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See also: Alexithymia Alexander Alex Alexia Alexin Alexandra Alexis Alexandros Alexandria Alexandrian Alexandrite Alexandrine Alexipharmic Alexa

1. Alexithymia is a broad term to describe problems with feeling emotions. In fact, this Greek term used in Freudian psychodynamic theories loosely translates to …


2. Alexithymia is when a person has difficulty identifying and expressing emotions. It is not a mental health disorder

Alexithymia, And

3. People with Alexithymia may …


4. Alexithymia, derived from the Greek language, means ‘no emotions for words.’ This psychological construct is used to describe people who struggle with feeling and expressing emotions

Alexithymia, And

5. Alexithymia is a subclinical phenomenon involving a lack of emotional awareness or, more specifically, difficulty in identifying and describing feelings and in distinguishing feelings from the bodily sensations of emotional arousal (Nemiah et al., …

Alexithymia, Awareness, And, Arousal, Al

6. This week’s term is Alexithymia


7. Alexithymia involves an inability to identify and describe emotions. It’s considered a personality trait that can be present to varying degrees and is relatively stable over time.

Alexithymia, An, And

8. Alexithymia describes the difficulty of people to perceive and describe emotions of others and themselves. Most people concerned are not aware about this deficit and usually they are just recognizing it in contact with others, especially close friends, within their family or their partner.

Alexithymia, And, Are, Aware, About

9. Alexithymia is essentially a dysfunction in the normal emotional awareness processes that makes it tough for people to put a label on their feelings, Richey explains

Alexithymia, Awareness

10. Alexithymia is a personality characteristic in which the individual is unable to identify and describe their emotions. The main feature of Alexithymia is an emotional unawareness, lack of social attachment, and poor interpersonal relating.

Alexithymia, And, An, Attachment

11. Alexithymia is a trait that makes it hard to find words for thoughts and feelings. It is experienced by both children and adults and can come in mild, …

Alexithymia, And, Adults

12. Alexithymia is something you can heal from


13. What is Alexithymia? This is a personality trait in which a person had difficulty identifying and describing their feelings and is more focused on logic.

Alexithymia, And

14. The way Alexithymia is expressed can vary from one person to another

Alexithymia, Another

15. Alexithymia can be experienced in the context of another medical (e.g

Alexithymia, Another

16. Depression, autism, trauma, etc.).For the purpose of this blog post, we will focus on Alexithymia in people who have experienced traumatic events (as

Autism, Alexithymia, As

17. Alexithymia is a trait that is found in varying degrees across a panorama of psychiatric disorders

Alexithymia, Across

18. Other studies identified Alexithymia in 63% of anorexics, 56% of bulimics, and as many as 50% of those struggling with a major depressive disorder.

Alexithymia, Anorexics, And, As

19. Note: People with Alexithymia typically display a lack of imaginative thought, have difficulty distinguishing between emotions and bodily sensations, and engage in logical externally oriented thought.

Alexithymia, And

20. That said, Alexithymia is often a ‘comorbidity’


21. It’s also thought that having Alexithymia makes you more vulnerable to other psychological issues

Also, Alexithymia

22. So what does Alexithymia look like? Symptoms of alexityhmia can include the following:

Alexithymia, Alexityhmia

23. In 1972, Peter Sifneos introduced to psychiatry the term Alexithymia, which (derived from the Greek) literally means having no words for emotions (a=lack, lexis=word, thymos=emotions).


24. Alexithymia, Empathy, and Autism by Lee A

Alexithymia, And, Autism

25. Alexithymia is a maladaptive psychological disorder characterized by the inability to identify and verbally describe emotions and feelings in oneself as well as in others

Alexithymia, And, As

26. Alexithymia definition, difficulty in experiencing, expressing, and describing emotional responses

Alexithymia, And

27. State Alexithymia is a temporary condition and can be triggered by something like post-traumatic stress disorder

Alexithymia, And

28. Trait Alexithymia, however, is believed to be part of the individual's personality and can sometimes be the result of a traumatic childhood

Alexithymia, And

29. Alexithymia is a maladaptive psychological disorder characterized by the inability to identify and verbally describe emotions and feelings in oneself as well as in others

Alexithymia, And, As

30. Alexithymia is often associated with trauma and neglect from a young age, Geoff Bird explains

Alexithymia, Associated, And, Age

31. Secondary Alexithymia, on the other hand, is the result of some type of emotional disorder


32. Alexithymia is a psychological condition that many experts define as a neurological disorder and others as a psychological disorder with social determinants

Alexithymia, As, And

33. Alexithymia: The unheard-of medical condition that can impact the emotions we feel


34. Alexithymia is the inability to express emotions or to understand others' emotions


35. Alexithymia is one of the many psychological disorders that is characterized by preventing people who suffer it from expressing their emotions and feelings, so people who suffer are catalogued as cold, distant and insensitive.For some people it is a mental or neurological disorder, and there are those who claim that it is only a characteristic of the person or a personality trait.

Alexithymia, And, Are, As

36. Alexithymia is a characteristic of personality characterized by the inability to recognize and explain feelings encountered by themselves or others in subclinical terms.Marked instability in relational memory, social attachment, and intimate relationships is the major symptom of Alexithymia.

Alexithymia, And, Attachment

37. Alexithymia is very common among autistic people.Research indicates 40–65% [1] The validity of using self-reports to assess emotion regulation abilities in adults with autism spectrum disorder (Berthoz & Hill, 2005) [2] Brief report: cognitive processing of own emotions in individuals with autistic spectrum disorder and in their relatives (Hill et al., 2004) of us have Alexithymia—or even

Alexithymia, Among, Autistic, Assess, Abilities, Adults, Autism, Amp, And, Al

38. Alexithymia: [ ah-leks″ĭ-thi´me-ah ] inability to recognize or describe one's emotions.

Alexithymia, Ah

39. Alexithymia, by definition, involves difficulties in identifying and describing emotions and has been assumed to be associated with somatization (i.e., a tendency to express psychological distress in somatic rather than emotional form)

Alexithymia, And, Assumed, Associated

40. Emotional Processing Deficits and Happiness: Assessing the Measurement, Correlates, and Well-Being of People with Alexithymia (SpringerBriefs in Well-Being and Quality of Life Research)

And, Assessing, Alexithymia

41. Alexithymia is a deficit in emotional processing and an inability to describe emotions

Alexithymia, And, An

42. There are options for management of Alexithymia aimed at strengthening an ability to recognize internal and external emotions

Are, Alexithymia, Aimed, At, An, Ability, And

43. What is Alexithymia? In brief, Alexithymia is the inability to talk about feelings due to a lack of emotional awareness.Alexithymics are typically unable to identify, understand or describe their own emotions, and the construct of Alexithymia refers to some of the chief …

Alexithymia, About, Awareness, Alexithymics, Are, And

44. Alexithymia and autistic traits as possible predictors for traits related to depression, anxiety, and stress: A multivariate statistical approach

Alexithymia, And, Autistic, As, Anxiety, Approach

45. Alexithymia represents a disturbance in affective and cognitive function which overlaps diagnostic categories

Alexithymia, Affective, And

46. A 2016 article in Scientific American says that 10% of the general population has Alexithymia while 50% of Autistics have Alexithymia

Article, American, Alexithymia, Autistics

47. My reading indicates that Alexithymia in the non-autistic population is very oftne the result of an emotional trauma.

Alexithymia, Autistic, An

48. Neither Alexithymia nor autism was associated with biased or imprecise identity attributions

Alexithymia, Autism, Associated, Attributions

49. These findings accord with the hypothesis that the emotional symptoms of autism are in fact due to co-occurring Alexithymia and that existing diagnostic criteria may need to be revised.

Accord, Autism, Are, Alexithymia, And

50. Neurobiological theories suggest that Alexithymia may be related to an interruption of the limbic-neocortical communication, may be a result of a deficit in interhemispheric communication, or may be a result of a dysfunction in the right cerebral hemisphere

Alexithymia, An


ALEXITHYMIA [əˌleksəˈTHīmēə]


  • › What causes alexithymia
  • › What is alexithymia
  • › Alexithymia symptoms and characteristics
  • › What is alexithymia disorder
  • › Alexithymia pronunciation audio
  • › Definition of alexithymia
  • › Symptoms of alexithymia

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of alexithymia?

What are the benefits of alexithymia?

  • The ability to stay calm in crisis or stressful situations is easier if you don't feel strong emotions.
  • It may be a protective device if we have experienced trauma, or are under stress. By shutting off emotions we can use...
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What are some symptoms of alexithymia?

Some symptoms or characteristics of alexithymia are: - difficulty identifying different types of feelings. - difficulty distinguishing between emotional feelings and bodily feelings. - limited understanding of what caused the feelings. - difficulty verbalizing feelings. - limited imagination. - functional, constricted style of thinking.

How common is alexithymia?

Furthermore, people with alexithymia have difficulty in distinguishing and appreciating the emotions of others, which is thought to lead to unempathic and ineffective emotional responding. Alexithymia occurs in approximately 10% of the population and can occur with a number of psychiatric conditions.

How does alexithymia affect relationships?

Alexithymia can create interpersonal problems because these individuals tend to avoid emotionally close relationships, or if they do form relationships with others they usually position themselves as either dependent, dominant, or impersonal, "such that the relationship remains superficial".

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