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See also: Aisles Aisleway Aisle Aislamiento Aislante Aisling

1. Definition of Aisleless in the dictionary


2. What does Aisleless mean? Information and translations of Aisleless in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Aisleless, And

3. The choir is long and Aisleless; an hexagonal tower between the two, like that existing at Lynn, has perished

And, Aisleless, An, At

4. Noticeable for its high roof, low tower and dwarf spire, the church consists of an Aisleless nave, chancel (adorned with Chantrey's statue of the 1st duke) and transepts.

And, An, Aisleless, Adorned

5. Aisleless definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'aisle',aisled',allusiveness',advisableness', Reverso dictionary, English definition, English

Aisleless, Also, Aisle, Aisled, Allusiveness, Advisableness

6. Construction of an Eaton outdoor Aisleless switchgear enclosure begins with the use of the best available design tools

An, Aisleless, Available

7. The Aisleless configuration is designed for applications where minimal space is available in the substation and interior workspace is not required

Aisleless, Applications, Available, And

8. Aisleles aislele aislel aisle aisl ais ai See what words contain the exact word Aisleless Anagrams and words you can make with the letters in 'Aisleless' (a e e i l l s s s) Two Letter Pairs in Aisleless

Aisleles, Aislele, Aislel, Aisle, Aisl, Ais, Ai, Aisleless, Anagrams, And

9. Synonyms for Aisleless in Free Thesaurus


10. Examples: “Built of flint and rubble with dressings of Binstead stone, the Aisleless apsidal church has only one entrance

And, Aisleless, Apsidal

11. Outdoor Aisleless metal-clad switchgear, available in a 38kV rating, provides robust control and protection of power equipment in utility, commercial and industrial applications

Aisleless, Available, And, Applications

12. The Aisleless configuration is designed for applications where minimal space is available in the substation and interior workspace is not required.

Aisleless, Applications, Available, And

13. Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 3 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Aisleless: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Aisleless" is defined.

Art, Aisleless

14. 78 - Augustinian and Other Canons' Churches in Romanesque Europe: The Significance of the Aisleless Cruciform Plan

Augustinian, And, Aisleless

15. The Aisleless configuration is designed for applications where minimal space is available in the substation and interior workspace is not required

Aisleless, Applications, Available, And

16. Other articles where Cathedral of Saint-Pierre is discussed: Angoulême: The Cathedral of Saint-Pierre (1105–28; restored 19th century) is a domed Romanesque-Byzantine structure whose elaborate facade, enriched with Romanesque sculpture, contrasts sharply with the stark Aisleless interior

Articles, Angoul, Aisleless

17. We've got 161 anagrams for Aisleless » Any good anagrams for Aisleless? This page list all the various possible anagrams for the word Aisleless.Use it for solving word puzzles, scrambles and for writing poetry, lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.

Anagrams, Aisleless, Any, All, And

18. Alternative form of Aisleless 1954, G

Alternative, Aisleless


Aisleless, And

20. This study aims to establish the foundation for the theory that the Aisleless cruciform church was a building type exclusive to the priesthood until the late eleventh century,

Aims, Aisleless

21. Anagrams and words using the letters in 'Aisleless' 9 Letter Words You can Make With Aisleless Aisleless 8 Letter Words You can Make With Aisleless isleless 7 Letter Words You can Make With Aisleless allises lassies leslies sallies sessile 6 Letter Words You can Make With Aisleless Leslie aisles allees allies easels easies lasses lassie leases

Anagrams, And, Aisleless, Allises, Aisles, Allees, Allies

22. What does aisless mean? Alternative form of Aisleless

Aisless, Alternative, Aisleless

23. This study aims to establish the foundation for the theory that the Aisleless cruciform church was a building type exclusive to the priesthood until the late eleventh century, pointing to the distinctive identity of the intended occupants of such buildings in the eleventh and twelfth centuries—canons, rather than monks—and focusing on the hitherto undetected phenomena of the

Aims, Aisleless, And

24. Aisle translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also '(rolling) in the aisles',aisled',anisole',Aisleless', examples, definition, conjugation

Aisle, Also, Aisles, Aisled, Anisole, Aisleless

25. Sometime in the eleventh or twelfth century, the Saxon church was superseded by one of the early Norman type, an Aisleless nave with a square-ended chancel

An, Aisleless

26. The present church is a stone structure with brick dressings, and consists of an Aisleless nave, with transepts, a chancel and west tower with one bell

And, An, Aisleless

27. The exterior of this Aisleless Gothic church is plain and undecorated; the interior was unfortunately remodeled in the Baroque period

Aisleless, And

28. The spacious crossing and well-lit transepts give a sense of space to the Aisleless church, as do the pale walls with their contrasting stencilling

And, Aisleless, As



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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the origin of the word aisle?

The word aisle dates back to the fourteenth-century ‘ ele ’ meaning ‘ lateral division of a church (usually separated by a row of pillars) ’. In Old French, ‘ ele ’ means ‘ wing (of a bird or an army), side of the ship ’, and comes from the Latin ‘ ala ’.

Is aisle a noun?

Aisle as noun: Aisle is used as a noun in English language where it describes a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theatre, an aircraft, or train.

What is the noun for aisle?

aisle. noun. /aɪl/. /aɪl/. Idioms. jump to other results. a passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, train, etc., or between rows of shelves in a supermarket. an aisle seat (= in a plane or train) Coffee and tea are in the next aisle.

What does cross the aisle mean?

cross the aisle 1. Of politicians, to unite or cooperate-especially through voting-with an opposing political party or members thereof, so as to achieve some political goal or purpose. Primarily heard in US, South Africa.

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