Use Advectional in a sentence

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1. Advectional Inversion: Advectional inversion of temperature is also called as dynamic inversion because it is always caused due to either horizontal or vertical movements of air. Strong wind movement and unstable conditions of the atmosphere are prerequisite conditions for Advectional inversion of temperature.

Advectional, Also, As, Always, Air, And, Atmosphere, Are

2. Advectional: wind brings cold air into the area -- commonly produced by maritime air blowing into the coast

Advectional, Air, Area

3. Advectional inversions develop where there is a horizontal inflow of cold air into an area

Advectional, Air, An, Area

4. Advectional inversions are usually shortlived (typically overnight) and shallow.

Advectional, Are, And

5. Accordingly, winds that blow across Earth's surface represent Advectional movements of air

Accordingly, Across, Advectional, Air

6. Advectional inversion (s) , Advectional inversions (pl) A departure from the usual decrease of temperature with increasing altitude: Advectional inversion is a temperature reversal caused by cold air moving across a previously warmed up surface, causing …

Advectional, Altitude, Air, Across

7. Advectional- when wind brings cold air into an area

Advectional, Air, An, Area

8. Looking for Advectional inversion? Find out information about Advectional inversion

Advectional, About

9. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Explanation of Advectional inversion

Amp, Advectional

10. Advectional enhancement of eddy diffusivity under parametric disorder Goldobin, Denis S


11. Localization and Advectional spreading of convective currents under parametric disorder Goldobin, Denis S.; Shklyaeva, Elizaveta V

And, Advectional

12. Advectional contributions to observed evaporation 93 6


13. At the surface, six water types are formed which spread out, either by measurable currents or by weak Advectional processes, in six core layers and cause renewal and ventilation all the way to the bottom of the basins

At, Are, Advectional, And, All

14. Localization and Advectional spreading of convective currents under parametric disorder

And, Advectional

15. The factors influencing observed values are Advectional, diffusional and biological

Are, Advectional, And

16. What is the difference between a radiational inversion and an Advectional inversion? - Radiation is cooling, advection is cold air being added

And, An, Advectional, Advection, Air, Added

17. Advectional losses during night-time WERNER KUTSCH, MPI BGC, JENA In two recent studies by Aubinet et al

Advectional, Aubinet, Al

18. (i.p.) a data-oriented approach to detect Advectional losses of respired CO 2 during night was developed

Approach, Advectional

19. Advectional inversions sometimes form when cool maritime air flow into the coastal areas

Advectional, Air, Areas

20. Title: Advectional enhancement of eddy diffusivity under parametric disorder


21. Title: Localization and Advectional spreading of convective currents under parametric disorder Authors: Denis S

And, Advectional, Authors



  • › Advection definition in physics
  • › Advection in the atmosphere

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the definition of advection?

: the usually horizontal movement of a mass of fluid (such as air or an ocean current) also : transport (as of pollutants or plankton) by such movement. Other Words from advection Example Sentences Learn More about advection.

Where does advection take place?

Advection is a lateral or horizontal transfer of mass, heat, or other property. Accordingly, winds that blow across Earth's surface represent advectional movements of air. Advection also takes place in the ocean in the form of currents.

What is differential advection?

METEOROLOGIST JEFF HABY. Differential advection is when there are two or more air masses advecting at different elevations. The two or more air masses will often have different wind directions and different source regions.

What is an example of advection in oceanography?

Transport of pollutants in a river by bulk water flow downstream is an example of advection. This movement can be viewed as the advection of fluid across a coordinate surface. In oceanography, advection often refers to the horizontal transport of the heat, humidity or salinity of the ocean.

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