See also: Agitated Agitation Agitprop Agitator Agitating Agitational Agitant Agitatedly Agitative Agit
1. News Item Agitar’s University Program Expands to Bring Unit Testing Solutions to Classrooms Globally News Item One of World's Largest Financial Services Institutions Expands Use of AgitarOne News Item Agitar Expands Presence in China News Item Agitar Provides Native Maven Integration with Latest Release of Java Testing Solution More News
Agitar, Agitarone
2. See 13 authoritative translations of Agitar in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.
Authoritative, Agitar, And, Audio
3. Spanish Agitar permite minimizar rápidamente todas las ventanas abiertas en el escritorio excepto la ventana en la que desee centrarse
Agitar, Abiertas
4. Definition of Agitar in the dictionary
5. What does Agitar mean? Information and translations of Agitar in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
Agitar, And
6. Agitar - Traduccion ingles de diccionario ingles
7. Principal Translations: Spanish: English: Agitar⇒ vtr verbo transitivo: Verbo que requiere de un objeto directo ("di la verdad", "encontré una moneda")
8. English words for Agitar include stir, shake, agitate, wave, churn, whip up, flap, flutter, sway and ripple
Agitar, Agitate, And
9. Imperative (Command) Conjugation of Agitar – Imperativo de Agitar
10. Capable of accepting a wide variety of container shapes and sizes ranging from pints up to five gallon containers, the Agitar™ Multi-Size Paint Shaker can shake it all
Accepting, And, Agitar, All
11. Delivering the performance and reliability our customers have come to expect from RADIA, the Agitar’s intuitive clamping system and easy operation provide a superior mix
And, Agitar
12. Synonym for Agitar “Agitar" se usa más con objetos que contienen liquido, “sacudir" es usado más para cualquier otro objeto
13. Por ejemplo, a veces las botellas de bebidas dicen "Agitar antes de abrir" y sacudir es casi lo mismo.
Agitar, Antes, Abrir
14. Agitar los brazos/un pañuelo to wave one's arms/a handkerchief
Agitar, Arms
15. Argumentos para Agitar aqueles que se preocupam com a transferência de poderes e competências dos parlamentos nacionais para a Europa e com um aumento de burocracia desnecessária
Argumentos, Agitar, Aqueles, Aumento
16. Necesitamos Agitar las cosas un poco
17. Es importante no Agitar ni salpicar
18. Comenzar añadiendo el sulfito, Agitar en
Adiendo, Agitar
19. Déjame Agitar la olla un poco
20. No te olvides de Agitar la bandera.
21. Agitar (first-person singular present indicative agito, past participle agitado) to shake, agitate; to wave; Conjugation Conjugation of the Portuguese -ar verb Agitar
Agitar, Agito, Agitado, Agitate, Ar
22. Agitar translation in Portuguese - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Agitar-se',agir',agiota',agitado', examples, definition, conjugation
Agitar, Also, Agir, Agiota, Agitado
23. Agitar translate: agitate, agitate, shake, dance, disturb, flap, flourish
Agitar, Agitate
24. English words for Agitar include shake, agitate, wave, flutter, shake up, move, rattle, excite, ruffle and wag
Agitar, Agitate, And
25. Agitar bien el contenido de la bolsa, dispersar su contenido en un volumen igual de agua y Agitar vigorosamente
Agitar, Agua
26. Agitar - sinónimos de 'Agitar' en un diccionario de 200.000 sinónimos online
27. English Translation of “Agitar” The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online
28. English Translation of “Agitar” The official Collins Portuguese-English Dictionary online
29. Preterite (Past Tense) Conjugation of Agitar – Pretérito (pretérito perfecto simple) de Agitar
30. Cozinhar e Agitar constantemente sobre 15 minutos mais ou até um escuro, formulários-avermelhado roux
Agitar, At, Avermelhado
31. Só vou Agitar algumas das suas moléculas e separá-las.
Agitar, Algumas
32. Quizás necesitamos gente como usted y yo para Agitar las cosas un poco
33. Quizás sea hora de los tres hacer algo emocionante para Agitar las cosas.
Algo, Agitar
34. Agitar - translate into English with the Portuguese-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
35. BALA - Agitar (OFFICIAL VIDEO)Feat
36. Agitar permite minimizar rápidamente todas las ventanas abiertas en el escritorio excepto la ventana en la que desee centrarse
Agitar, Abiertas
37. Agitar Technologies enables the enterprise to more efficiently release Java applications, reduce the cost of bugs, and change both new and legacy applications to meet changing business needs
Agitar, Applications, And
38. The AgitarOne product family enables software teams to create, use, and manage a set of unit tests to keep their software above par.
Agitarone, And, Above
39. Deine Agitar Fitness & Ernährungscoaching App
Agitar, Amp, App
40. Hier erhältst Du deine Agitar Pläne und baust die Verbindung zu deinem eigenen Coach auf
Agitar, Auf
41. Find words for Agitar in English in this Spanish-English dictionary
42. Traducir Agitar de español a Inglés.
43. Permite Agitar os vegetais ou a carne sem o risco destes caírem no chão ou espaço de cozinhado
44. Synonym for Agitar Sacudir implica más violencia y también es sinónimo de dar golpes
45. What is the meaning of Agitar? How popular is the baby name Agitar? Learn the origin and popularity plus how to pronounce Agitar
Agitar, And
46. The Agitar Multi Shaker is an extremely versatile machine capable of accepting a wide variety of container shapes and sizes ranging from pints up to five gallon containers
Agitar, An, Accepting, And
47. Agitar’s intuitive clamping system and easy operation provide a superior mix compared to other products in its class.
Agitar, And
48. Generation tools for Java (Randoop, EvoSuite, and Agitar) to the 357 real faults in the Defects4J dataset and investigated how well the generated test suites perform at detecting these faults
And, Agitar, At
49. Agitar balat ng katawan ng tao jinoch mirno one who believes in spiritualism; one who is involved in the spiritual aspect of things reversing Middle America mikoza coral snake medycyna death-duty plant-eating beetle, rose beetle, rose bug pea crab endemic plants of Croatia weep for joy screw validation of expenditure evaluation ad noti
Agitar, Aspect, America, Ad
50. Sentence pairs containing Agitar translated in English and Spanish
Agitar, And
51. Look up the Spanish to German translation of Agitar in the PONS online dictionary
Define agita. agita synonyms, agita pronunciation, agita translation, English dictionary definition of agita. a feeling of agitation or anxiety n. 1. Acid indigestion. 2. Informal Nervousness or worry; agitation: economic uncertainties that gave investors agita.
Judging by its spelling and meaning, you might think that "agita" is simply a shortened version of "agitation," but that's not the case. Both "agitation" and the verb "agitate" derive from Latin agere ("to drive"). "Agita," which first appeared in American English in the early 1980s, comes from a dialectical pronunciation...
English Language Learners Definition of agitator. usually disapproving : a person who tries to get people angry or upset so that they will support an effort to change a government, company, etc. : a device for stirring or shaking something in a machine (such as a washing machine)
Both "agitation" and the verb "agitate" derive from Latin agere ("to drive"). "Agita," which first appeared in American English in the early 1980s, comes from a dialectical pronunciation of the Italian word acido, meaning "heartburn" or "acid," from Latin acidus. ("Agita" is also occasionally used in English with...