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See also: Amorist Amortization Armoury Amorites Amours Armories Amount Amour Among Amounted Amorous Amounting Amouranth Armoured Issue

1. What does Amourists mean? Plural form of amourist

Amourists, Amourist

2. The Amourists, or love sonneteers, dwelt on the metaphysics of the passion with a tedious minuteness, and the conventional nature of their sighs and complaints may often be guessed by an experienced reader from the titles of their poems: "Description of the restless state of a lover, with suit to his lady to rue on his dying heart;" "Hell

Amourists, And, An

3. She curls her silver hair like Amourists, Smooths her bright cheeks, adorns her brow with ships, And, empress-like, along the coast she trips

Amourists, Adorns, And, Along

4. At this, when these Amourists had severally conceded, each, that he could boast of no indication of a preference shown by Oon-yay-stee to himself, upon which to found a reasonable hope of ultimately succeeding, it was finally determined, that their claims should be …

At, Amourists

5. Xxxvi., says of this ditty: “Outside the magical circle of Shakespeare, I cannot find the truth and tenderness of this song anywhere equalled among our Elizabethan Amourists.”

And, Anywhere, Among, Amourists

6. The Amourists- Rebound ManDirected by Nicole Nodland and Johnny BlueeyesDOP: Charlie HerranzStyling by Johnny Blueeyes and Orsolya SzaboOffline Editor: Pawel

Amourists, And

7. Herrick and the Amourists known as "Cavalier Lyrists" form one group in it, and Crashaw, Herbert, and Vaughan, religious poets, together with Herrick, are the only ones whose work has secured immortality.

And, Amourists, As, Are

8. Revered, ridiculed and equally adored by the public, Dame Barbara Cartland was a 1920s society girl who became one of Britain’s most famous Amourists.

And, Adored, Amourists

9. What god is worthier of solicitation by anxious Amourists? If he is base, go to a worthier one

Anxious, Amourists

10. In the marriage procession of Henry Tudor and Elizabeth York, says an agreeable writer each partizan of Lancaster gave his hand to a lady of the York party, holding a bouquet of two roses, der and white entwined; and at the birth of Prince Henry, the Amourists composed a rose of two colours (the leaves alternating red and white), as an

And, An, Agreeable, At, Amourists, Alternating, As

11. Elizabethan "Amourists," Shakespeare, always and in every circumstance exceptional, being here excepted

Amourists, Always, And

12. Their music video for The Amourists exudes glamour and confidence, and Loco and Dirty Looks were happy to lend their technical expertise and creative talents to the project.

Amourists, And

13. This gave the several Amourists all knowledge on whose account they found much cold entertainment from their beloved mistress, whom every one of them fearing to lose, (illegible text) nt his study how to remove the obstacle which stood between them and their much desired happiness

Amourists, All, Account, And

14. Herrick and the Amourists known as "Cavalier Lyrists" form one group in it, and Crashaw, Herbert, and Vaughan, religious poets, together with Herrick, are the only ones whose work has secured immortality

And, Amourists, As, Are

15. The Amourists "Rebound Man" Music Video 9 years ago For more information or if you would like to discuss a script or treatment, please email Dan, Phin, Jen or Saša at or call us on +44 20 7304 4403 or visit our website .

Amourists, Ago, At

16. To view our earlier collaborations with Nicole Nodland including music videos Slow Moving Millie and The Amourists, visit the Loco web site

And, Amourists

17. Amourists: amourous amourously amourousness amours amovability amovable amove amoved amoves amoving: Literary usage of Amour

Amourists, Amourous, Amourously, Amourousness, Amours, Amovability, Amovable, Amove, Amoved, Amoves, Amoving, Amour

18. Defined as much by productions and remixes under various monikers (Ashtrax, The Amourists, The Remote, Casselle) as he is by his ever shifting dj sound (reflected in mix compilations such as the deep and daring Deviations, his Radio1 Essential Mix and recently the Ashmachine Live series) he's been working on remixes for Paper Recordings and Wall of Sound with some new music forthcoming for

As, And, Ashtrax, Amourists, Ashmachine

19. In the marriage procession of Henry Tudor and Elizabeth York, says an agreeable writer each partizan of Lancaster gave his hand to a lady of the York party, holding a bouquet of two roses, der and white entwined; and at the birth of Prince Henry, the Amourists composed a rose of two colours (the leaves alternating red and white), as an

And, An, Agreeable, At, Amourists, Alternating, As

20. To view our earlier collaborations with Nicole Nodland including music videos Slow Moving Millie and The Amourists, visit the Loco web site

And, Amourists

21. On the third Wednesday there are usually a couple of other groups with a particular interest - the record club and the bisexual female poly-Amourists - meeting in the upstairs bar too, so there can be a bit of social interaction which adds to the evening's fun

Are, And, Amourists, Adds

22. Con- L°* OODBERGUS Tales, Sketches, and Miscellaneous Papers of TV ^'RAT Novelists, Storytellers, and H Amourists TH ^AY- Richly illustrated by J

And, Amourists, Ay

23. Natalia Khutkubia - The Amourists - Rebound Man; Xulin Liu for Rake; Andrey Smidl for Topman; Daisuke Ueda, Jermaine Josephs and Yousef Badawy; Aaron Vernon, Andrey Smidl and Thomas Penfound for Timothy Kelleher for J.W

Amourists, Andrey, And, Aaron

24. On the third Wednesday there are usually a couple of other groups with a particular interest - the record club and the bisexual female poly-Amourists - meeting in the upstairs bar too, so there can be a bit of social interaction which adds to the evening's fun

Are, And, Amourists, Adds

25. When Shelley compared the poetry of the Theocritean Amourists to the perfume of the tuberose, and that of the earlier Greek poets to “a meadow-gale of June, which mingles the fragrance of all the flowers of the field,” he supplied us with critical images which may not unfairly be used to point the distinction between Sodoma at Monte Oliveto

Amourists, And, All, At

26. Amourists amourous amourously amourousness amours amovability amovable: amove amoved amoves amoving amoxapine amoxicillin (current term) amoxicillins amoxycillin amoxycillins amp-hr: amp

Amourists, Amourous, Amourously, Amourousness, Amours, Amovability, Amovable, Amove, Amoved, Amoves, Amoving, Amoxapine, Amoxicillin, Amoxicillins, Amoxycillin, Amoxycillins, Amp

27. The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of 50, Conchas at $3.50, and Perfectos, 14.50 at Lippcnan Bros., whole sale Amourists, Barnard and Congress streets, of this city.—ad

Are, At, And, Amourists, Ad


AMOURISTS [ˈamərəst]

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does Amorist mean?

    Definition of amorist. 1 : a devotee of love and especially sexual love : gallant. 2 : one who writes about romantic love.

    What does amerist mean?

    Definition of amorist. 1 : a devotee of love and especially sexual love : gallant. 2 : one who writes about romantic love.

    What does the name Amorite mean?

    n. A member of one of several ancient Semitic peoples primarily inhabiting Canaan, where they preceded the Israelites, and Babylonia. [From Hebrew 'ĕmōrî, Amorite, from Akkadian amurrû, westerner, Amorite, from amurru, western geographical and tribal designation, perhaps from Sumerian martu, westerner, country to the west of Sumer .]

    Where did the saying Amort , Amort come from?

    First recorded in 1580–90, amort is from French à mort “at (the point of) death.” See a- 5, mort 1 amort. amortization. Wherever the figure of Death is introduced, he is accompanied with the motto “ Amort, amort .” Eusebius Amort died; a distinguished Bavarian ecclesiastical and theological writer. What Is “GOP” Short For?

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