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See also: Suffix Affixed Aficionado Affixes Affixation Affixing Affix. Affix Affixion Affinity Affirm Affirmation Affidavit Affirmative Affiliation Affiliate Affiliated Affiant Affirmed Affirming Marketing Define

1. Affixoid (plural Affixoids) (linguistics) A regular word that also works as an affix; Translations

Affixoid, Affixoids, Also, As, An, Affix

2. Affixoid meaning (linguistics) A regular word that also works as an affix.

Affixoid, Also, As, An, Affix

3. Affixoid (Noun) A regular word that also works as an affix How to pronounce Affixoid?

Affixoid, Also, As, An, Affix

4. Particular, Stevens (2005: 4) claims that the Affixoid is a diachronically useful and important concept since in a grammaticalization process developing an affix out of a lexeme it shows how an intermediate step is taken, that is, it shows the gradualness of the process.

Affixoid, And, An, Affix

5. The term ‘Affixoid’ is a useful descriptive term to denote the phenomenon of bound meanings for words when embedded in complex words


6. Plural of Affixoid··indefinite genitive singular of Affixoid


7. Affixoids are morphemes with a special status between bound and free morphemes. As they have a clearly assigned meaning, it makes sense to split the respective words

Affixoids, Are, And, As, Assigned

8. Affixoide : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz)

Affixoide, And

9. The dataset contains the manual annotations for the COLING 2018 submission "Distinguishing Affixoid formations from compounds" by Josef Ruppenhofer, Michael Wiegand, Rebecca Wilm and Katja Markert

Annotations, Affixoid, And

10. -hai, -gott) were annotated manually as to whether the complex forms represent regular compounds or Affixoid

Annotated, As, Affixoid

11. The term ‘Affixoid’ is a useful descriptive term to denote the phenomenon of


12. Abstract We study German Affixoids, a type of morpheme in between affixes and free stems.

Abstract, Affixoids, Affixes, And

13. The Affixoids are nominalizers to transform adjectives, verbs, adverbs.

Affixoids, Are, Adjectives, Adverbs

14. Mandarin is developing toward an affix, now an Affixoid

An, Affix, Affixoid

15. [X-ma] construction, collocation, semantic prosody, Affixoid, quasi-suffix


16. An intermediate category between lexemes and affixes, the so-called 'Affixoids', has been put forward mainly in German linguistics of the 70's and 80's (see, among others, Schmidt 1987).

An, And, Affixes, Affixoids, Among

17. The aim of this article is to study the borrowing of the Greek evaluative Affixoid κοντο-in the Balkan languages

Aim, Article, Affixoid

18. The present study offers a full account of Korean verb-Affixoid patterns, capitalizing on the concept of ‘(constructional) schemas’ in Construction Morphology (Booij 2010; henceforth CM).

Account, Affixoid

19. Line up with the distinction non-Affixoid use versus Affixoid use


20. A complex form may contain the Affixoid candidate in its regular objective sense but the other component may make the whole word subjective


21. Affixoid (linguistics) A regular word that also works as an affix; Examples: “When the element at stake has been grammaticalised in a significant number of words, the Affixoid has been treated as …

Affixoid, Also, As, An, Affix, At

22. The Affixoid κοντο-, which is examined in this paper, belongs to the second cat-egory


23. 1.4 Affixoid creation processes The transition from compounding to prefixation is achieved through grammaticalisa-tion or through a more specific form of grammaticalisation, namely prefixation.

Affixoid, Achieved

24. Computational Modeling of Affixoid Behavior in Chinese Morphology @inproceedings{Tseng2020ComputationalMO, title={Computational Modeling of Affixoid Behavior in Chinese Morphology}, author={Yu-Hsiang Tseng and Shukai Hsieh and P

Affixoid, Author, And

25. Affixoids : German - English translations and synonyms (BEOLINGUS Online dictionary, TU Chemnitz)

Affixoids, And

26. "Revisiting the Affixoid Debate: On the Grammaticalization of the Word" In Grammatikalisierung im Deutschen edited by Torsten Leuschner, Tanja Mortelmans and Sarah De Groodt, 71-84

Affixoid, And

27. An Affixoid is a transitional in between noun 5 and affix

An, Affixoid, And, Affix

28. Affixes and Affixoids can both be used productively

Affixes, And, Affixoids

29. The –ma in Modern Mandarin is developing toward an affix, now an Affixoid.

An, Affix, Affixoid

30.Affixoid” is a cover term for prefixoids and suff ixoids, and as we see it, one of its advantages is precisely that it helps bring out commonalities in two phenomena that can seem functionally quite distinct at first sight

Affixoid, And, As, Advantages, At

31. Distinguishing Affixoid formations from compounds


32. We study German Affixoids, a type of morpheme in between affixes and free stems

Affixoids, Affixes, And

33. "Affixoid" is a cover term for prefixoids and suffixoids, and as we see it, one of its advantages is precisely that it helps bring out commonalities in two phenomena that can seem functionally quite distinct at first sight

Affixoid, And, As, Advantages, At

34. Affixoid (from affix and Greek eidos - view) is a component of a complex or complex word .., repeated with the same value as part of a series of words and approaching its derivational function (the ability to form new words with the same component) to an affix-suffix (for the last components of additions) or a prefix (for the first components).

Affixoid, Affix, And, As, Approaching, Ability, An, Additions

35. Affixoid mit der graduierenden B edeutung 'sehr, in hohem Maße' (wie z.B


36. T1 - Social Development of Gender Marker and Mandarin Chinese Affixoid

And, Affixoid

37. Computational Modeling of Affixoid Behavior in Chinese Morphology


38. Computational Modeling of Affixoid Behavior in Chinese Morphology Yu-Hsiang Tseng, Shu-Kai HSIEH, Pei-Yi Chen, Sara Court Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Taiwan University: 17:00 - 17:30 Session LONG20 - Applications 2 - Room Gràcia Chair: Paul Rayson

Affixoid, Applications

39. The 3/14 Zippy strip shows Claude and Griffy (and eventually Zippy too) caught up in what seems to be Affixoid attraction (similar to word attraction), an irrational appreciation of or enthusiasm for a particular word-part — in this case, the word-final element – o (whatever its source might be):

And, Affixoid, Attraction, An, Appreci, Ation

40. Finally, we discuss the nature of simil-as an Affixoid and explore its relationship with other competing (morphological and, more marginally, analytic) strategies in Italian

As, An, Affixoid, And, Analytic

41. Keywords: evaluative morphology, approximation, categorization, constructionalization, prefixes, Affixoids, competition, Construction Morphology, Italian.

Approximation, Affixoids

42. The term Affixoid is sometimes used to refer to items for which it is difficult to determine whether they are stems or affixes

Affixoid, Are, Affixes

43. In this article we offer a comparative survey of word-forming elements in German and Swedish known as “Affixoids”

Article, And, As, Affixoids

44. A highly controversial topic in German linguistics, the notion of “Affixoid” does remain useful given the position of the elements in question midway along the cline between compounding and derivation – so useful in fact that we feel it ought to be adopted into Swedish

Affixoid, Along, And, Adopted

45. Tante Edith findet Affixoid isch großkopfet für a Bäbberle #6 Author Schreibsler (1021303) 17 Mar 15, 14:12; Comment: Und wer sich zu vieler Affixoide bedient, ist ein Affixiot? #7 Author Cuauhtlehuanitzin (1009442) 17 Mar 15, 21:21; Comment:

Affixoid, Author, Affixoide, Affixiot



Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best definition of an affix?

In linguistics, an affix is a morpheme that is attached to a word stem to form a new word or word form. Affixes may be derivational, like English -ness and pre-, or inflectional, like English plural -s and past tense -ed. They are bound morphemes by definition; prefixes and suffixes may be separable affixes.

What is affixation in linguistics?

Affixation is the linguistic process that speakers use to form different words by adding morphemes at the beginning (prefixation), the middle (infixation) or the end (suffixation) of words.

What are lexical affixes similar to?

In other words, they are similar to word roots/stems in function but similar to affixes in form. Although similar to incorporated nouns, lexical affixes differ in that they never occur as freestanding nouns, i.e. they always appear as affixes.

What is the difference between infix and suffix?

Prefix and suffix are extremely common terms. Infix and circumfix are less so, as they are not important in European languages. The other terms are uncommon. Prefix and suffix may be subsumed under the term adfix, in contrast to infix.

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