See also: Adoptee Adoption Adoptionism Adoptionist Adopted Adopter Adopt Adoptive Adopting Adaptation Adoptable Adopción
1. Definition of Adoptee : one who is adopted Examples of Adoptee in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web But Patel was nominated for playing an Australian Indian Adoptee in 2016’s Lion, which some critics saw as a white-savior tale.
Adoptee, Adopted, An, Australian, As
2. Here at, we answer questions regarding Adoptee trauma, DNA testing, how to communicate with birth parents, how to find your birth parents, and anything else related to Adoptees
At, Adoptee, Answer, And, Anything, Adoptees
3. Adoptee synonyms, Adoptee pronunciation, Adoptee translation, English dictionary definition of Adoptee
4. An Adoptee is a person who has been permanently (and typically formally and legally) taken into the custody of an adult or adult couple who act as that person’s parent (s) or guardian (s)
An, Adoptee, And, Adult, Act, As
5. Hague Convention Adoptee: A child who qualifies as a Hague Convention Adoptee and on whose behalf an immigrant petition has been filed while under the age of 16 (or while under the age of 18 if the birth sibling of a child who was adopted by the same parents is or will be immigrating as an orphan, adopted child, or Hague Convention Adoptee to
Adoptee, As, And, An, Age, Adopted
6. Adoptees On is a community filled with resilient and passionate adult Adoptees. We were adopted as infants or children and are now discovering as adults that with adoption comes loss and hidden grief
Adoptees, And, Adult, Adopted, As, Are, Adults, Adoption
7. The conversations shared on the Adoptees On podcast are insightful, informative, and validating.
Adoptees, Are, And
8. Dying Adoptee finds his birthmother (VIDEO) by Mark Holmberg of CBS 6 in Richmond, VA (Reporter for WTVR News ) - July 22, 2011 Video update of Kenny Malpass, a 45 yr old Adoptee with limited life expectancy finds his birthmother after WTVR ran Kenny's plight to find his beginnings
Adoptee, After
9. From this noticeable gap, Adoptees Connect was born
10. At Adoptees Connect, we focus on putting Adoptee voices first by creating a safe and valuable Adoptee-centric space, created by and for Adoptees, where their voices can meet and be heard
At, Adoptees, Adoptee, And
11. Latest Registered Adoption Records: Birth Mother looking for Female Adoptee born on Feb 7, 1962 in White Settlement, Texas Adoption record added Sunday at 5:12pm; Birth Mother looking for Male Adoptee born on Oct 15, 1979 in Quincy, Illinois Adoption record added Saturday at 6:23pm; Female Adoptee born on Apr 27, 1983 in Pinellas County in Florida Adoption record added Saturday at 3:10pm
Adoption, Adoptee, Added, At, Apr
12. “AdopteeBridge will always put the wants and needs of the Adoptee first, because they genuinely care for you and your family
Adopteebridge, Always, And, Adoptee
13. The decision to find a birth family member or the child you placed for adoption (Adoptee) can be daunting and difficult.
Adoption, Adoptee, And
14. Individuals who are adopted must submit an Adoptee's Application for Noncertified Copy of Original Birth Record
Are, Adopted, An, Adoptee, Application
15. If you are an Adoptee, 18 years of age or older, have made at least one attempt to contact your natural/birth family, and who is interested in sharing your story, please contact Melissa Weller at [email protected]
Are, An, Adoptee, Age, At, Attempt, And
16. The Adoptee center will help to facilitate birth search services, research projects, language classes, and post-adoption services
Adoptee, And, Adoption
17. Global Birth Search Service (GBS) Adoptee Hub will provide a first-of-a-kind, Global Birth Search Service (GBS).
18. The podcast where Adoptees discuss the adoption experience
Adoptees, Adoption
19. Adult Adoptees share stories of search, reunion, and secondary rejection
Adult, Adoptees, And
20. Adoptees On also curates recommended resources to encourage and educate the adoption community about Adoptee issues.
Adoptees, Also, And, Adoption, About, Adoptee
21. By the time an Adoptee becomes an adult, there is often very little understanding of what those genetic traits are except for the physical ones
An, Adoptee, Adult, Are
22. ‘Counselling would be available to adult Adoptees, foster children, birth families and adoptive families, the report says.’ ‘Karen has already interviewed about 40 Adoptees but is hoping to speak to more before holding a seminar in November.’
Available, Adult, Adoptees, And, Adoptive, Already, About
23. Missouri allows an Adoptee to apply for an original copy of his or her birth certificate, with certain restrictions and includes a waiting period and fee
Allows, An, Adoptee, Apply, And
24. Pending legislation in Pennsylvania would provide an adult Adoptee with access to a
An, Adult, Adoptee, Access
25. Adoptee (plural Adoptees) An adopted son or daughter
Adoptee, Adoptees, An, Adopted
26. An adult Chinese female Adoptee has found her biological parents.
An, Adult, Adoptee
27. No Adoptee should ever feel like there is an obligation to reunite or meet with their birth family
Adoptee, An
28. Each Adoptee has his or her own unique journey
29. With the ever-growing popularity of DNA testing for Adoptees, one might feel pressure to join in
30. Holt Adoptee Camp provides youth and teen Adoptees a safe and supportive environment to explore their identity, discuss issues relevant to Adoptees and connect with other transracial teens and youth in their state
Adoptee, And, Adoptees
31. Family Day Camp is available for Adoptees under 8 years old and their adoptive families.
Available, Adoptees, And, Adoptive
32. In-person Adoptee support groups: While many support groups are at your fingertips thanks to the internet, you may find it easier to connect with other Adoptees face-to-face
Adoptee, Are, At, Adoptees
33. For members of the world’s largest diaspora of Adoptees, returning to the country of their birth was a rite of passage — until the coronavirus pandemic changed everything
34. Adoptee, Birth Parents, Siblings of Adoptees are you looking for one another? We can help! If you are an Adoptee or a BIRTH PARENT
Adoptee, Adoptees, Are, Another, An
35. Adoptee Registration Form COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION AND RETURN TO: New York State Department of Health Adoption Information Registry P.O
Adoptee, Application, And, Adoption
36. Box 2602 Albany, NY 12220-2602 NOTE: This registration can be accepted only if the Adoptee was born or …
Albany, Accepted, Adoptee
37. As an Adoptee, I don’t really have Asian elders in my family—or many elders at all, since the deaths of my father, grandmother and mother
As, An, Adoptee, Asian, At, All, And
38. Oct 14, 2018 - Are you an Adoptee having a hard time expressing your feelings? Check out these Adoptee quotes created by Adoptees to express your feelings
Are, An, Adoptee, Adoptees
39. Adoptees for Justice is an intercountry Adoptee-led organization whose mission is to educate, empower, and organize transracial and transnational Adoptee communities to achieve just and humane adoption, immigration, and restorative justice systems
Adoptees, An, Adoptee, And, Achieve, Adoption
40. Adoptee Rights Campaign: “Children adopted into American families grow up on the principles of productive work and independence
Adoptee, Adopted, American, And
41. However, without citizenship, Adoptees are economically and politically disenfranchised and lack a sustainable way forward.
Adoptees, Are, And
42. The Adoptee’s Guide to DNA Testing is a great example of how to build solid skills when it comes to incorporating DNA testing into your research matrix
43. Why I Think The Adoptee’s Guide to DNA Testing Works for Everyone Interested in DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy
Adoptee, And
44. If the Adoptee is deceased, surviving children of the Adoptee may obtain a copy of the deceased parents OBC
45. A birth parent of an Adoptee born after 1945 may file a form to veto disclosure of the birth parent's identity for as long as the birth parent is alive.
An, Adoptee, After, As, Alive
46. Adoptee trauma is part of the adoption journey
Adoptee, Adoption
47. 100% real talk with your two new Korean Adoptee besties! Hana and Ryan, Korean Adoptees from Melbourne, Australia, talk about anything and everything adoption related, including race, gender, birth family search and reunion, and more.
Adoptee, And, Adoptees, Australia, About, Anything, Adoption
48. Welcome! Adoptee LIT aims to educate, advocate and to adjust the adoption narrative by creating a space that welcomes honest conversations and brings awareness to Adoption’s complexities
Adoptee, Aims, Advocate, And, Adjust, Adoption, Awareness
49. Adoptee LIT is a space created for education, advocacy,
Adoptee, Advocacy
50. What does Adoptee mean? One, such as a child, that is or has been adopted
Adoptee, As, Adopted
51. Adoptee Remembrance Day - October 30th
52. Adoptee Remembrance day gives our allies a chance to step forward with us, memorializing those Adoptees who’ve died too
Adoptee, Allies, Adoptees
53. The Adoptee Next Door Angela Tucker Society & Culture 5.0 • 171 Ratings; Angela Tucker is one of America’s most recognizable voices in transracial adoption (she's black, her parents are white), and the subject of the documentary "Closure." She goes beyond her experience, inviting Adoptees from all backgrounds in an effort to uplift
Adoptee, Angela, Amp, America, Adoption, Are, And, Adoptees, All, An
54. The Adoptee Rights Law Center PLLC is an Adoptee-focused legal practice founded by Gregory Luce, a Minnesota lawyer and D.C.-born Adoptee
Adoptee, An, And
55. As a fellow Adoptee this survival guide once again opened my eyes as to how many different experiences and journeys there is in adoption
As, Adoptee, Again, And, Adoption
56. Adoptee Rights Law Center PLLC Gregory D
57. The Transracial Adoptee and Multiracial Knowledge Community (TAMKC) endeavors to be a dynamic and supportive organization that brings multiracial, transracial adoption and mixed-heritage issues and related research to the forefront of higher education
Adoptee, And, Adoption
58. Welcome To This Adoptee Life “To all my fellow Adoptees, PS
Adoptee, All, Adoptees
59. We are all in this together.” – AMANDA MEDINA Founder This Adoptee Life Adoptee Mantra It’s here! The Adoptee Mantra poster I created recently is now available to order on This Adoptee Life website
Are, All, Amanda, Adoptee, Available
60. Am the Adoptee, Adoptee's attorney, or birth parent
Am, Adoptee, Attorney
ADOPTEE [əˌdäpˈtē]
An adoptee is a person who has been permanently (and typically formally and legally) taken into the custody of an adult or adult couple who act as that person's parent(s) or guardian(s). In other words, an adoptee is someone who has been adopted. The process of adopting is adoption.
adoptee - someone (such as a child) who has been adopted. individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul - a human being; "there was too much for one person to do".
Adoptees can feel thankful for being adopted and that someone was willing to step in and care for them, love them, and raise them as their own when their birth mother could not. Adoptees may be thankful that they were removed from a dangerous situation at home and placed in a safe, loving home.
As an adoptee learns to accept and move forward from their personal history, they may experience a few psychological effects of adoption on children, like: