Use Alabarse in a sentence

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See also: Alabar Alabaster Elaborate Labyrinth Albaran Labarum Alabanza Alabama Alibi Alabai

1. See 3 authoritative translations of Alabarse in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.

Authoritative, Alabarse, And, Audio

2. 1 De nada sirve Alabarse; pero si hay que hacerlo, iré a las visiones y revelaciones del Señor.: 1 It is useless to boast; but if I have to, I will go on to some visions and revelations of the Lord.: No tenía motivos para Alabarse más que sus compañeros, porque por la incredulidad y el ensalzamiento propio, casi había perdido la vida.: He had no reason to boast over his fellows, for

Alabarse, And

3. Alabarse (also: presumir, jactarse, fardar, bravear, vanagloriar, chulearse, ufanarse) volume_up

Alabarse, Also

4. Context sentences for "Alabarse" in English


5. Alabarse - sinónimos de 'Alabarse' en un diccionario de 200.000 sinónimos online


6. Alabarse proviene del latín alapāri

Alabarse, Alap

7. Idiomas en los que se utiliza Alabarse: (pulsa el botón para escuchar su pronunciación) español; Separación en sílabas de Alabarse a-la-bar-se


8. Alabarse es una palabra llana o grave, ya que su sílaba tónica recae sobre la penúltima sílaba.


9. Frederico Alabarse, Researcher Read 25 publications Contact Frederico Alabarse


10. Frederico Alabarse, Researcher Cited by 273 Read 25 publications Contact Frederico Alabarse


11. 4,379 Followers, 3,749 Following, 43 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 𝔅𝔯𝔲𝔫𝔬 𝔄𝔩𝔞𝔟𝔞𝔯𝔰𝔢 (@Alabarse)

And, Alabarse

12. Meaning and examples for 'Alabarse' in Spanish-English dictionary

And, Alabarse

13. Más adelante encontrará la respuesta correcta a Alabarse de una cosa Crucigrama, si necesita más ayuda para terminar su crucigrama, continúe su navegación y pruebe nuestra función de búsqueda

Adelante, Alabarse, Ayuda

14. La respuesta a "Alabarse de una cosa" Martes, 18 De Febrero De 2020


15. Luciano Alabarse (Porto Alegre, 1953) é um cenógrafo e diretor de teatro e de espetáculos musicais brasileiro.

Alabarse, Alegre

16. Alabar translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'alabear',alabador',alabarda',Alabarse', examples, definition, conjugation

Alabar, Also, Alabear, Alabador, Alabarda, Alabarse

17. Debería Alabarse la propuesta de la Comisión respecto al aumento del énfasis en investigación y desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías

Alabarse, Al, Aumento, As

18. Paulo Alabarse, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre Department, Department Member

Alabarse, Alegre

19. Alabarse Tattoo, São Paulo


20. Dejen de Alabarse a sí mismos, y recuerden el dicho: «Sólo un poco de levadura fermenta toda la masa»


21. Mas alábese en esto el que haya de Alabarse: en entenderme y conocerme, que yo soy Jehová, que hago misericordia, juicio y justicia en la tierra, porque estas cosas me agradan, dice Jehová.»

Al, Alabarse, Agradan

22. S Strikos, B Joseph, F G Alabarse, G Valadares, D G Costa, Rodrigo B Capaz, M ElMassalami


23. Gabriel Alabarse studies Old Norse literature and culture, Old Norse Language, and Norse mythology.

Alabarse, And

24. Alabarse, Gilles Silly, Jean-Blaise Brubach, Pascale Roy, Abel Haidoux, Claire Levelut, Jean-Louis Bantignies, Shinji Kohara, Sylvie Le Floch, Olivier Cambon, and Julien Haines

Alabarse, Abel, And

25. Jordana Miranda de Souza Silva 1 2 , Paulo Vinicius Gil Alabarse 2 , Vivian de Oliveira Nunes Teixeira 2 , Eduarda Correa Freitas 1 2 , Francine Hehn de Oliveira 3 , Rafael Mendonça da Silva Chakr 1 4 , Ricardo Machado Xavier 1 2 4


26. With physical therapy he can make a 100 percent recovery,” hospital director Cristina García de Alabarse, told Clarin


27. Soares MPR(1)(2), Silva DP(1), Uehara IA(1), Ramos ES Jr(2)(3), Alabarse PVG(2), Fukada SY(2), da Luz FC(1), Vieira LQ(4), Oliveira APL(1), Silva MJB(1).

Alabarse, Apl

28. F S Hackenhaar 1 , D Martinez, T M Medeiros, C Klein, P V G Alabarse, M V Wainstein, S C Gonçalves, M S Benfato

Alabarse, Alves

29. Explore the Futuristic Stuff collection - the favourite images chosen by CaioAlabarse on DeviantArt.

30. Alabarse: 2 jactarse, vanagloriarse, preciarse, alardear, presumir, engreírse

Alabarse, Alardear

31. Dios hizo esto para que nadie pueda Alabarse a sí mismo delante de él.


32. 90 Followers, 47 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Luciano Alabarse (@Alabarseluciano)

And, Alabarse, Alabarseluciano

33. Alabarse Tattoo, São Paulo




Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of alabaster?

Definition of alabaster. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a compact fine-textured usually white and translucent gypsum often carved into vases and ornaments. 2 : a hard calcite or aragonite that is translucent and sometimes banded.

What is the origin of alabaster windows?

Alabaster windows in the Church of Santa Maria la Mayor of Morella, Spain (built 13th-16th centuries) The origin of "alabaster" is in Middle English through Old French "alabastre", in turn derived from Latin "alabaster", and that from Greek "ἀλάβαστρος" ("alabastros") or "ἀλάβαστος" ("alabastos").

What is Oriental alabaster?

The Oriental alabaster (referred to in the Bible) is a translucent carbonate of lime, formed on the floors of limestone caves by the percolation of water. It is of the same material as our marbles, but differently formed.

Is alabaster the same as marble?

It is of the same material as our marbles, but differently formed. It is usually clouded or banded like agate, hence sometimes called onyx marble. Our common alabaster is different from this, being a variety of gypsum or sulphate of lime, used In its finer forms for vases, etc.; in the coarser it is ground up for plaster of Paris.

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