See also: Aloud A Alodia Alodine Loud Loudspeaker Allow Aludel Aludra Allowed Allowing Allowable Allowances Loudly Louden Louder Loudest Loudened Loudening Loudness Alou Aloup Alouatta Alouette
1. Aloud definition is - with the speaking voice in a way that can be clearly heard
2. How to use Aloud in a sentence.
3. Aloud definition, with the normal tone and volume of the speaking voice, as distinguished from whisperingly: They could not speak Aloud in the library
Aloud, And, As
4. Aloud spoken in a normal tone and volume; vocally: Read the story Aloud
Aloud, And
5. Aloud with the normal tone of a speaking voice; vocally: He read Aloud in class
6. In a voice loud enough to be heard: He read her letter Aloud to the rest of the family
7. People are starting to wonder Aloud (= question publicly) whether the economic reforms have gone too far.
Are, Aloud
8. Find 12 ways to say Aloud, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Aloud, Along, Antonyms, And, At
9. About Aloud Some bands you can always recognize–they produce the same sound, even the same song, year after year
About, Aloud, Always, After
10. But great musicians don’t just keep playing, they constantly evolve. Aloud’s new record, Sprezzatura, is a showcase for a band joyfully shedding the old and moving boldly forward, both sonically and lyrically.
Aloud, And
11. Buy tickets online with
12. The biggest concert tickets, comedy tickets and theatre tickets available online today! Tickets
And, Available, Aloud
13. Keep me up-to-date via email with the latest news, pre-sales and more from is …
And, Aloud
14. Aloud and out loud are both fully established phrases and can often be used interchangeably, although "Aloud" is much older
Aloud, And, Are, Although
15. The adverb "Aloud" means out loud or audibly
Adverb, Aloud, Audibly
16. ReadAloud is a very powerful text-to-speech app which can read Aloud web pages, news, documents, e-books or your own custom contents
App, Aloud
17. ReadAloud can help with your busy life by reading Aloud your articles while you continue with your other tasks.
Aloud, Articles
18. Keep me up-to-date via email with the latest news, pre-sales and more from is part of Bauer Media Group
And, Aloud
19. Aloud is an American indie rock band known for its songwriting and vocal prowess, as well as using a two lead singer approach.
Aloud, An, American, And, As, Approach
20. To read out loud and to read Aloud mean the same thing, but in the old days, Aloud was the only cultured option
And, Aloud
21. In the early 1900s, usage guide writers looked down their noses at out loud and called it “colloquial.” Today, out loud and Aloud are both fine, although Aloud still feels more high-brow and formal
At, And, Aloud, Are, Although
22. Aloud is an adverb defined as “with the use of the voice; orally, and audible, not silently or in a whisper.” To say something Aloud is to say it in a voice that can be clearly heard, and can be distinguished from a whisper. Out loud (two words) functions as an adverbial phrase and means basically the same thing as …
Aloud, An, Adverb, As, And, Audible, Adverbial
23. Aloud is defined as something spoken or that can be heard
Aloud, As
24. Saying what you are thinking is an example of thinking Aloud.
Are, An, Aloud
25. Aloud! understands various languages, including English, Chinese, French, German and Japanese
Aloud, And
26. Aloud! can read at different speeds and pause at any time you want
Aloud, At, And, Any
27. Aloud! will never get tired, feel free to ask him to read arbitrarily long passages! Aloud! saves articles as well as your reading progress for you.
Aloud, Ask, Arbitrarily, Articles, As
28. By definition, Aloud is an adverb that can mean three things
Aloud, An, Adverb
29. When used in a sentence, it could often mean that you say something with a louder voice than normal like in the sentence, ‘They cried Aloud in sorrow.’ Another meaning could be that you actually …
Aloud, Another, Actually
30. Having presented over 1,200 public programs over the decades, featuring a range of authors, scientists, thinkers and artists, the critically acclaimed Aloud series engages Angelenos in critical civic and cultural discourse, inspiring lifelong learning and exploring
Authors, And, Artists, Acclaimed, Aloud, Angelenos
31. See 2 authoritative translations of Aloud in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.
Authoritative, Aloud, And, Audio
32. Our featured story today is this animated version of The Snow Day, expertly and wonderfully read Aloud by composer, poet, and artist, Napoleon Maddox and brought to you by the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation
Animated, And, Aloud, Artist
33. Action on Stimulus Bill Halts as Senate Clerks Read All 628 Pages Aloud Senator Ron Johnson delayed proceedings on the nearly $2 trillion relief package by …
Action, As, All, Aloud
34. He read his sister's letter Aloud
35. Joanne, would you read the poem Aloud? 3
36. Please read the following sentences Aloud
37. Please read this passage Aloud, Jennifer
38. Try speaking Aloud rather than whispering
39. But Miss Thorn relieved the situation by laughing Aloud, and with such a hearty enjoyment that instead of getting angry and
Aloud, And, Angry
40. Read Aloud reads all or part of your document
Aloud, All
41. You can use Read Aloud on its own or within Immersive Reader for Word in Windows and MacOS
Aloud, And
42. Aloud definition: When you say something, read , or laugh Aloud , you speak or laugh so that other people Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Aloud, And
43. Aloud: 1 adv using the voice; not silently “please read the passage Aloud ” Synonyms: out loud adv with relatively high volume “cried Aloud for help” Synonyms: loud …
Aloud, Adv
44. Aloud adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (loudly) a gran voce, a squarciagola loc avv locuzione avverbiale : Espressione di più parole che descrive o specifica il significato di un verbo, di una frase, o di parti del discorso: "Siamo arrivati in
Aloud, Adv, Adverb, Adjective, Avv, Avverbiale, Arrivati
45. He cried Aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches: Daniel 5:7 View whole chapter See verse in context The king cried Aloud to bring in the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers
Aloud, And, Away, Astrologers
46. Read Aloud uses text-to-speech (TTS) technology to convert webpage text to audio
Aloud, Audio
47. Listen to more from Girls Aloud: 'Something New' from iTunes: the album Ten, a colle
Aloud, Album
48. Aloud is the Library Foundation of Los Angeles’ celebrated literary series of conversations, readings and performances at the downtown Central Library
Aloud, Angeles, And, At
49. How to Use Windows 10's Narrator to Read Your Screen Aloud
50. Windows Narrator is a screen reader and text-to-speak tool that allows you to hear text and screen elements read Aloud.
And, Allows, Aloud
51. Aloud's profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
Aloud, Albums, And
52. Hey Happy Readers!! Welcome to our Children's Books Read Aloud! In this video we present St Patrick's Day Books for Kids, How to Catch a Leprechaun book rea
53. We've got 171 rhyming words for Aloud » What rhymes with Aloud? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Aloud.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
Aloud, About
54. Welcome to the original read Aloud channel for children! Beloved by Kids, Educators & Authors, we have the largest online library of children's books.
Aloud, Amp, Authors
55. Another way to have your text read Aloud in Word is to select the Review tab > Read Aloud button
Another, Aloud
56. The greatest benefit of Read Aloud …
57. • Reading Aloud supports the development of think-ing skills as children and adults discuss books, articles, and other texts they read together
Aloud, As, And, Adults, Articles
58. Read Aloud early, later, and as often as possible • Reading Aloud is important from infancy through the high school years
Aloud, And, As
59. Read-Aloud Books Read-Aloud Books
60. Target specific sounds with Read-Aloud Books that partner well with any phonics lesson that corresponds to a particular book's target sound
Aloud, Any
61. Read-Aloud Books also build critical phonemic awareness skills.
Aloud, Also, Awareness
62. * , title=(The Celebrity), chapter=5 , passage=Then we relapsed into a discomfited silence, and wished we were anywhere else.But Miss Thorn relieved the situation by laughing Aloud , and with such a hearty enjoyment that instead of getting angry and more mortified we began to laugh ourselves, and instantly felt better.}}
And, Anywhere, Aloud, Angry
63. Read Aloud is a program that will read text Aloud
64. It has two main interfaces, one for entering Web addresses that the program will browse to and read the text on Aloud, and another tab labeled
Addresses, And, Aloud, Another
65. Read Aloud is the better choice, if available in Word 365 or Word 2019
Aloud, Available
66. There’s a lot that’s not properly documented about Read Aloud in Word
About, Aloud
67. The page labelled Listen to your Word documents with Read Aloud only tells you to click the Read Aloud button
68. Girls Aloud were an English-Irish pop girl group, which was created through the ITV talent show Popstars: The Rivals in 2002
Aloud, An
ALOUD [əˈloud]
aloud (adverb)
As adverbs the difference between loudly and aloud is that loudly is in a loud manner; at a high volume while aloud is with a loud voice, or great noise; loudly; audibly. As a adjective aloud is spoken out loud.
With a loud voice, or great noise; loudly; audibly. Etymology: From aloud, , equivalent to or . Audibly, as opposed to silent, as in speaking aloud rather than thinking thoughts privately. Etymology: From aloud, , equivalent to or . Spoken out loud.
Aloud comes to us in the late fourteenth century by adding the prefix a- to the word loud. Allowed is the past tense of the verb allow, meaning 1.) to permit, 2.) to let happen, 3.) to permit entrance, 4.) to acknowledge the truth or acceptability of something. Related words are allows, allowing, allowedly.
Definition of aloud. 1 : with the speaking voice in a way that can be clearly heard She read the story aloud. 2 archaic : in a loud manner : loudly.