See also: Adposition Appositional Adopt Adaptation Ad Adoption Adopted Adoptive Adoptee Adopting Adopter
1. (January 2014) An Adpositional phrase, in linguistics, is a syntactic category that includes prepositional phrases, postpositional phrases, and circumpositional phrases
An, Adpositional, And
2. Adpositional phrases contain an adposition (preposition, postposition, or circumposition) as head and usually a complement such as a noun phrase.
Adpositional, An, Adposition, As, And
3. Adpositional complements in English grammar are words, phrases, and clauses that complete the meaning of an Adpositional phrase. Adpositional complement is a grammatical function
Adpositional, Are, And, An
4. The grammatical forms that can function as the Adpositional complement in English grammar are noun phrases, prepositional phrases, verb phrases, and noun clauses.
As, Adpositional, Are, And
5. An Adpositional phrase is a linguistics term defining a syntactic category that includes prepositional phrases and postpositional phrases
An, Adpositional, And
6. Adpositional phrases contain an adposition in the head position and usually a complement such as a noun phrase
Adpositional, An, Adposition, And, As
7. Language syntax treats Adpositional phrases as units that act as complements or adjuncts.
Adpositional, As, Act, Adjuncts
8. An Adpositional phrase consists of an adposition such as a preposition or postposition plus another word, phrase, or clause functioning as an Adpositional complement. Two grammatical forms can perform the function of Adpositional phrase head in the English language
An, Adpositional, Adposition, As, Another
9. The two grammatical forms that can function as the Adpositional phrase head are:
As, Adpositional, Are
10. An Adpositional phrase, in linguistics, is a syntactic category that includes prepositional phrases, postpositional phrases, and circumpositional phrases
An, Adpositional, And
11. Adpositional phrases contain an adposition (preposition, postposition, or circumposition) as head and usually a complement such as a noun phrase.
Adpositional, An, Adposition, As, And
12. An Adpositional phrase, in linguistics, is a syntactic category that includes prepositional phrases, postpositional phrases, and circumpositional phrases
An, Adpositional, And
13. Adpositional phrases contain an adposition (preposition, postposition, or circumposition) as head and usually a complement such as a noun phrase.
Adpositional, An, Adposition, As, And
14. It discusses the internal structure of Adpositional phrases and provides evidence for the view that, even when analysing one single language, distinct syntactic patterns need to be set up in order to cope adequately with the data
Adpositional, And, Analysing, Adequately
15. We use the categories "adposition" and "Adpositional object" to also cover prepositions and prepositional objects in English parse trees
Adposition, And, Adpositional, Also
16. Adpositional (Adjective) Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of an adposition
Adpositional, Adjective, An, Adposition
17. The source of information in an Adpositional phrase and synonymous constructions is marked by a genitive modifier or a modifying phrase
An, Adpositional, And
18. The analysed fiction texts contained no instances of expressing a reported statement with an Adpositional phrase.
Analysed, An, Adpositional
19. Adpositional CONSTRUCTIONS IN 833(5 øRVAN TAT Murad Suleymanov École pratique des hautes études UMR 7192
20. Adpositional phrases can add to or modify the meaning of nouns, verbs, or adjectives
Adpositional, Add, Adjectives
21. An Adpositional phrase is a phrase that features either a preposition, a postposition, or a circumposition
An, Adpositional
22. Adpositional Supersenses for Mandarin Chinese Yilun Zhu Yang Liu Siyao Peng Austin Blodgett Yushi Zhao Nathan Schneider Georgetown University {yz565,yl879,sp1184,ajb341,yz521,nathan.schneider} 1 Introduction Adpositions, though belonging to a closed func-tional category, can contribute signiÞcantly to meaning.
Adpositional, Austin, Adpositions
23. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Comprehensive Grammar Resources Ser.: Syntax of Dutch : Adpositions and Adpositional Phrases by Hans Broekhuis (2013, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Amp, And, Adpositions, Adpositional, At
24. What does Adpositional mean? (grammar) Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of an adposition
Adpositional, An, Adposition
25. An Adpositional phrase (category symbol: PP) is generated by combining an adposition with its focus
An, Adpositional, Adposition
26. Adpositional phrases are predominantly used as sentence constituents in the following roles: As Objects: /kæfʃ-æʃ rɒ/ کفشش را, /be pedær-æʃ/ به پدرش; As adverbials: /æz xiɒbɒn/ از خیابان, /tɒ sobh/ تا صبح
Adpositional, Are, As, Adverbials
27. Adpositional (not comparable) (grammar) Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of an adposition.
Adpositional, An, Adposition
28. Abstract This paper explains Adpositional Argumentation (AdArg), a new method for annotating arguments expressed in natural language
Abstract, Adpositional, Argumentation, Adarg, Annotating, Arguments
29. In describing this method, it provides the guidelines for designing a Gold Standard Corpus (GSC) of argumentative discourse in terms of so-called argumentative Adpositional trees (arg-adtrees).
Argumentative, Adpositional, Arg, Adtrees
30. No case affixes or Adpositional clitics; Icon size
Affixes, Adpositional
31. Case suffixes; Case prefixes; Case tone; Case stem change; Mixed morphological case; Postpositional clitics; Prepositional clitics; Inpositional clitics; No case affixes or Adpositional clitics; Show/hide Labels
Affixes, Adpositional
32. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Oxford Studies in Comparative Syntax Ser.: Variation in P : Comparative Approaches to Adpositional Phrases (2020, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
Amp, And, Approaches, Adpositional, At
33. What does Adpositionally mean? (grammar) In an Adpositional manner
Adpositionally, An, Adpositional
34. Can NPs, adjectives, or Adpositional phrases function as predicates in your language? If so, do they require a copula in some or all cases? Does the form of the copula vary? Examples from English include: NP: The winner is a doctor
Adjectives, Adpositional, As, All
35. Constructive Adpositional Grammars: Foundations of Constructive Linguistics [Federico Gobbo, Marco Benini] on
Adpositional, Amazon
36. Constructive Adpositional Grammars: Foundations of Constructive Linguistics
37. Adpositional phrases can feature primary adpositions, belonging to the lexical class of PIE preverbs, or secondary adpositions, variously connected with adverbs or with nominal forms
Adpositional, Adpositions, Adverbs
38. Adpositional phrase is similar to these topics: Case role, Head (linguistics), Adverbial phrase and more
Adpositional, Adverbial, And
39. Topics similar to or like Adpositional phrase
40. Scholars in the fields of Argumentation Theory and Rhe- Adpositional Argumentation (AdArg) is a constructive toric have developed a great many insights concerning the linguistic approach to argumentation that is aimed at forma- way in which people support their points of view with ar- lizing the insights developed within Argumentation Theory
Argumentation, And, Adpositional, Adarg, Approach, Aimed, At, Ar
41. Languages with only bare adpositions, and those for which markers on their adpositions do not meet the criteria mentioned above irrespective of the nature of the Adpositional object, are assigned value two (adpositions without person marking)
Adpositions, And, Above, Adpositional, Are, Assigned
42. An Adpositional phrase, in linguistics, is a syntactic category that includes prepositional phrases, postpositional phrases, and circumpositional phrases
An, Adpositional, And
43. Adpositional phrases contain an adposition (preposition, postposition, or circumposition) as head and usually a complement such as a noun phrase.
Adpositional, An, Adposition, As, And
44. On the other hand, neither of the two analyses leads to a clear distinction among the four prepositions, thus pointing to the fact that these topic-marking prepositions indeed constitute a fairly good case of Adpositional synonymy, with few distinguishing factors separating one from the other.
Analyses, Among, Adpositional
45. (grammar) In an Adpositional manner Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
An, Adpositional
46. Part of the larger Syntax of Dutch series, this volume focuses on the internal makeup and distribution of Adpositional phrases in Dutch
And, Adpositional
47. It covers such topics as complementation and modification of Adpositional phrases, as well as their predicative, attributive, and adverbial uses.
As, And, Adpositional, Attributive, Adverbial
48. This section discusses the complementation of Adpositional phrases
49. Sections 2.1-2.3 will show that, in the core case, the complement of an adposition is a noun phrase: Adpositional phrases are not common as complements of adpositions, although there is a small set of prepositions that may occur with them; adjectival phrases acting as the complement of an adposition are extremely rare, if
An, Adposition, Adpositional, Are, As, Adpositions, Although, Adjectival, Acting
50. Adpositional languages typically single out a particular adposition for the following special functions: marking possession; marking the agent in the passive construction marking the beneficiary role in transfer relations Proper vs improper
Adpositional, Adposition, Agent
51. It is through the creation of spaces that expose children to a broad array of Adpositional conditions that this thesis offers the developing child the possibility of learning through and about space by instrumentalizing his or her worldview
Array, Adpositional, And, About
52. Ongoing Adpositional supersense projects on The Little Prince include English, German, French, and Korean
Adpositional, And
An adpositional phrase, in linguistics, is a syntactic category that includes prepositional phrases, postpositional phrases, and circumpositional phrases. Adpositional phrases contain an adposition (preposition, postposition, or circumposition) as head and usually a complement such as a noun phrase.
There are three types of adpositional phrases: prepositional phrases, postpositional phrases, and circumpositional phrases. The underlined phrases in the following sentences are examples of prepositional phrases in English. The prepositions are in bold:
A less common type of adposition is the circumposition, which consists of two parts that appear on each side of the complement. Other terms sometimes used for particular types of adposition include ambiposition, inposition and interposition.
An adposition typically combines with exactly one complement, most often a noun phrase (or, in a different analysis, a determiner phrase ). In English, this is generally a noun (or something functioning as a noun, e.g., a gerund ), together with its specifier and modifiers such as articles, adjectives, etc.