See also: Affinity Affirmed Affirmation Affirmative Affirming Affirms Affirmer Affirmatively Affirm Affidavit Affiliation Affiliate Affix Affiliated Affiant Affixed Marketing Define
1. Learn to divide Affirmly into syllables
2. Find out what rhymes with Affirmly
3. Syllable Dictionary; Grammar; Syllable Rules; Workshop; Workshop; Teacher Resources; Affirmly
4. How many syllables in Affirmly? 7 1 2 4 3 6 5 8 9 syllables
5. Wondering why Affirmly is 7 1 2 4 3 6
6. We state Affirmly and officially that we want nothing to do with quicksilver funding
Affirmly, And
7. We at Taru Enterprises manufacture Hydaulic VMC fixture for holding the workpice Affirmly and performing all kind of operation on workpice using VMC irrespective of geometry of …
At, Affirmly, And, All
8. In Quran we find the forbiddance of adultery is stated clearly and Affirmly, Allah Most High says: “And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse
Adultery, And, Affirmly, Allah, Approach
9. The president is a white supremacist, you have to Affirmly believe that we have so far to go
10. I Affirmly believe that travelling and doing many activities will be a benefit for our health
Affirmly, And, Activities
11. I strong Affirmly and testify to the lessons identified by Dr
Affirmly, And
12. For 2,000 years the Catholic Church Affirmly and without doubt taught that the Church of Christ "is" the Catholic Church, founded by the God-Man Jesus Christ, who consecrated His Apostles as the first Catholic bishops and made St
Affirmly, And, Apostles, As
13. The president is a white supremacist, you have to Affirmly believe that we have so far to go.
14. The questions on Jurisdiction of Court in cases pertaining to dishonour of cheques has been Affirmly answered by the Apex Court in the recent decided case of Nishant Aggarwal V
Affirmly, Answered, Apex, Aggarwal
15. “Yes.” Su Bei’s aswered Affirmly
Aswered, Affirmly
16. I am a student of BHU at present, and I can say Affirmly that founding of BHU was in 1916, as it is evident byBHU website itself
Am, At, And, Affirmly, As
17. Affirmly believe that it was intentional
18. He Affirmly said that a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations will lead to the development of several innovation projects
19. Anything to Affirmly confirm at this moment solely based on some random piece of news in torrid circulation would certainly turn out to be a sheer foolishness of ours!! For instance,let us take a deep dive into the happenings related to NEET in th
Anything, Affirmly, At
20. It can be Affirmly said that employees function as the backbone of an organization in general
Affirmly, As, An
AFFIRMLY [əˈfərm]
TO AFFIRM, practice. 1. To ratify or confirm a former law or judgment, as when the supreme court affirms the judgment of the court of common pleas.
affirming or assenting; asserting the truth, validity, or fact of something. expressing agreement or consent; assenting: an affirmative reply. positive; not negative. Logic. noting a proposition in which a property of a subject is affirmed, as “All men are happy.”.
TO AFFIRM, practice. 1. To ratify or confirm a former law or judgment, as when the supreme court affirms the judgment of the court of common pleas. 2. To make an affirmation, or to testify under an affirmation. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
And you may affirm this in a proposition to your companion, or make the remark mentally to yourself. It must affirm itself, or no forms of logic or of oath can give it evidence. We cannot affirm that words have no meaning when taken out of their connexion in the history of thought. RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR AFFIRM accept