See also: Addled Addle Addlepate Addlepated Addlebrained Addle-brained Addles Addling
1. How to use Addle in a sentence.
2. Addle definition, to make or become confused
3. Addle synonyms, Addle pronunciation, Addle translation, English dictionary definition of Addle
4. To cause to think unclearly; confuse: "My brain is a bit Addled by whiskey"
5. 56 synonyms of Addle from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 45 related words, definitions, and antonyms
Addle, And, Antonyms
6. Addle: suffering from mental confusion.
7. Find 18 ways to say Addle, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Addle, Along, Antonyms, And, At
8. Addle is a Technick that lowers one foe's Magick Power
9. In the original version, Addle can be bought in Rabanastre and Archades for 3,500 gil, and can be used for 30 License Points
Addle, And, Archades
10. Addle lowers Magick Power by 50%, has …
11. Addlebrained definition, having a muddled or confused mind; foolish, silly, or illogical
12. Addle 'Addle' is a 5 letter word starting with A and ending with E Crossword clues for 'Addle'
Addle, And
13. Can't remember Addle but renew was on the east side just before zodiark iirc
14. Addle is a verb meaning to confuse
15. When your great uncle Marvin became infirm in his later years, trying to distinguish between you and your cousins tended to Addle his brain.
And, Addle
16. What does Addle mean? To become rotten, as an egg
Addle, As, An
17. Addle definition: If something Addles someone's mind or brain , they become confused and unable to think Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Addle, Addles, And
18. /ma "Addle"
Addle, Ah
19. Addle (もの忘れ, Monowasure?) is a status ailment in Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift
Addle, Ailment
20. Units affected by Addle will not be able to remember any ability they have mastered, including Reaction and Support (if it plays any role in battle)
Affected, Addle, Able, Any, Ability, And
21. Addle has an effect period of …
Addle, An
22. Addle (v.) "become putrid," hence "be spoiled, be made worthless or ineffective," 1640s (implied in Addled), from archaic Addle (n.) "urine, liquid filth," from Old English adela "mud, mire, liquid manure" (cognate with East Frisian adel "dung," Old Swedish adel "urine," Middle Low German adel "mud," Dutch aal "puddle").
Addle, Addled, Archaic, Adela, Adel, Aal
23. Popularly used in the noun phrase Addle egg (mid-13c.) "egg that does
24. Addle is used on SMN because it counts as a spell that Bahamut will proc off of
Addle, As
25. Otherwise, Addle is used to decrease the damage dealt by magic attacks
Addle, Attacks
26. So if a boss is using a raid wide magic damage attack, Addle will reduce the boss' Int and it will deal less damage to everyone.
Attack, Addle, And
27. Addlebrained Confused, bewildered, or disoriented
28. This cold medicine has left me totally Addlebrained—I just wrote down that 2 + 2 = 5
29. Addle-plot obsolete One who disrupts or interferes with someone else's plans or enjoyment
30. If you want to have a good time, we can't invite that Addle-plot
31. Bilby commented on the word Addle "Addled by 1712, from Addle (n.) 'urine, liquid filth,' from Old English adela 'mud, mire, liquid manure' (cognate with Old Swedish adel 'urine,' Middle Low German adel, Dutch aal 'puddle')
Addle, Addled, Adela, Adel, Aal
32. Used in noun phrase Addle egg (c.1250) 'egg that does not hatch, rotten egg,' literally 'urine egg,' a loan translation of Latin ovum urinum, which is itself an
Addle, An
33. ‘If a bird keeps leaving her eggs and only pops in for a quick visit from time to time, the eggs will Addle and come to nothing.’ ‘At 106 degrees, the eggs will Addle (become unviable) or nestlings will die of heat stress.’ ‘There is an unpleasant smell in the goose shed and we …
And, Addle, At, An
34. Dictionary entry overview: What does Addle mean? • Addle (verb) The verb Addle has 2 senses:
35. Become rotten Familiarity information: Addle used as a verb is rare.
Addle, As
36. CAddle is a mobile app that saves you money on groceries, dining out, shopping & more
App, Amp
37. Synonyms for Addle in Free Thesaurus
38. 31 synonyms for Addle: confuse, bewilder, mix up, muddle, perplex, fluster, stupefy, befuddle, fuddle, go
39. The disease will Addle your grandmother’s mental capacity and cause her to lose her memory
Addle, And
40. 🔊 Because the professor is not a good teacher, he is indifferent when his students tell him that his complex lectures Addle their brains
41. 🔊 Everyone knows excessive alcohol consumption will Addle your thought processes and interfere with your
Alcohol, Addle, And
42. Addle Earth is an action, single-player game, that follows the story of three characters, and how they managed to save the world: Kit - the girl, Che - the ape and Moses - the alien, as they run through a futuristic, abandoned and confused Planet Earth to fight mechanical enemies (machines and droids).
Addle, An, Action, And, Ape, Alien, As, Abandoned
43. Addle makes friends with the owner of the mini-mart, a prodigiously fat woman in poor health
44. My strong ale must have got into your Addle pate with a vengeance
Ale, Addle
45. She stretched out a great red hand and arm on each side of her, so as to bar the doorway, and slowly nodded her Addle head at me.
And, Arm, As, Addle, At
46. Addle-brained definition: confused or muddled Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Addle, And
47. See authoritative translations of Addle in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
Authoritative, Addle, And, Audio
48. The base effect of Addle is to increase casting time by 20% and decrease magic accuracy by 20
Addle, And, Accuracy
49. Addle — Addle, Addled The usual word now is Addled, and is applied (a) to eggs, and (b) figuratively, to brains (i.e
Addle, Addled, And, Applied
50. Originally, Addle was a noun meaning ‘stinking urine or other liquid filth’, although its associations have usually been with … Modern English usage.
Addle, Although, Associations
51. To cause (someone) to think unclearly; confuse: "My brain is a bit Addled by whiskey" (Eugene O'Neill)
52. Middle English (in Addle (adjective)): from Old English adela ‘liquid filth’, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch aal and German Adel ‘mire, puddle’.
Addle, Adjective, Adela, Aal, And, Adel
53. Addle's Stead is located in southwestern Duskwood, south of Raven Hill, and west of the Vul'Gol Ogre Mound.It is one of the many abandoned farmsteads, presumably left behind when the darkness crept into Duskwood
Addle, And, Abandoned
54. "become putrid," hence "be spoiled, be made worthless or ineffective," 1640s (implied in Addled), from archaic Addle (n.) "urine, liquid filth," from Old English adela "mud, mire, liquid manure" (cognate with East Frisian adel "dung," Old Swedish adel "urine," Middle Low German adel "mud," Dutch aal "puddle").
Addled, Archaic, Addle, Adela, Adel, Aal
55. Popularly used in the noun phrase Addle egg (mid-13c.) "egg that does not
56. Find 18 ways to say Addle, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Addle, Along, Antonyms, And, At
57. Definition of Addle in the dictionary
58. What does Addle mean? Information and translations of Addle in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
Addle, And
59. Addle pate [Previously From Soil Comes Chalk] [Established endgame: Albedo] [Genshin Impact x reader the series] [tags: Slow burn, isekai, reader has her own life that doesn’t revolve around Albedo] [People wanting to be tagged: @yostresswritinggirl] Prologue
Addle, Albedo, Around
60. Addle is used on SMN because it counts as a spell that Bahamut will proc off of
Addle, As
61. Otherwise, Addle is used to decrease the damage dealt by magic attacks
Addle, Attacks
62. So if a boss is using a raid wide magic damage attack, Addle will reduce the boss' Int and it will deal less damage to everyone
Attack, Addle, And
63. We've got 16 rhyming words for Addle » What rhymes with Addle? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Addle.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
Addle, About
64. (2) The Bethany Bash is to be held this Friday and Saturday and aptly called ÔÇÿDouble Bheja FryÔÇÖ because it promises to Addle your brains with fun and frolic
And, Aptly, Addle
65. (3) He knew that the boy was the ringleader of the group, and was trying to Addle him before they attacked.
And, Addle, Attacked
66. Addle pate obsolete Someone who is stupid or foolish
67. Mother wants to arrange a marriage between George and myself, but I know I would be completely miserable married to an Addle pate like him.
Arrange, And, An, Addle
68. A Addle Property Maintenance is a local Company specializing in professional decorating with over 30 years experience and GRP fibre glass …
Addle, And
ADDLE [ˈadl]
addle (verb) · addles (third person present) · addled (past tense) · addled (past participle) · addling (present participle)
( in combination) indicating a confused or muddled state: addle-brained; addle-pated. 1. to make or become confused. 2. to make or become rotten, as eggs. 3. mentally confused; muddled (usu. used in combination): addleheaded. 4. rotten: addle eggs.
Examples of addle in a Sentence. Adjective my brain grew more and more addle as I made my way through the tax instructions Verb It's a dangerous poison that's strong enough to addle the brain. Their brains were addled with fear.
verb (used with or without object), ad·dled, ad·dling. to make or become confused. to make or become rotten, as eggs. mentally confused; muddled. rotten: addle eggs.