Use Alphameric in a sentence

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See also: Alphanumeric Alphanumerically Alpha Alphabet Alphabetical Alphabetize Alphabetic Male

1. Alphanumeric, also referred to as Alphameric, is a term that encompasses all of the letters and numerals in a given language set

Alphanumeric, Also, As, Alphameric, All, And

2. Alphameric is a technology company that helps empowering businesses, in-turn generate new ways of running an enterprise by adopting strategy to transform the eco-system digitally & ready the stake holders to innovate & operate

Alphameric, An, Adopting, Amp

3. Alphameric ACCOUNTING Our goal is to meet and exceed the needs of our clientele in the most timely, friendly, and professional way we can

Alphameric, Accounting, And

4. Get reviews, hours, directions, coupons and more for Alphameric Accounting at 3940 W Touhy Ave, Lincolnwood, IL 60712

And, Alphameric, Accounting, At, Ave

5. Alphameric, operating from offices in the city centre, Stockport and Leicester, is selling its retail arm for an initial consideration of é10m in cash and é5m in shares.

Alphameric, And, Arm, An

6. Alphanumeric, also known as Alphameric, simply refers to the type of Latin and Arabic characters representing the numbers 0 – 9, the letters A – Z (both uppercase and lowercase), and some common symbols such as @ # * and &.

Alphanumeric, Also, As, Alphameric, And, Arabic, Amp

7. Kardaras, Alphameric Accounting has continued to be a family business with a commitment to providing the best service to our clients

Alphameric, Accounting

8. Get directions, reviews and information for Alphameric Accounting in Lincolnwood, IL

And, Alphameric, Accounting

9. Alphameric Accounting 3940 W Touhy Ave Lincolnwood IL 60712

Alphameric, Accounting, Ave

10. Alphameric Retail’s latest products will be on show throughout Retail Solutions on Stand R40, while MRS Software is exhibiting on Stand P20


11. Alphameric How many syllables? 4 Syllables How it's divided? al-pha-mer-ic

Alphameric, Al

12. Alphanumeric, also called Alphameric, is the set of letters of the alphabet and numeric characters from 0 through 9

Alphanumeric, Also, Alphameric, Alphabet, And

13. Alphameric Leisure Alphameric Leisure’s strong first half performance continued into the second half, with sales for the year up 15% to £30.3 million (2003: £26.4 million) and operating profits (before the amortisation of goodwill) up 44% to £4.2 million (2003: £2.9 million).

Alphameric, And, Amortisation

14. Since then, Alphameric announced it was in exploratory takeover talks with an unnamed party, widely reported – incorrectly – to be a Lewis bid vehicle

Alphameric, Announced, An

15. Alphameric Accounting, Lincolnwood, IL

Alphameric, Accounting

16. Alphameric Technologies Pvt Ltd 133 followers on LinkedIn


17. Alphameric is a technology company that helps empowering businesses, in-turn generate new ways of running an enterprise by adopting strategy to transform the eco-system digitally & ready the stake holders to innovate & operate

Alphameric, An, Adopting, Amp

18. Alphameric announced on 7 May the agreement to sell the solutions unit to Orbis for GBP15.475m (USD22.4m/EUR18.3m) in cash to boost returns for shareholders

Alphameric, Announced, Agreement

19. UK Alphameric wraps up disposal of solutions business The news boosted Alphameric 's shares by …


20. Definition of Alphamerics in the dictionary


21. What does Alphamerics mean? Information and translations of Alphamerics in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Alphamerics, And

22. Kardaras, Alphameric Accounting has continued to be a family business with a commitment to providing the best service to our clients.

Alphameric, Accounting

23. Initially joined Alphameric as a technology leader and to lead Research and Development, but role expanded to also be accountable for major Retail products in market at the company

Alphameric, As, And, Also, Accountable, At

24. AlphanumERIC (sometimes seen as Alphameric) is a combination of alphabetic and numERIC characters, and is used to describe the collection of Latin letters and Arabic digits or a text constructed from this collection.

Alphanumeric, As, Alphameric, Alphabetic, And, Arabic

25. Alphanumeric (ăl'fəno͝omĕr`ĭk) or Alphameric (ăl'fəmĕr`ĭk), the set of letters and numbers

Alphanumeric, Alphameric, And

26. Alphanumeric: 1 adj of or pertaining to alphanumeric characters Synonyms: Alphameric , Alphamerical , alphanumerical

Alphanumeric, Adj, Alphameric, Alphamerical, Alphanumerical

27. Can be up to 22 digits; (Alphameric)


28. Alphameric Plc designs, develops and implements multi-channel, enterprise and hospitality services

Alphameric, And

29. Definitions of Alphameric, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Alphameric, analogical dictionary of Alphameric (English)

Alphameric, Antonyms, Analogical

30. We found 18 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Alphameric: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Alphameric" is defined


31. General (15 matching dictionaries) Alphameric: [home, info]


32. Alphameric Jun 1998 - Apr 2000 1 year 11 months

Alphameric, Apr

33. Software Engineer Alphameric Retail 1997 - 2000 3 years


34. Alphameric (ăl'fəmĕr`ĭk), the set of letters and numbers

Alphameric, And

35. Why Alphameric? We at Alpha help our clients to transform to digital world knowing your customer behavior & business, creating insight & supporting the way out to stand out in the industry

Alphameric, At, Alpha, Amp

36. Alphanumeric (sometimes shortened to Alphameric) is a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters

Alphanumeric, Alphameric, Alphabetic, And

37. Alphameric - find the meaning and all words formed with Alphameric, anagrams with Alphameric and much more.

Alphameric, And, All, Anagrams

38. Alphameric byt incunabula У нас осталось только два дня



ALPHAMERIC [ˌalfən(y)o͞oˈmerik]

  • › Alpha numeric format meaning
  • › Alpha numeric numbers examples

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name alphanumeric mean?

Alphanumeric is a combination of alphabetical and numerical characters and is used to describe the collection of Latin letters and Arabic digits or a text constructed from this collection. Merriam-Webster suggests that the term "alphanumeric" may often additionally refer to other symbols, such as punctuation and mathematical symbols.

What does alphanumeric mean example?

Use alphanumeric in a sentence. adjective. The definition of alphanumeric is something that contains letters and numbers. A password that requires both letters and numbers is an example of an alphanumeric password. A computer keyboard is an example of an alphanumeric keyboard.

What does alphanumerical mean?

Definition of alphanumeric. 1 : consisting of both letters and numbers and often other symbols (such as punctuation marks and mathematical symbols) an alphanumeric code also : being a character in an alphanumeric system. 2 : capable of using or displaying alphanumeric characters.

What are the examples of alphanumeric characters?

Alphanumeric characters comprise the combination of the twenty-six characters of the alphabet (from A to Z) and the numbers 0 to 9. Therefore, 1, 2, q, f, m, p, and 10 are all examples of alphanumeric characters. Symbols like *, & and @ are also considered alphanumeric characters. These characters can also be used in combination.

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