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See also: Akinetes Akinetic Akin Akinesia Akind Making Akinator Akinetopsia Osteotomy

1. An akinete is an enveloped, thick-walled, non-motile, dormant cell formed by filamentous, heterocyst-forming cyanobacteria under the order Nostocales and Stigonematales. Akinetes are …

An, Akinete, And, Akinetes, Are

2. Akinetes are generally recognized by their larger size and conspicuous granulation

Akinetes, Are, And

3. Akinetes were extracted from 72 sediment samples (Fig


4. How unique is the name Akinetes? Out of 6,028,151 records in the U.S


5. Social Security Administration public data, the first name Akinetes was not present

Administration, Akinetes

6. Weird things about the name Akinetes: The name spelled backwards is …

About, Akinetes

7. Akinetes or arthrospores: Akinetes are thick walled, enlarge reproductive cells

Akinetes, Arthrospores, Are

8. Akinetes contain large reserves of carbohydrates, and owing to their density and lack of gas vesicles, eventually settle to the lake bottom

Akinetes, And

9. Bacteria develop Akinetes or endospores when the cells are subjected to what? Unfavorable temperatures A low nutrient environment

Akinetes, Are

10. Aquatic, filamentous _____ produce large, food-filled Akinetes in response to the cold temperatures of the onset of winter

Aquatic, Akinetes

11. This review focuses on Akinetes of Nostocales, emphasizing environmental triggers and cellular responses involved in differentiation, maturation, dormancy, and germination of these resting cells.

Akinetes, And

12. Akinetes are cells that help the organism to survive under conditions inappropriate for growth.

Akinetes, Are

13. Akinetes to better understand akinete differentiation and the molecular basis of their resistant properties

Akinetes, Akinete, And

14. Differential display was used to identify genes induced in zwf-induced Akinetes of the N


15. Three novel genes were confirmed to be similarly induced in wild-type Akinetes, thus


16. Differentiation of Akinetes was investigated in the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena azollae Stras

Akinetes, Anabaena, Azollae

17. In this organism all pre-existing vegetative cells are capable of developing into Akinetes.

All, Are, Akinetes

18. "Search Ends When Sharing Starts" If you already know the meaning of Akinetes in English or in any other language, Please contribute that will helpful for other users, also you can edit any data like gender, pronunciation and origin to improve accuracy.

Already, Akinetes, Any, Also, And, Accuracy

19. Akinetes: structure and function Data provider: Information Systems Division, National Agricultural Library

Akinetes, And, Agricultural

20. Characterization of Akinetes from cyanobacterial strains and lake sediment: A study of their resistance and toxic potential Nostocalean cyanobacteria are known to proliferate abundantly in eutrophic aquatic ecosystems, and to produce several cyanotoxins, including anatoxin-a.

Akinetes, And, Are, Abundantly, Aquatic, Anatoxin

21. Akinetes are resting-state cells of cyanobacteria that are produced by certain genera of heterocystous cyanobacteria to survive extreme environmental conditions

Akinetes, Are

22. Although they are similar in nature to endospores, there have been no investigations into the survival of Akinetes

Although, Are, Akinetes

23. The Akinetes by successive divisions may form numerous thin walled bodies called cysts


24. When many Akinetes remain attached to the parent thallus, the thallus gives the appearance of another alga Gongrosira

Akinetes, Attached, Appearance, Another, Alga

25. During favourable conditions the Akinetes and cysts develop into new thalli.

Akinetes, And

26. Although Akinetes retain some met-abolic activity (40), they do not grow

Although, Akinetes, Abolic, Activity

27. Akinetes are resistant to cold and desiccation, thereby allowing perennation or longer periods of survival

Akinetes, Are, And, Allowing

28. This is a transient differentiation process; when environmental conditions are appropriate for growth, Akinetes germinate, and the emerging filaments continue a

Are, Appropriate, Akinetes, And

29. The intact overwintering Akinetes showed germination rates of up to 90% after 72 h for D

Akinetes, After

30. Akinetes play an important role in the life cycle of cyanobacteria of the order Nostocales

Akinetes, An

31. Akinetes serve as resting stages to overcome unfavourable growth conditions, such as winters in temperate latitudes, drought or nutrient depletion (Olli et al., 2005; Becerra-Absalón and Tavera, 2009; Rücker et al., 2009).An annual life cycle of a planktonic Nostocales of the temperate

Akinetes, As, Al, Absal, And, An, Annual

32. Of Akinetes was followed by weekly observations


33. The differentiation of a cell into an akinete was defined based on cellular dimensions (Akinetes had larger diameter), the shape of the cell (Akinetes were oblong) and cell wall thickness (akinete cell wall thickness gradually increased with time)

An, Akinete, Akinetes, And

34. Akinete (plural Akinetes) A thick-walled, dormant cell found in cyanobacteria and green algae; Translations

Akinete, Akinetes, And, Algae

35. Akinetes endure unfavorable conditions and germinate on the presence of favorable conditions

Akinetes, And

36. Akinetes are called the RESTING PORES OF THE NOSTOC

Akinetes, Are

37. Akinetes are dormancy cells commonly found among filamentous cyanobacteria, many of which are toxic and/or nuisance, bloom-forming species

Akinetes, Are, Among, And

38. Development of Akinetes from vegetative cells is a


39. When the germination experiment of Anabaena Akinetes in sediment was conducted, levels of Anabaena in the water column dropped to only several filaments per liter with the water temperature fluctuating between 10 and 15°C

Anabaena, Akinetes, And

40. The density of Akinetes in the sample used for the germination experiment was 7.9 × 10 3 cm −3.


41. Akinetes plural of akinete 2015 July 17, “Persistence of Only a Minute Viable Population in Chlorotic Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 Cultures Obtained by Nutrient Limitation”, in PLOS ONE ‎ [1] , DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0133075 :

Akinetes, Akinete, Aeruginosa

42. Akinetes Definition (PDF): Specialized, nonmotile, dormant, thick walled resting cells formed by some cyanobacteria


43. Akinetes Explanation: Akinetes are enveloped, non motile, thick walled, dormant cells that are produced for online college programs.

Akinetes, Are

44. Intact Akinetes (spores) of the cyanobacterium Nostoc spongiaeforme can be isolated free of vegetative cells and heterocysts

Akinetes, And

45. The Akinetes remain viable for at least 2 weeks in distilled water

Akinetes, At

46. Despite the structural and physiological differences of Akinetes from heterocysts, their development sufficiently resembles the development of heterocysts that it has been proposed that heterocysts are evolutionary derivatives of Akinetes (Wolk et al., 1994; Wolk, 1966)

And, Akinetes, Are, Al

47. Akinetes bound to three mannose-binding lectins (LCA, PSA, and ConA), and one of the galactose-binding lectins (GSL-I)

Akinetes, And

48. Akinetes are resistant to cold and desiccation.

Akinetes, Are, And

49. Akinetes were stored in clear plastic boxes on a laboratory bench for up to 2 months


50. Akinetes were harvested fromplates as needed byscraping the layer of cells from the surface of the agar with a sterile spatula

Akinetes, As, Agar

51. Plates containing Akinetes, ob-tained as just described, were scraped to a flask of sterile distilled water.

Akinetes, As

52. A protein characteristic of Akinetes


53. Anabaena cylindrica strain ATCC 29414 was grown for 1 month in medium AA/8 ().Heterocysts and Akinetes were isolated and broken by cavitation in the presence of fine glass beads (25% vol/vol in water) and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (1 mM) ().Vegetative-cell lysate was the supernatant solution obtained by passing a cell suspension (20% …

Anabaena, Atcc, Aa, And, Akinetes

54. Akinetes after 28-30 days of growth and the entire culture became a population of Akinetes after 40 days

Akinetes, After, And

55. The Akinetes were yellow and the visual change in the colour of the cultures from blue-green to brown greatly facilitated the recognition and hand-ling of populations of mature Akinetes

Akinetes, And

56. The Akinetes had a respiration rate of 34 9-37-6 nmol


57. Akinetes: Most filamentous cyanobacteria develop perennating structures (dormant structures) in adverse condition

Akinetes, Adverse

58. These structures are larger than the vegetative cells, are equipped with thick walls, and are called Akinetes (Fig

Are, And, Akinetes

59. Hypnospores and Akinetes: There are many types of asexual reproduction

And, Akinetes, Are, Asexual

60. The Akinetes have become separated, as a result of pressure created by the coverslip being placed over the sample,the lineof the originalfilamentscan stillbe seen

Akinetes, As

61. Dilutionof such aculture leads togermination of the Akinetes

Aculture, Akinetes

62. If the medium used for dilution of the Akinetes does not …




    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why is akinetes important?

    Once conditions become more favorable for growth, the akinete can then germinate back into a vegetative cell. Increased light intensity, nutrients availability, oxygen availability, and changes in salinity are important triggers for germination. In comparison to vegetative cells, akinetes are generally larger.

    Where are akinetes found?

    Akinetes were found between the median portion of the trichome and its extremity, closer to the heterocyst, with one to four akinetes per individual. Production of akinetes only occurred under some conditions. Some algae grow from resting stages, called akinetes, that lie in bottom sediments. Mature trichomes also contain spores called akinetes.

    Is akinete a resting cell?

    This is associated with the accumulation of nucleic acids which is important for both dormancy and germination of the akinete. Despite being a resting cell, it is still capable of some metabolic activities such as photosynthesis, protein synthesis, and carbon fixation, albeit at significantly lower levels.

    Is akinete heat resistant?

    Assaf Sukenik, ... Iris Maldener, in Cyanobacteria, 2019. Akinetes are nonmotile cells that differentiate from vegetative cells and serve a perennation role, but in contrast to bacterial endospores are not heat resistant. During akinete differentiation, the cellular structure changes dramatically.

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