See also: Aesthete Asthenia Aesthetic Aesthetically Aesthetician Aestheticism Aesthetics Aestivation Aest We
1. Aisthētēs = wahrnehmend], Aestheten, in die äußere Schalenschicht eingebettete Sinnesorgane der Käferschnecken; können aus einer oder mehreren Sinneszellen zusammengesetzt sein; bei einigen tropischen Arten sind sie zu Schalenaugen umgewandelt.
Aisth, Aestheten, Aus, Arten
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English Language Learners Definition of aesthete. formal + sometimes disapproving : a person who recognizes and values beauty in art, music, etc.
1. One who cultivates an unusually high sensitivity to beauty, as in art or nature. 2. One whose pursuit and admiration of beauty is regarded as excessive or affected. [Back-formation from aesthetic.]
The aesthete who had so touched him with his impassioned voice, was going to say the saving word. To everyone, except perhaps here and there an occasional aesthete, the commonest sense of the word is unaesthetic. We see that the man whose success is merely personal—the actor, the sophist, the millionaire, the aesthete —is incurably vulgar.
Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. The decadence and detachment of the aesthetes was but the result of high capitalism and the necessary alienation of the worker from his task. He understood little of the art of government at which he remained an aesthete rather than a connoisseur despite a quarter century of rule.