See also: Agist Agisted Agister Agisting Agistment
1. Word Origin for Agist. C14: from Old French Agister, from gister to lodge, ultimately from Latin jacēre to lie down
Agist, Agister
2. Join industry leaders and optimize shipping throughout your supply chain with Agistix
And, Agistix
3. Agist. ( əˈdʒɪst) vb ( tr) 1
4. [C14: from Old French Agister, from gister to lodge, ultimately from Latin jacēre to lie down]
5. Agister definition is - one that Agists livestock; specifically : an officer of the royal forests in England who has the care of livestock Agisted.
Agister, Agists, An, Agisted
6. What is the pronunciation of Agist ?
7. What is the pronunciation of Agist ?
8. Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Agist (Verb) To take to graze or pasture, at a certain sum; used originally of the feeding of cattle in the king's forests, and collecting the money for the same.
Agist, At, And
9. ‘the dairy farmer might wish to Agist lambs after the cows are housed for the winter’
Agist, After, Are
10. ‘Market forces would soon sort out the cattlemen who are agitating to continue Agisting their livestock in alpine national parks.’.
Are, Agitating, Agisting, Alpine
11. Agist ( third-person singular simple present Agists, present participle Agisting, simple past and past participle Agisted ) ( transitive) To take to graze or pasture, at a certain sum; used originally of the feeding of cattle in the king's forests, and collecting the money for the same.
Agist, Agists, Agisting, And, Agisted, At
12. ‘the dairy farmer might wish to Agist lambs after the cows are housed for the winter’.
Agist, After, Are
13. To Agist is, in English law, to take cattle to graze, in exchange for payment (derived from the Old English giste, gite, a "lying place")
14. Agistment originally referred specifically to the proceeds of pasturage in the king's forests in England, but now means either: the
15. Agist - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
Agist, And
16. This is a well-established race, so we can start the number crunching by getting Agist - no winner over the past 10 years has been aged over seven, so Alph can go, as can Chivalry, Cloone River, Amour Multiple and Turtle Soup.
Agist, Aged, Alph, As, Amour, And
17. We are looking for someone who would like to to do the Agistment feeding at our farm on both Saturdays and Sundays morning & night, as well as pick up the manure in each paddock one day of the weekend
Are, Agistment, At, And, Amp, As
18. Would suit someone wanting to Agist …
19. Hlavní výrobní program společnosti Agist s.r.o
20. Definition of agism-Agist in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary
Agism, Agist, Advanced, American
21. Agist: To feed or pasture, as the cattle or horses of others, for a compensation: used originally of the feeding of cattle in the king's forests.
Agist, As
22. Synonyms for Agist in Free Thesaurus
23. Agist / Bronze 1 0LP / 3W 11L Win Ratio 21% / A rating system that measures a users performance within a game by combining stats related to role, laning phase, kills / deaths / damage / …
24. What does Agist mean? To take to graze or pasture, at a certain sum; used originally of the feeding of cattle in the king's forests, and colle
Agist, At, And
AGIST [ˈājist]
agist (verb) · agists (third person present) · agisted (past tense) · agisted (past participle) · agisting (present participle)
Definition of agister. : one that agists livestock specifically : an officer of the royal forests in England who has the care of livestock agisted.
Define agist. agist synonyms, agist pronunciation, agist translation, English dictionary definition of agist. vb 1. to care for and feed for payment 2. to assess and charge with a public burden, such as a tax Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged,...
Ageism definition is - prejudice or discrimination against a particular age-group and especially the elderly. How to use ageism in a sentence.
Ageist = discrimination on the basis of age. Agist = graze cattle on pasture for payment.