See also: Admissible Not Administer Administration Admire Admirable Admiration Admit Administrative Admission Administrator Admirer Admitted Administered Admiral Admixture Admittance Administrate Admittedly Administración
1. Admissible definition is - capable of being allowed or conceded : permissible
Admissible, Allowed
2. How to use Admissible in a sentence.
3. Able or deserving to be considered or allowed deserving to be admitted or allowed to enter law (esp of evidence) capable of being or bound to be admitted in a court of law Derived forms of Admissible
Able, Allowed, Admitted, Admissible
4. Adjective permissible, allowed, permitted, acceptable, tolerated, tolerable, passable, allowable Convictions will rise now that photographic evidence is Admissible. unacceptable, intolerable, disallowed, inAdmissible Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition
Adjective, Allowed, Acceptable, Allowable, Admissible, And
5. / ədˈmɪs.ə.b ə l / considered satisfactory and acceptable in a law court: The judge ruled that new evidence was Admissible.
And, Acceptable, Admissible
6. ‘This information will be Admissible as evidence in the court of law.’ ‘Whether such a statement is Admissible as evidence is a matter for the courts to decide.’ ‘That being so, the finding by the trial judge that the accused was guilty of the offence was not supported by Admissible evidence.’
Admissible, As, Accused
7. 2 synonyms of Admissible from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 20 related words, definitions, and antonyms
Admissible, And, Antonyms
8. Find another word for Admissible
Another, Admissible
9. Admissible: that may be permitted.
10. Admissible A term used to describe information that is relevant to a determination of issues in any judicial proceeding so that such information can be properly considered by a …
Admissible, Any
11. Oral evidence is Admissible to prove the fraud or mistake; it must, however, be clear before a court will grant relief
12. PUTNAM'S HANDY LAW BOOK FOR THE LAYMAN ALBERT SIDNEY BOLLES The younger Brethren—whose number is unlimited—are Admissible at the pleasure of the court
Albert, Are, Admissible, At
13. Admissible, acceptable, permitted, allowed adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." Un tel comportement n'est pas Admissible
Admissible, Acceptable, Allowed, Adj, Adjective, An
14. An Admissible entry status is only applicable if/when entries are filed outside the variable release window
An, Admissible, Applicable, Are
15. All of these forms of evidence must be Admissible, though, before they can be considered as probative of an issue in a trial
All, Admissible, As, An
16. Admissible evidence is any document, testimony, or tangible evidence used in a court of law
Admissible, Any
17. ‘legally Admissible evidence’ ‘The onus is now on legal council to establish evidence that is Admissible in court of noncompliance on the part of the debtors.’ ‘I doubt very much that such evidence would be Admissible in an Australian court.’ ‘The new Criminal Justice Bill would make hear-say evidence more readily Admissible in
Admissible, An, Australian
18. Rule 703 goes on to explain that if the facts or data are the type that experts in the same field would reasonably rely on to form similar opinions, the facts or data do not have to be Admissible in order for the witness’s opinion to be Admissible.
Are, Admissible
19. What does Admissible mean? The definition of Admissible is a person or thing that is allowed or accepted
Admissible, Allowed, Accepted
20. A software legal advisor makes sure the evidence is Admissible, convincing and legally obtained
Advisor, Admissible, And
21. Evidence of other crimes, wrongs, or acts is not Admissible to prove the character of a person in order to show action in conformity therewith.
Acts, Admissible, Action
22. The claim was not Admissible under the current policy
23. Opposite inAdmissible Topics Permission and obligation c2 Word Origin early 17th cent.: from medieval Latin admissibilis , from Latin admittere , from ad- ‘to’ + mittere ‘send’.
And, Admissibilis, Admittere, Ad
24. Admissible cuts to the chase, pun intended and gives you a practical guide for investigating all aspects of the paranormal
Admissible, And, All, Aspects
25. See authoritative translations of Admissible in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
Authoritative, Admissible, And, Audio
26. If evidence is Admissible, it is allowed in a court of law
Admissible, Allowed
27. Convictions will rise steeply now photographic evidence is Admissible
28. Admissible: 1 adj deserving to be admitted “ Admissible evidence” Synonyms: admittable , admittible deserving to be allowed to enter allowable deserving to be allowed or considered permissible that may be accepted or conceded Antonyms: inAdmissible not deserving to be admitted impermissible not allowable show more antonyms
Admissible, Adj, Admitted, Admittable, Admittible, Allowed, Allowable, Accepted, Antonyms
29. A string or word is said to be Admissible if that word appears in a given sequence.For example, in the sequence, , , are all Admissible, but is inAdmissible.
Admissible, Appears, Are, All
30. Admissible assets means the assets of an insurer which are acceptable for determining an insurer’s solvency and shall include those identified in the Third Schedule to this Act but shall not include receivables outstanding or unpaid for a period of more than twelve months;
Admissible, Assets, An, Are, Acceptable, And, Act
31. Synonyms for Admissible in Free Thesaurus
32. 13 synonyms for Admissible: permissible, allowed, permitted, acceptable, tolerated, tolerable
Admissible, Allowed, Acceptable
33. Examples of Admissible in a sentence
34. Judge Taylor declared the evidence against the defendant Admissible in court which became detrimental to the defense’s case.
Against, Admissible
35. Definition of Admissible (adjective): able to be used in law court
Admissible, Adjective, Able
36. Definition and synonyms of Admissible from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
And, Admissible
37. This is the British English definition of Admissible.View American English definition of Admissible.
Admissible, American
38. In logic, a rule of inference is Admissible in a formal system if the set of theorems of the system does not change when that rule is added to the existing rules of the system
Admissible, Added
39. The concept of an Admissible rule was introduced by Paul Lorenzen (1955).
An, Admissible
40. Admissible - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
Admissible, And
41. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Admissible adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (acceptable) admisible adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo.Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa grande", "mujer alta").
Admissible, Adj, Adjective, An, Acceptable, Admisible, Adjetivo, Alta
42. Moreover, in the last twenty-five years, we introduced several multimap classes in the frame of the KKM theory; namely, the acyclic multimap class, the Admissible multimap class [U.sup.k.sub.c], the better Admissible class B, and the KKM Admissible classes KC, KD.
Acyclic, Admissible, And
43. An Admissible heuristic is simply one that, as you said, does not overestimate the distance to a goal
An, Admissible, As
44. It is allowed to underestimate, and the two examples you gave are indeed valid, Admissible heuristics.
Allowed, And, Are, Admissible
45. Admissible Law and Legal Definition The term Admissible literally means allowable or that can be accepted; Worthy of admission
Admissible, And, Allowable, Accepted, Admission
46. Ils incluront un maximum Admissible pour les salaires des particuliers.: There will be a maximum for individual salary levels that are eligible for the credit.: Le loyer est une dépense Admissible.: A
Admissible, Are
47. Rent is an eligible expense.: Cette acquisition se veut l'opération Admissible d'Azura.: The acquisition is intended to serve as Azura's qualifying transaction.
An, Acquisition, Admissible, Azura, As
48. Translation for 'Admissible' in the free English-Arabic dictionary and many other Arabic translations.
Admissible, Arabic, And
49. Another word for Admissible: permissible, allowed, permitted, acceptable, tolerated Collins English Thesaurus
Another, Admissible, Allowed, Acceptable
50. To be Admissible in court, the evidence must be relevant (i.e., material and having probative value) and not outweighed by countervailing considerations (e.g., the evidence is unfairly prejudicial, confusing, a waste of time, privileged, or based on hearsay).
Admissible, And
51. The prosecution presents evidence to the court that they believe can prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but that evidence must first be deemed Admissible by the court
52. Designed for use on the eve of trial or at counsel’s table, Is It Admissible? provides everything you need for …
At, Admissible
53. If the heuristic function is not Admissible, than we can have an estimation that is bigger than the actual path cost from some node to a goal node
Admissible, An, Actual
54. Admissible (adj.) 1610s, "allowable," from French Admissible, from past participle stem of Latin admittere "allow to enter, admit, give entrance," from ad "to" (see ad-) + mittere "let go, send" (see mission).Meaning "capable of being allowed entrance" is from 1775; specific sense of "capable of being used in a legal decision or judicial investigation" is recorded from 1849.
Admissible, Adj, Allowable, Admittere, Allow, Admit, Ad, Allowed
55. Find more ways to say Admissible, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Admissible, Along, Antonyms, And, At
56. What to Capture to make Facebook Evidence Admissible
57. Is Google Map evidence Admissible in a jury trial? An appeals court in Florida recently said “not necessarily” when it reviewed this question in City of Miami v
Admissible, An, Appeals
58. An Admissible heuristic is used to estimate the cost of reaching the goal state in an informed search algorithm
An, Admissible, Algorithm
59. In order for a heuristic to be Admissible to the search problem, the estimated cost must always be lower than or equal to the actual cost of reaching the goal state.
Admissible, Always, Actual
ADMISSIBLE [ədˈmisəb(ə)l]