See also: Alleluia Allegory Alleviate Allele Allegedly Allegiance Alley Allergy Allegorical Allegation Allegro Alleviated Allergic Alleve
1. Medieval Latin Alleluiaticus, from alleluia (chant) + -aticus (as in Late Latin dramaticus)
Alleluiaticus, Alleluia, Aticus, As
2. Adjective Relating to or consisting of an alleluia. Recorded earliest in "Alleluiatic victory" noun = Alleluia victory.
Adjective, An, Alleluia, Alleluiatic
3. From Late Latin Alleluiaticus, from Latin alleluia.
Alleluiaticus, Alleluia
4. What does Alleluiatic mean? Pertaining to or consisting of an alleluia
Alleluiatic, An, Alleluia
5. Psalms, Alleluiatic Alleluiatic Psalms the five last psalms in the Psalter of David, which commence with terms in English which are equivalent to the Hebrew Alleluia.
Alleluiatic, Are, Alleluia
6. Entry for 'Alleluiatic Sequence' - Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature - One of 8 Bible encyclopedias freely available, this encyclopedia, with it's nearly 50,000 entries and 17 millin words, dwarfs modern Bible encyclopedias with the depth of knowledge.
Alleluiatic, And, Available
7. THE Alleluiatic SEQUENCE. T HIS famous Sequence, which may be regarded as the parent of every Hallelujah Chorus that has been written s ince, was compo s ed by Gode s calcus, prior to the year 950—the year of his death
Alleluiatic, As
8. Alleluiatic How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? al-le-lu-iat-ic
Alleluiatic, Al
9. First Known Use of Alleluiatic 1799, in the meaning defined above History and Etymology for Alleluiatic Medieval Latin Alleluiaticus, from alleluia (chant) + -aticus (as in Late Latin dramaticus): 2
Alleluiatic, Above, And, Alleluiaticus, Alleluia, Aticus, As
10. Alleluiatic definition is - of or relating to a religious alleluia.: 2
Alleluiatic, Alleluia
11. From the Temple, through the Coenaculum's Alleluiatic hymn of thanksgiving, the words passed into the service of the Christian Church , whose liturgical language, like that of the Septuagint and the New Testament, was at first, naturally, Greek
Alleluiatic, And, At
12. The Alleluiatic Sequence, by Gottschalk, tr
13. John Mason Neale Appendix 1869674 The Seven Great Hymns of the Mediaeval Church — The Alleluiatic Sequence Charles Cooper Nott
Appendix, Alleluiatic
14. This Alleluiatic verse is a kind of continuation of the jubilu with a text fitted to the long-drawn neums
15. Portuguese: ·Alleluiatic (pertaining to or consisting of an alleluia)
Alleluiatic, An, Alleluia
16. -- The Alleluiatic sequence Addeddate 2012-11-20 16:00:33 Bookplateleaf 0006 Call number SCB Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II External-identifier urn:oclc:record:1046590087 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier hymnso00nott Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t9m343x36 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 8.0 Openlibrary_edition OL25459046M
Alleluiatic, Addeddate, Ark, Abbyy
17. This Alleluiatic verse is a kind of continuation of the jubilus with a text fitted to the long-drawn neums
18. The Alleluiatic Sequence 80.04 (PDF downloadable file)(PDF downloadable file) (mp3 file) Two choirs (SATB), brass ensemble (, vibraphone, glockenspiel, timpani, organ Text: 10th-century sequence hymn, tr
19. However, the gospel acclamation remains non-Alleluiatic.
Acclamation, Alleluiatic
20. The other of the responsorial psalms or Alleluiatic psalms in the Simple Gradual (61; SG 14, 20) During Lent as the responsorial psalm in the lectionary (preference for psalm connected with the individual readings; seasonal or common psalm and/or response permitted “in order that the people may be able to join in the responsorial psalm
Alleluiatic, As, And, Able
21. 1ra,1-2vb,5fb; Alleluiatic hymn (…hale, hale luya…); f
22. Evensong is sung to the timeless music of plainsong and with Alleluiatic hymnody
And, Alleluiatic
23. However, the gospel acclamation remains non-Alleluiatic
Acclamation, Alleluiatic
24. Entries with "apotelesmatic" Rhymes:English/ætɪk: …Six syllables Afro-Asiatic Alleluiatic, hAlleluiatic anidiomatic antiperistatic apotelesmatic Australasiatic Austro-Asiatic, Austroasiatic bacteriostatic…
Apotelesmatic, Afro, Asiatic, Alleluiatic, Anidiomatic, Antiperistatic, Australasiatic, Austro, Austroasiatic
25. Alleluiatic: …Gregory W Woolfenden, Daily Liturgical Prayer, p
26. 231: In de Officiis, Isidore described laudes as an Alleluiatic chant
As, An, Alleluiatic
27. Alleluiatic dumontite futilous terebate
Liturgical alleluias are left unsaid. — Maria Mayo In this cantata, it [the chorale] leads directly into the concluding Alleluia. — Mark DeVoto Middle English, from Late Latin, from Greek allēlouia, from Hebrew halălūyāh praise ye Jehovah “Alleluia.”
— Maria Mayo In this cantata, it [the chorale] leads directly into the concluding Alleluia. — Mark DeVoto Middle English, from Late Latin, from Greek allēlouia, from Hebrew halălūyāh praise ye Jehovah “Alleluia.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 8 Apr. 2020.
In the old Greek version of the Book of Tobias, in the Septuagint Greek translation of the Hebrew Psalter, and in the original Greek of the Apocalypse it is transcribed ‘allelouia. In accordance with that most ancient transcription, our Latin Vulgate gives it as Alleluia in the Old Testament and in the New.