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See also: Amoebas Amoebae Amoeba Do Amoebic Amoeboid Amore Amoebocyte

1. Amoeba, also spelled ameba, plural Amoebas or amoebae, any of the microscopic unicellular protozoans of the rhizopodan order Amoebida

Amoeba, Also, Ameba, Amoebas, Amoebae, Any, Amoebida

2. There are numerous parasitic Amoebas.

Are, Amoebas

3. An amoeba is an aquatic, single-celled protist characterized by a gelatinous body, amorphous shape, and amoeboid movement. Amoebas can form temporary extensions of their cytoplasm known as pseudopodia or "false feet" which can be used for locomotion or capturing food

An, Amoeba, Aquatic, Amorphous, And, Amoeboid, Amoebas, As

4. Food acquisition is Amoebas occurs by a type of endocytosis called phagocytosis.

Acquisition, Amoebas

5. Amoebas are very small single-celled organisms (250-750 microns) known to live in freshwaters, such as rivers, ponds, and lakes

Amoebas, Are, As, And

6. Amoebas use pseudopodia, which are finger-like formations, to move very slowly from one place to another and capture food for consumption

Amoebas, Are, Another, And

7. The plural of amoeba is "amoebae", not "Amoebas"

Amoeba, Amoebae, Amoebas

8. Medical Definition of amoeba 1 capitalized : a large genus of naked rhizopod protozoans that have lobed and never anastomosing pseudopodia and are widely distributed in fresh and salt water and moist terrestrial environments 2 also ameba plural Amoebas or amoebae\ -​ (ˌ)bē

Amoeba, And, Anastomosing, Are, Also, Ameba, Amoebas, Amoebae

9. An amoeba (pronounced uh-MEE-buh) is any of several tiny, one-celled protozoa in the phylum (or primary division of the animal kingdom) Sarcodina. Amoebas live in freshwater and salt water, in soil, and as parasites in moist body parts of animals.

An, Amoeba, Any, Animal, Amoebas, And, As, Animals

10. Amoebas are single-celled organisms

Amoebas, Are

11. Amoeba (plural Amoebas/amoebae) is a group of primitive protists

Amoeba, Amoebas, Amoebae

12. Among the big family of Amoebas, Amoeba proteus is probably the best-known member – common in classrooms and research …

Among, Amoebas, Amoeba, And

13. Amoebas are crafty, shape-shifting engineers They can change form, build shells, punch holes in prey — even farm their own food An amoeba (in orange) named Vampyrella lateritia finishes eating the contents of an algal cell (green)

Amoebas, Are, An, Amoeba, Algal

14. Though often overlooked, Amoebas have an amazing range of unusual behaviors.

Amoebas, An, Amazing

15. Most Amoebas are so small that they can only be seen though a …

Amoebas, Are

16. Amoebas that are parasites in humans can cause disease

Amoebas, Are

17. Amoebas are very common in some areas of the world

Amoebas, Are, Areas

18. Plural Amoebas or amoebae (ə-mē′bē) A one-celled microscopic organism that constantly changes shape by forming pseudopods, temporary projections that are used for movement and for the ingestion of food

Amoebas, Amoebae, Are, And

19. Amoebas are members of the group of organisms called protozoans

Amoebas, Are

20. Amoebas are considered the most primitive animals and are classified in the kingdom Protista

Amoebas, Are, Animals, And

21. Amoebas: Only the most evolved wins


22. Amoebas seem to use different engulfing tactics to suit the various types of prey


23. (1) A genus of Amoebas of the order Amoebida

Amoebas, Amoebida

24. (2) An imprecise name for several types of free-living unicellular phagocytic organisms; the pathogenic Amoebas have been reclassified as Entamoeba spp, Endolimax spp, and others Giant forms (eg

An, Amoebas, As, And

25. Amoebas are fascinating little creatures with a body made of just one cell

Amoebas, Are

26. Many Amoebas live in fresh water, salt water, or wet soil


27. Brain-eating Amoebas around the world are generally relegated to sunny climes, but when two PAM cases were confirmed in Minnesota in 2010 and …

Amoebas, Around, Are, And

28. The Amoebas find each other and merge, becoming a single slug made of tens of thousands of individual Amoebas

Amoebas, And

29. Slime mold farmers The symbiotically dependent Amoebas developed into an undeniably separate species, because attempts to interbreed with the parent stock would infect and kill them.

Amoebas, An, Attempts, And

30. Amoebas can live in a variety of environments, and a good number live in freshwater

Amoebas, And

31. Since Amoebas don’t have a rigid cell wall like bacteria, they’re susceptible to changes in osmotic pressure


32. To solve this, freshwater Amoebas actually have a …

Amoebas, Actually

33. Amoebas, long thought to reproduce asexually, are getting a sexy redefinition

Amoebas, Asexually, Are

34. One of the most common Amoebas in the world, Amoeba proteus is constantly changing its shape and color as it explores (and engulfs) its environment! First discovered in 1755, Amoebas are now widely familiar one-cell creatures

Amoebas, Amoeba, And, As, Are

35. The Amoebas are a 1993 creation of childhood friends Christopher Neal and Aaron Gill.

Amoebas, Are, And, Aaron

36. Amoebas are one-celled animals that can only be seen by a microscope and live in freshwater, saltwater, soil, and even the bodies of animals

Amoebas, Are, Animals, And

37. They split in half to form new Amoebas


38. The list of surprising abilities is extensive, and just when you think it might run out, someone comes along and shows that bacteria can turn Amoebas into …

Abilities, And, Along, Amoebas

39. Protists: Algae, Amoebas, Plankton, and Other Protists (Class of Their Own (Paperback)) [Arato, Rona] on

Algae, Amoebas, And, Arato, Amazon

40. Protists: Algae, Amoebas, Plankton, and Other Protists (Class of Their Own (Paperback))

Algae, Amoebas, And


AMOEBAS [əˈmēbə]

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name amoeba mean?

Definition of amoeba. : any of a large genus (Amoeba) of naked rhizopod protozoans with lobed and never anastomosing pseudopodia, without permanent organelles or supporting structures, and of wide distribution in fresh and salt water and moist terrestrial environments broadly : a naked rhizopod or other amoeboid protozoan .

What is the function of an amoeba?

Key Takeaways: Amoebas An amoeba is an aquatic, single-celled protist characterized by a gelatinous body, amorphous shape, and amoeboid movement. Amoebas can form temporary extensions of their cytoplasm known as pseudopodia or "false feet" which can be used for locomotion or capturing food.

What is the meaning of Amoeba?

Definition of amoeba : any of a large genus (Amoeba) of naked rhizopod protozoans with lobed and never anastomosing pseudopodia, without permanent organelles or supporting structures, and of wide distribution in fresh and salt water and moist terrestrial environments broadly : a naked rhizopod or other amoeboid protozoan

What does an amoeba's name mean?

According to a user from India, the name Amoeba is of English origin and means "Gift of god". Search for more names by meaning.

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