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See also: Aguda Audacious Agudo Ajuda Audacity Agada Agua Aguado Aguaje Aguayo Aguacate Aguanile Aguantar Aguardar Aguardiente Aguascalientes Gudao

1. An introduction to Agudas in Spanish

An, Agudas

2. Agudas are the words that have the stress (acento) on the last syllable:

Agudas, Are, Acento

3. Agudas have a "written accent" when they end in a vowel or the consonants n, s.

Agudas, Accent

4. Start studying Aguda, llana, o esdrújula?


5. Palabras Agudas que se acentúan SIN terminar en "n" o "s"

Agudas, Acent, An

6. Existen pocas excepciones, palabras como maíz, Raúl, baúl y raíz que también son palabras Agudas y se consideran una excepción debido a que se acentúan a pesar de no terminar en "n" ó "s" por consecuencia de la ruptura del diptongo.

Agudas, Acent, An

7. Se aplica al objeto que tiene el filo o la punta delgada y penetrante una navaja Aguda

Aplica, Al, Aguda

8. Words than end in consonants other than n,s are termed "Aguda" and the stress falls on the last syllable of the word

Are, Aguda, And

9. "Atención" es una palabra Aguda."Atención" is a word stressed on the last syllable.

Atenci, Aguda

10. Emperor Taizu of Jin or Aguda (1068–1123), founder and first emperor of the Jurchen Jin dynasty in China; Akinola Aguda (1923–2001), Nigerian jurist and former Chief Justice of Botswana; Other

Aguda, And, Akinola

11. Aguda Point, on the west coast of Graham Land, on the Antarctic Peninsula; A parish in the municipality of Figueiró dos Vinhos, Portugal

Aguda, Antarctic

12. Para determinar que una palabra es Aguda, es necesario dividirla por sílabas, por ejemplo la palabra población se divide como: po – bla – ción , como puede observarse la última silaba tiene acento con tilde y por lo cual es una palabra Aguda.

Aguda, Acento

13. The ‘Aguda’, the National Association of LGBTQ in Israel, is Israel’s pioneer lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender organization

Aguda, Association, And

14. The Aguda is a national grassroots, volunteer-based, nonprofit human-rights organization representing the LGBTQ community.


15. Founded in 1975, the Aguda is based in Tel Avivand focuses on volunteer-basedinitiatives and services for the LGBT community.

Aguda, Avivand, And

16. Aguda Name Meaning Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair)

Aguda, As, Affiliation, Adoption, And

17. Definition of Aguda in the dictionary


18. What does Aguda mean? Information and translations of Aguda in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …

Aguda, And

19. agudo adjective, masculine (Aguda f sl, agudos m pl, Agudas f pl)

Agudo, Adjective, Aguda, Agudos, Agudas

20. Welcome to the Aguda google satellite map! This place is situated in Agege, Lagos, Nigeria, its geographical coordinates are 6° 38' 5" North, 3° 21' 16" East and its original name (with diacritics) is Aguda.

Aguda, Agege, Are, And

21. Aguda is a word where the emphasis is placed on the last syllable


22. Aguda is an original Yoruba word, lost but brought back.

Aguda, An

23. Aguda was the designation for members of a congregation of a spirituality


24. The Aguda - The Association for LGBTQ Equality in Israel, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Aguda, Association, Aviv

25. The Aguda’, The National Association of LGBT in Israel, is Israel's Pioneer

Aguda, Association

26. We have a total of 159 Mini Flats (Room and Parlour) for rent in Aguda Surulere Lagos updated on 22 Mar 2021

And, Aguda

27. Among these properties are houses, lands, shops, apartments, flats and commercial spaces in Aguda, Surulere, Lagos

Among, Are, Apartments, And, Aguda

28. Every Real Estate in Nigeria posted on this site is verified by real estate agents in Aguda, Surulere, Lagos.

Agents, Aguda

29. Las palabras Agudas son aquellas que llevan acento en la última sílaba

Agudas, Aquellas, Acento

30. Aguda, llana o esdrújula Seleccionar la opción correcta ID: 481214 Language: Spanish School subject: Lengua Castellana Grade/level: 3º / 4


31. English words for Aguda include acute, sharp, severe, high, shrill, searing, penetrating, quick, piping and ready

Aguda, Acute, And

32. We have a total of 861 Property & Houses for rent in Aguda Surulere Lagos updated on 27 Mar 2021

Amp, Aguda

33. Among these properties are houses, lands, shops, apartments, flats and commercial spaces in Aguda, Surulere, Lagos

Among, Are, Apartments, And, Aguda

34. Every Real Estate in Nigeria posted on this site is verified by real estate agents in Aguda, Surulere, Lagos.

Agents, Aguda

35. Aguda font family has been designed for Graviton Font Foundry by Pablo Balcells in 2014


36. Aguda é uma freguesia portuguesa do município de Figueiró dos Vinhos, com 39,67 km² de área e 1 106 habitantes (2011).A sua densidade populacional é de 27,9 hab/km²


37. El problema se denomina pancreatitis Aguda


38. La pancreatitis Aguda afecta más frecuentemente a hombres que a mujeres

Aguda, Afecta

39. Breslov hassidim to Shas, Aguda: Don’t count on us in March elections Many in the large community rage over what they see as being “abandoned” when Ukraine refused to allow them in for the

Aguda, As, Abandoned, Allow

40. Aguda is bilingual (English/Spanish) thanks to her parents who continue to practice with her today


41. Aguda grew up in Metairie, LA where she currently lives with her amazing husband (Joseph, Jr.) and two brilliant, hardworking sons (Joseph, III and Alexander) as well as two beautiful, protective German Shepherd Dogs (Lexi and Heidi).

Aguda, Amazing, And, Alexander, As

42. Boasting sea views, Aguda Beachfront Apartment provides accommodations with a balcony and a kettle, around 1,950 feet from Granja Beach

Aguda, Apartment, Accommodations, And, Around

43. Daniel J Aguda is a resident of MA


44. Linfocítica Aguda” y “leucemia linfoide Aguda


45. Se estimó que durante el 2016, se diagnosticarían 6,590 casos nuevos de leucemia linfoblástica Aguda en los Estados Unidos

An, Aguda

46. Se estima que, a partir del 2012, unas 71,898 personas viven con leucemia linfoblástica Aguda o están en remisión.


47. How many churches joint venture in Aguda, Surulere, Lagos are available? There are 0 listings and 0 available churches joint venture in Aguda, Surulere, Lagos

Aguda, Are, Available, And



  • › Agudas achim san antonio
  • › Agudas achim congregation
  • › Aguda word list
  • › Agudas yisroel of america

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Aguda mean in Spanish?

It is an acute accent mark (unlike the one typically put on a QWERTY keyboard). In Spanish this is an "acento agudo " é rather than è. On SpanishDict, it says that the stress on "aguda" is on the last syllable. Why is this? - alanito, Jun 16, 2012 Grave and aguda can also refer to high and low musical notes.

What does grave and Aguda mean?

Grave and aguda can also refer to high and low musical notes. I saw this word in the following headline: "¿unirá a los dos naciónes o creará aguda controversia dentro Cubanos?" In this context it means "sharp controversy". So in a sense the word means dangerous, sharp, painful. Also depends on the context.

What is the adjective for Agudo?

agudo An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog). A masculine noun is used with masculine articles and adjectives (e.g. el hombre guapo, el sol amarillo). An adjective is a word that describes a noun (e.g. the big dog).

Who is Akinola Aguda?

Akinola Aguda (1923–2001), Nigerian jurist and former Chief Justice of Botswana Aguda Point, on the west coast of Graham Land, on the Antarctic Peninsula A parish in the municipality of Figueiró dos Vinhos, Portugal Aguda or agudah (אגודה) (possessive: agudas or agudath (אגודת)) are Hebrew terms for "union" or "organisation".

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