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See also: Airworthiness Airway Airwaves Airworthy

1. Airworthiness Certification How Does the FAA Certify Aircraft? The Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Aircraft Certification Service includes more than 1,300 engineers, scientists, inspectors, test pilots and other safety professionals.

Airworthiness, Aircraft, Aviation, Administration, And

2. Airworthiness Directives (AD s) are legally enforceable regulations issued by the FAA in accordance with 14 CFR part 39 to correct an unsafe condition in a product. Part 39 defines a product as an aircraft, engine, propeller, or appliance

Airworthiness, Ad, Are, Accordance, An, As, Aircraft, Appliance

3. Airworthiness: An Introduction to Aircraft Certification and Operations, Third Edition, once again proves to be a valuable, user-friendly reference guide for certification engineers engaged in professional training and practical work in regulatory agencies and aircraft engineering companies

Airworthiness, An, Aircraft, And, Again, Agencies

4. Determining Airworthiness: The pilot-in-command of a civil aircraft is responsible for determining whether that aircraft is in condition for safe flight The pilot in command shall discontinue the flight when un-airworthy mechanical, electrical, or structural conditions occur

Airworthiness, Aircraft, Airworthy

5. An Airworthiness Directives Regulatory Library for Aircraft Maintenance Professionals

An, Airworthiness, Aircraft

6. AVAIR Airworthiness - NATOPS Publications, Ship's Resume.Requires account

Avair, Airworthiness, Account

7. A letter/form delineating: Version #(s), Change(s) description, Rationale/evidence why change does NOT impact Airworthiness must be provided,(including “regression analysis” when necessary), Signature(s) of appropriate program management poc, systems safety (software and/or hardware), and testing agency.

Airworthiness, Analysis, Appropriate, And, Agency

8. Army Aviation Airworthiness processes and the criteria, standards and methods of compliance necessary for Airworthiness assessment on U.S

Army, Aviation, Airworthiness, And, Assessment

9. Aircraft life cycle management personnel defining Airworthiness requirements

Aircraft, Airworthiness

10. Airworthiness - fitness to fly; "the plane received a certificate of airworthiness" soundness - a state or condition free from damage or decay Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

Airworthiness, Airworth

11. For an aircraft, or aircraft part (Airworthiness), is the possession of the necessary requirements for flying in safe conditions, within allowable limits. In this definition, three key elements deserve special consideration: safe conditions, …

An, Aircraft, Airworthiness, Allowable

12. Airworthiness Certification Services offers templates to jumpstart your project and tools to guide you through it step-by-step

Airworthiness, And

13. Airworthiness Certification Services is an independent company founded and incorporated as a Women Owned Business in January 2017.

Airworthiness, An, And, As

14. 2 days ago · The FAA is adopting a new Airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Rockwell Collins, Inc

Ago, Adopting, Airworthiness, Ad

15. Airworthiness Engineering As a recognized leader in aviation and Airworthiness education, Embry-Riddle offers a master’s degree in Airworthiness Engineering designed to prepare graduates for a successful career certifying and testing aircraft systems, parts, and products.

Airworthiness, As, Aviation, And, Aircraft

16. Airworthiness Qualification Plan † 3–6, page 12 Airworthiness qualification specification † 3–7, page 12 Maintenance engineering call † 3–8, page 12 Maintenance engineering order † 3–9, page 12 Military production Airworthiness approval † 3–10, page 13 Appendixes A

Airworthiness, Approval, Appendixes

17. A unique, demystifying overview of Airworthiness and international aircraft certification covering the full spectrum of aviation design, engineering and maintenance―don't tackle the regulations without it!

Airworthiness, And, Aircraft, Aviation

18. Airworthiness The Airworthiness section under the Operational Safety Section (OPS) is responsible for, amongst other things, the development of SARPs and guidance material related to the certification and Airworthiness of aircraft.

Airworthiness, Amongst, And, Aircraft

19. The Airworthiness Team provides regulatory services to support the registration of aircraft, the certification of aircraft, and ongoing operational support in respect of providing appropriate maintenance and continuing Airworthiness Management Approvals

Airworthiness, Aircraft, And, Appropriate, Approvals

20. Each National Aviation Authority (NAA) - or in the case of the EU - EASA - is the Airworthiness Authority for that State and is responsible for developing the regulatory regime which will apply

Aviation, Authority, Airworthiness, And, Apply

21. An Airworthiness Authority will usually announce an intention to issue new or revised regulations, including mandatory tasks

An, Airworthiness, Authority, Announce

22. This Airworthiness directive (AD) applies to Pacific Scientific Company rotary buckle assembly (buckle), part numbers (P/Ns) 1111430 and 1111475, all dash numbers

Airworthiness, Ad, Applies, Assembly, And, All

23. The FAA proposes to adopt a new Airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 787-8, 787-9, and 787-10 airplanes

Adopt, Airworthiness, Ad, And, Airplanes

24. The SoR has an obligation under Annex 8 to approve or accept modifications relevant to the continuing Airworthiness of an aircraft

An, Annex, Approve, Accept, Airworthiness, Aircraft

25. The SoR is also responsible for developing or adopting requirements to ensure the continuing Airworthiness of the aircraft during its service life, including requirements to ensure that the aircraft continues to

Also, Adopting, Airworthiness, Aircraft

26. Continuing Airworthiness of Aircraft is a process by which an Aircraft is kept technically fit to fly during its operating life

Airworthiness, Aircraft, An

27. This ensures that the aircraft complies with Airworthiness standards and safe operating conditions

Aircraft, Airworthiness, And

28. Continuing Airworthiness of Aircraft is the responsibility of the owner or operator of aircraft.

Airworthiness, Aircraft

29. The following information is for engineers and Airworthiness organisations and includes Airworthiness directives, bulletins, certification other general information.

And, Airworthiness

30. Airworthiness is an ever-evolving field that integrates many complex aspects to determine flight safety

Airworthiness, An, Aspects

31. In the last five years alone, Airworthiness has changed dramatically, creating a critical need for timely knowledge and expertise.

Alone, Airworthiness, And

32. What Is ‘Airworthiness’? The terms “airworthy” and “airworthi-ness” are used throughout global and national standards; however, none of these standards defines “Airworthiness.” For this paper, we shall assume the fol-lowing, developed from a U.K

Airworthiness, Airworthy, And, Airworthi, Are, Assume

33. Ministry of Defence definition: Airworthiness is …


34. This is a complete repository of all current, key USAF and DoD MIL-HDBK-516 and Airworthiness certification public access source documentation.

All, And, Airworthiness, Access

35. This chapter offers an overview of the regulations and standards related to the Airworthiness certification of products, parts, and appliances.General considerations are made on the principles behind these documents explained with some examples in addition to the applicability of a certain number of Airworthiness standards

An, And, Airworthiness, Appliances, Are, Addition, Applicability

36. Airworthiness is the measure of an aircraft's suitability for safe flight

Airworthiness, An, Aircraft

37. IOMAR Airworthiness team offer support an advice on aircraft certification, approved maintenance programmes, aircraft modification approvals, permits to fly

Airworthiness, An, Advice, Aircraft, Approved, Approvals

38. Continuing Airworthiness is therefore not just the maintenance of aircraft and equipment, but also involves monitoring performance of products in service

Airworthiness, Aircraft, And, Also

39. This will include recording service difficulties to assess significance with respect to safety and Airworthiness for the specific aircraft/product involved and for similar aircraft/products.

Assess, And, Airworthiness, Aircraft

40. In order for an aircraft to be considered capable of safe flight, referred to as ‘Airworthiness,’ it must meet a couple of important criteria outlined by the FAA in FAR Part 21.183

An, Aircraft, As, Airworthiness

41. Browse the list of 72 Airworthiness abbreviations with their meanings and definitions

Airworthiness, Abbreviations, And

42. List of most popular Airworthiness terms updated in March 2021


43. Airworthiness is a multi-disciplinary concept requiring not only the establishment of initial (design-based) Airworthiness of an aircraft system, but also the continuing Airworthiness of that aircraft system throughout its life cycle

Airworthiness, An, Aircraft, Also

44. The determination of Airworthiness is executed via an Airworthiness

Airworthiness, An

45. Airworthiness directive definition is - a document that notifies the owners or operators of a particular model of aircraft that unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions have been discovered which may affect the Airworthiness of the model in question and that details any corrective actions which may be necessary to address the deficiency.

Airworthiness, Aircraft, Affect, And, Any, Actions, Address

46. Airworthiness Information relating to the design, maintenance, repair and safe operation of aircraft Information about processing times for aircraft certification applications

Airworthiness, And, Aircraft, About, Applications

47. Http:// What is Airworthiness? What does Airworthiness mean? Airworthiness meaning - Airworthiness pronunciation - AIRWORTHI

Airworthiness, Airworthi

48. Technical Specialist for Airworthiness of Commercial Derivative Aircraft Airworthiness Group ASC/ENSI 2530 Loop Rd W

Airworthiness, Aircraft, Asc

49. Feedback articles, reporting a service difficulty, Airworthiness directives

Articles, Airworthiness

50. Synonyms for Airworthiness in Free Thesaurus


51. 1 word related to Airworthiness: soundness


52. What are synonyms for Airworthiness?

Are, Airworthiness


AIRWORTHINESS [ˈerˌwərT͟Hēnəs]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for airworthiness?

Need synonyms for airworthy? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Adjective. Meeting standards for safe flight. flightworthy. flyable. in good order. in working order. reliable.

How is the airworthiness of a plane determined?

Defining Airworthiness: Two main factors determine if an aircraft is airworthy: The aircraft conforms to its type certificate and authorized modifications; and The aircraft must be in condition for safe operation

What are Airworthiness Directives?

Definition of airworthiness directive. : a document that notifies the owners or operators of a particular model of aircraft that unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions have been discovered which may affect the airworthiness of the model in question and that details any corrective actions which may be necessary to address the deficiency.

What does "airworthy" mean?

Definition of airworthy. : fit for operation in the air kept the historic aircraft in airworthy condition.

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