior clypeal margin with three convexities
Anceps, And, Anterior
27. Laelia Anceps is a very rewarding and beautiful species from Mexico
Anceps, And
28. Anceps 'SanBar Marble King' AM/AOS is a very proven tetraploid alba that has produced many awarded hybrids.
Anceps, Am, Aos, Alba, Awarded
29. Anceps in growth habit and flower, blooms are slightly smaller with more rounded petals, sepals and petals have hot pink tips fading to a blush base, lip is intense carmine with a yellow center striped with red, autumn bloomer and fragrant
Anceps, And, Are, Autumn
30. Página Oficial da Anceps no Facebook
31. Contato para Shows: Anceps[email protected] 21 96449-7863 21 98221-6410
32. 932696.00 – 9976 – Platypolia Anceps (Stephens, 1850) Photographs are the copyrighted property of each photographer listed
Anceps, Are
33. Helisoma Anceps is smaller and more benthic than the better-known H
Anceps, And
34. Helisoma Anceps royalense Lake Superior ramshorn
35. Anceps 'Disciplinata' HCC/AOS MC2312 PLEASE NOTE: Since this is a Seedling Population (not a Mericlone which produces exact duplicates), the picture is for illustration purposes only
Anceps, Aos
36. Geographic subdivisions for Allium Anceps: CaRH, n&c SNH, MP, SNE (Masonic Hills) MAP CONTROLS 1
Allium, Anceps, Amp
37. Helisoma Anceps breeds in the warmer months of the year
38. Bog Button, Lauchnocaulon Anceps, is a native Florida perennial herb in the pipewort family
39. Anceps 'Marblehall Imperialis' 25.00
40. Aleuritopteris Anceps in Kew Science Plants of the World online
Aleuritopteris, Anceps
41. Anceps from the United States during the Early to Middle Eocene (56-38 million years ago) and U
Anceps, Ago, And
42. Acardius Anceps: an acardiac fetus with partly developed head and deformed face, trunk, and limbs.
Acardius, Anceps, An, Acardiac, And
Anceps. In Greek and Latin meter, an anceps syllable (plural ancipites) is a syllable in a metrical line which can be either short or long. An anceps syllable may be called "free" or "irrational" depending on the type of meter being discussed. Anceps syllables can be found in a variety of metrical forms.
anceps (genitive ancipitis); third-declension one-termination adjective. double-headed, having two heads. (of mountains) having two summits or peaks.
Another distinction can be made between the ordinary anceps positions at the beginning or middle of a line of verse and the phenomenon of brevis in longo, which is when a short syllable at the end of a line counts as long because of the pause which follows.