See also: Adenylation Adenoma Adenopathy Adenocarcinoma Adenine Addendum Adenovirus Adenoids Adenosine Adenomyosis Aden Adenomatous Adenitis Adenoidectomy Adenomyomatosis Of
1. Adenylates meaning Third-person singular simple present indicative form of adenylate.
Adenylates, Adenylate
2. Acyl Adenylates; an enzymatic mechanism of acetate activation J Biol Chem
Acyl, Adenylates, An, Acetate, Activation
3. Additionally, if SerRS would edit through the enhanced dissociation of the non-cognate aminoacyl-Adenylates, the rate of their non-enzymatic hydrolysis should be higher than commonly observed (, , Table 3) to account for order or two faster adenylate-production rate.
Additionally, Aminoacyl, Adenylates, Account, Adenylate
4. It seems that, compared with normal cells, malignant cells have the ability for a very rapid regeneration of Adenylates
Ability, Adenylates
5. When R5P was the starting primer, inhibition of CO(2) fixation was relatively insensitive to the Adenylates and NADP
Adenylates, And
6. SfaB is an adenylation enzyme that Adenylates 3‐isocyanobutanoic acid for the biosynthesis of diisonitrile natural product SF2768
An, Adenylation, Adenylates, Acid
7. As a result, we observed a substantial increase in the level of Adenylates and, most importantly, an increase in the level of starch to 60% above that found in wild-type plants
As, Adenylates, And, An, Above
8. Adenylate (third-person singular simple present Adenylates, present participle adenylating, simple past and past participle adenylated) (genetics) To carry out or induce an adenylation reaction.
Adenylate, Adenylates, Adenylating, And, Adenylated, An, Adenylation
9. Hannes Link, Bernd Anselment, Dirk Weuster-Botz, Leakage of Adenylates during cold methanol/glycerol quenching of Escherichia coli, Metabolomics (2008) 4: 240–247 DOI 10.1007/s11306-008-0114-6 p.241 right column 4th paragraph: Method
Anselment, Adenylates
10. On the other hand, Hint1 preferentially binds and hydrolyzes adenosine derivatives with a single phosphate, including phosphoramidates (e.g., AMP-NH 2, AMP-N-Ala, AMP-N-ε-Lys,) and acyl Adenylates (e.g., Lys-AMP), and has turnover rates k cat as high as …
And, Adenosine, Amp, Ala, Acyl, Adenylates, As
11. Simultaneous formation of the Adenylates of the 18 amino acids common to protein, followed by cocondensation, has yielded polymers containing all of those amino acids. The condensation occurred rapidly at room temperature above pH 7.
Adenylates, Amino, Acids, All, At, Above
12. These proteins activate long-chain fatty acids as acyl-Adenylates, which are then transferred to the multifunctional PKSs for further chain extension
Activate, Acids, As, Acyl, Adenylates, Are
13. Adenylate kinase (AK) uses one each of Mg-complexed and free Adenylates as substrates in both directions of its reaction. It is very active in the mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS), but is absent from the mitochondrial matrix where low [ADP] upon intensive respiration limits the respiratory rate.
Adenylate, Ak, And, Adenylates, As, Active, Absent, Adp
14. Hannes Link, Bernd Anselment, Dirk Weuster-Botz, Leakage of Adenylates during cold methanol/glycerol quenching of Escherichia coli, Metabolomics (2008) 4: 240–247 DOI 10.1007/s11306-008-0114-6 link p.241 right column 6th paragraph : Method
Anselment, Adenylates
15. Acyl Adenylates: An Enzymatic Mechanism of Acetate Activation Creator: Berg, Paul Date: 1956 Periodical: Journal of Biological Chemistry Publisher: American Society of Biological Chemists Rights: Reproduced with permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Acyl, Adenylates, An, Acetate, Activation, American, And
16. We studied the spontaneous polymerization of amino acid Adenylates on Na-montmorillonite in dilute, neutral suspension, after polypeptides were adsorbed on the clay
Amino, Acid, Adenylates, After, Adsorbed
17. A non-canonical peptide synthetase Adenylates 3-methyl-2-oxovaleric acid for auriculamide biosynthesis
Adenylates, Acid, Auriculamide
18. Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 2 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Adenylates: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Adenylates" is defined.
Art, Adenylates
19. While this result challenged the hypotheses suggesting a central role for Adenylates in the regulation of O 2 ‐limited metabolism, it was noted that the Ar:O 2 treatment would differ from the other treatments in that it would have a specific effect on the ATP demands for NH 3 assimilation in the plant fraction.
Adenylates, Ar, Atp, Assimilation
20. Adenylates (ATP, ADP, and AMP) may play a central role in the regulation of the O2-limited C and N metabolism of soybean nodules
Adenylates, Atp, Adp, And, Amp
21. To be able to interpret measurements of adenylate levels in whole nodules and to appreciate the significance of observed changes in Adenylates associated with changes in O2-limited metabolism, methods were developed for measuring in vivo levels of …
Able, Adenylate, And, Appreciate, Adenylates, Associated
22. There have been many recent developments concerning the metabolic, transport and signalling functions of Adenylates in plants, suggesting new roles for these compounds as central regulators of plant physiology
And, Adenylates, As
23. For example, altering the expression levels of enzymes involved in the equilibration, salvaging, synthesis and transport of Adenylates leads to perturbations in storage, growth and
Altering, And, Adenylates
24. A) E1 Adenylates Ub, forming Ub-AMP o Requires ATP and releases PPi o This “activates” the Ub (AMP = a good leaving group) b) Ub is transferred onto a cysteine residue in E1, releasing AMP o E1-Ub is now linked by a thioester 2
Adenylates, Amp, Atp, And, Activates
25. Assume the total intracellular pool of Adenylates (ATP + ADP + AMP) = 8 mM, 90% of which is ATP
Assume, Adenylates, Atp, Adp, Amp
26. Specifically Adenylates threonine and glycine, and loads them onto their corresponding peptidyl carrier domains
Adenylates, And
27. Adenylates are not distributed evenly in the cell, so it some distance from these organelles
Adenylates, Are
28. The 3′ poly(A) in these 100 clones ranged from 0 to 33 Adenylates in length (Table 2)
29. Clones A 0 lacking poly(A) accounted for 27, 46% of clones A 1-A 5 had 1 to 5 Adenylates, and 20% of clones A 6-A 10 had 6 to 10 Adenylates (Table 2)
Accounted, Adenylates, And
30. The remaining 7% was the clones with more than 25 Adenylates (Table 2)
31. T1 - Proofreading of noncognate Acyl Adenylates by an acyl-coenzyme a ligase
Acyl, Adenylates, An
32. Simultaneous formation of the Adenylates of the 18 amino acids common to protein, followed by cocondensation, has yielded polymers containing all of those amino acids
Adenylates, Amino, Acids, All
33. Simultaneous formation of the Adenylates of the 18 amino acids common to protein, followed by cocondensation, has yielded polymers containing all of those amino acids
Adenylates, Amino, Acids, All
34. Leaf Adenylates were determined ac-cording to Fader and Koller (8)
Adenylates, Ac, And
35. Diurnal Changes in Sugar Phosphates, Adenylates, and Nicotinamide Nucleotides
Adenylates, And
36. Regarding the measurement of Adenylates in amphipod G
Adenylates, Amphipod
37. Adenylates, Nucleates, Purines, Pyrimi-dines,Tetrazolium Salts, Enzymes,Micro-biological and Bacteriological Media,, WRITE FOR Complete Animal Test Diets and YOU COPY Ingredients for investigational use
Adenylates, And, Animal
38. Instead, they recognized of chemically active forms of amino acids, namely aminoacyl-Adenylates
Active, Amino, Acids, Aminoacyl, Adenylates
39. Thus, relict recognition of amino acids, which led to the formation of the genetic code do not occur through the formation of complexes, but through a chemical reaction between the corresponding aminoacyl-Adenylates and tRNAs relic.
Amino, Acids, Aminoacyl, Adenylates, And
40. We studied the spontaneous polymerization of amino acid Adenylates on Na-montmorillonite in dilute, neutral suspension, after polypeptides were adsorbed on the clay
Amino, Acid, Adenylates, After, Adsorbed
ADENYLATES [əˈdɛnɪleɪt]
adenylate (plural adenylates) (organic chemistry) The dissociated anion present in adenylic acid ;' adenosine monophosphate. Verb [ edit ] adenylate (third-person singular simple present adenylates, present participle adenylating, simple past and past participle adenylated)
Adenylylation involves a phosphodiester bond between a hydroxyl group of the molecule undergoing adenylylation, and the phosphate group of the adenosine monophosphate nucleotide (i.e. adenylic acid).
a salt, anion, or ester of adenylic acid. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. Salt or ester of adenylic acid. Salt or ester of adenylic acid. Want to thank TFD for its existence?
The enzyme, adenylate cyclase, is required to make cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which plays a role in placental development and other cellular processes, including the immune response to infection.