See also: Agitprop Agitated Agitation Agitator Agitating Agitational Agitatedly
1. Agitpropist definition is - an agitprop agent
Agitpropist, An, Agitprop, Agent
2. Filed under: Uncategorized — Agitpropist @ 8:31 am Freedomainradio’s Stefan Molyneux has produced an excellent four part series of videos titled, “The Bomb in the Brain”, which demonstrates the negative effects child abuse have on both the individual and the whole of society.
Agitpropist, Am, An, Abuse, And
3. Props to the Agitpropist February 9, 2016 BFH Uncategorized 36 This is magically delicious
4. ‘Agitpropist’ is no one's favorite word yet, has no comments yet, and is not a valid Scrabble word.
Agitpropist, And
5. Filed under: Uncategorized — Agitpropist @ 8:31 am Freedomainradio’s Stefan Molyneux has produced an excellent four part series of videos titled, “The Bomb in the Brain”, which demonstrates the negative effects child abuse have on both the individual and the whole of society.
Agitpropist, Am, An, Abuse, And
6. CNN Goes After the Agitpropist Who Made Trump Body Slam Gif July 5, 2017 BFH Uncategorized 45
After, Agitpropist
7. Agitpropist paletas said: ↑ Not getting to know a bit about java and object-oriented programming before starting to develop plugins will result in poor plugins.
Agitpropist, About, And
8. Ilhan Omar, the freshman Democrat from Minnesota, spent the week endorsing and being endorsed by Russian Agitpropist Rania Khalek for casting developments in Venezuela as an American-led, right
And, Agitpropist, As, An, American
9. 宣传鼓动;宣传鼓动员(等于Agitpropist);宣传鼓动部门; adj
Agitpropist, Adj
10. NDTV thy name is a scheming lying Agitpropist propaganda channel which masquerades as news channel
Agitpropist, As
11. A person who disseminates messages calculated to assist some cause or some government; one disseminating agitprop{1}.Also called Agitpropist
Assist, Agitprop, Also, Agitpropist
12. This article is just another unintentionally ironic page in the archetypical Agitpropist’s narcissistic diary…never aware of the larger intention and impact of the unedited early release
Article, Another, Archetypical, Agitpropist, Aware, And
13. Agitpropist is nothing more than a new -age term for Community Organizer
Agitpropist, Age
14. Our president now functions as an Agitpropist
As, An, Agitpropist
15. Davis wasn’t just a CPUSA member; he was a Communist writer and propagandist; he was an… “Agitpropist.”
And, An, Agitpropist
16. Interlinearly lipoxenous Agitpropist metapostscutellar vascularize Chimaphila Ddenise back-and-forth
Agitpropist, And
17. I went on to read how a man from a vehemently leftist background (Hitchens was an Agitpropist for the International Socialist movement) went on to publish great works on ‘The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship’, the art of comedy with relation to gender, condemnations of Mother Teresa, Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger and most notably: God.
An, Agitpropist, Anglo, American, Art, And
18. Agitprop 宣传鼓动;宣传鼓动员(等于Agitpropist);宣传鼓动部门 v
Agitprop, Agitpropist
(often initial capital letter) an agency or department, as of a government, that directs and coordinates agitation and propaganda. Also ag·it·prop·ist. a person who is trained or takes part in such activities. of or relating to agitprop. Think you remember last week’s words? Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from April 6–12 to find out!
agitation and propaganda, especially for the cause of communism. (often initial capital letter) an agency or department, as of a government, that directs and coordinates agitation and propaganda. Also ag·it·prop·ist. a person who is trained or takes part in such activities. of or relating to agitprop. Think you remember last week’s words?
Note: Russian agitpróp was probably first used in the names of state organs, then generalized as a shortening of agitatsiya i propaganda "agitation and propaganda," though the chronology is uncertain.
Agitprop is the use of artistic forms such as drama or posters to further political aims.