Use Acrolect in a sentence

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See also: Acrolect Acronym Acropolis Across Acrosome Acrophobia Acrobatic Acrostic Acro Acronyx Acrobats Acrophobe Acrostico Acrophobic Acronymed Acronymic Acropora Acrossed Acrophone Acromegaly

1. For example, Standard Jamaican English is the Acrolect where Jamaican Creole is spoken


2. : the language variety of a speech community closest to the standard or prestige form of a language First Known Use of Acrolect 1964, in the meaning defined above History and Etymology for Acrolect

Acrolect, Above, And

3. Acrolect Of the spectral and temporal variables studied, differences between Acrolect- and basilect-dominant speakers emerged most clearly in temporal vowel proper ties

Acrolect, And

4. In sociolinguistics, Acrolect is a creole variety that tends to command respect because its grammatical structures do not deviate significantly from those of the standard variety of the language.


5. For example, Standard Jamaican English is the Acrolect where Jamaican Creole is spoken.


6. Acrolect provides progressive, expert services tailored to meet evolving tactical, operational, and sensitive requirements for domestic and select international partners and clients

Acrolect, And

7. In 2019 Acrolect SOLUTIONS registered a DBA (doing business as)

Acrolect, As

8. 18 rows · William Stewart, in 1965, proposed the terms Acrolect, the highest or most prestigious …


9. Acrolect Solutions LLC is located in Pinehurst, NC, United States and is part of the Consulting Services Industry

Acrolect, And

10. Acrolect Solutions LLC has 6 total employees across all …

Acrolect, Across, All

11. So at the top of the triangle, you have what is called the Acrolect, for instance, in British English, the Queen speaks a “perfect” RP, the Acrolect, it is the language spoken by …

At, Acrolect

12. 2 Source for information on Acrolect: Concise Oxford Companion to the English Language dictionary.


13. In some cases, a language develops an Acrolect which contains elements of a more prestigious language

An, Acrolect

14. Acrolect - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums

Acrolect, And

15. Dialect, Acrolect, mesolect, basilect Pidgins and Creoles Diglossia Conclusion A progressive shift from one form of speech to another across a territory, such that adjacent varieties are mutually intelligible, but those at the extremes are not

Acrolect, And, Another, Across, Adjacent, Are, At

16. Basilect is a see also of Acrolect

Also, Acrolect

17. Acrolect is a see also of basilect

Acrolect, Also

18. In contextlinguisticslang=en terms the difference between Acrolect and basilect is that Acrolect is (linguistics) the variety of speech that is considered the standard form while basilect is (linguistics) a variety of a language that has diverged greatly from the standard form

Acrolect, And

19. As nouns the difference between Acrolect

As, Acrolect

20. Definition of Acrolect in the dictionary


21. What does Acrolect mean? Information and translations of Acrolect in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …

Acrolect, And

22. Acrolect: The variety of speech that is closest to a standard prestige language, especially in an area in which a creole is spoken

Acrolect, An, Area

23. For example, Standard Jamaican English is the Acrolect where Jamaican Creole is spoken.


24. Architects · Interior Designers · Design Acrolect

Architects, Acrolect

25. Definition of Acrolect noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Acrolect, Advanced

26. The Acrolect is often European, reflecting the history of colonization, but this is not always the case

Acrolect, Always

27. The mesolect represents the numerous confused variations which basilect speakers produce when trying to produce the Acrolect


28. Sociolinguists have created such terms as Acrolect, mesolect, and basilect from the root element of dialect.

As, Acrolect, And

29. For example, Standard Jamaican English is the Acrolect where Jamaican Creole is spoken


30. Creole Continuums are used to describe the three-important variety of Creolese that pops up is Acrolect, Mesolect, and Basilect

Are, Acrolect, And

31. When speaking Creolese the Acrolect variety is usually used by the speakers of the upper class, the middle class using Mesolect., and lastly Basilect is often heard being spoken by the laborer’s in the rural population.

Acrolect, And

32. The noticeable difference between Acrolect Creole and basilect Creole and its link to situations as well as status within society reminded me of the different dialects and registers within the Chinese language

Acrolect, And, As

33. Acrolect Solutions Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 08 November 2016


34. Any variety of language in a creole continuum that is intermediate between the basilect and the Acrolect.

Any, And, Acrolect

35. Coordinate terms: Acrolect, mesolect 1977, Joseph Twadell Shipley, In praise of English: the growth & use of language, page 78: The highest level of good English has been called the Acrolect

Acrolect, Amp

36. Mesolect is a see also of Acrolect

Also, Acrolect

37. In contextlinguisticslang=en terms the difference between Acrolect and mesolect is that Acrolect is (linguistics) the variety of speech that is considered the standard form while mesolect is (linguistics) a variety of speech that is midway between the Acrolect and the basilect

Acrolect, And

38. As nouns the difference between Acrolect and mesolect

As, Acrolect, And

39. Decreolization is the process by which a creole language gradually becomes more like the standard language of a region (or the Acrolect)


40. In one dimension change is directed toward the Acrolect, the “typical” change in the creole continuum


41. 2013, Allan Bell, The Guidebook to Sociolinguistics, John Wiley & Sons , page 83: At the other end of the continuum is the most standard speech, the Acrolect

Allan, Amp, At, Acrolect

42. The Acrolect - Warwickshire, UK - Rated 5 based on 2 Reviews "Excelente el concepto d las clases de las clases de dialogo!! Es genial para principiantes


43. Acrolect in a sentence - Use "Acrolect" in a sentence 1


44. It should be noted that the Acrolect, much like the basilect, is rarely heard


45. In some cases, a language develops an Acrolect that contains elements of a more prestigious language

An, Acrolect

46. Click for more sentences of Acrolect


47. Acrolect Source: The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics Author(s): P

Acrolect, Author

48. For example, in Jamaica, Jamaican Creole is the basilect whereas Standard Jamaican English is the Acrolect or prestige language


49. This paper aims to uncover the phenomenon of Code-switching and the motivation behind the propensity of using Acrolect in code-switching among the youths of Bangladesh

Aims, And, Acrolect, Among

50. === Stratification === William Stewart, in 1965, proposed that the terms Acrolect and basilect be the sociolinguistic labels for the upper and lower boundaries respectively of a post-creole speech continuum

Acrolect, And

51. A multi-disciplinary practice established in the year 2017 Design Acrolect is a Delhi based design studio focusing on design research and addressing the theme of computational design through their unique approach to architecture and interiors across distinct proportions.

Acrolect, And, Addressing, Approach, Architecture, Across

52. Translation for 'Acrolect' in the free English-Portuguese dictionary and many other Portuguese translations.

Acrolect, And

53. The Acrolect is internationally intelligible, and it is used for official purposes or formal occasions and written communications

Acrolect, And

54. (relative to the Acrolect and the basilect) an intermediate dialect or variety of a particular language (used esp

Acrolect, And, An


ACROLECT [ˈakrəˌlekt]


  • › Acrolect mesolect basilect
  • › Acrolect solutions llc

Frequently Asked Questions

What does acrolect mean?

Definition of acrolect.: the language variety of a speech community closest to the standard or prestige form of a language.

What is the adjective for acrolect?

In sociolinguistics, acrolect is a creole variety that tends to command respect because its grammatical structures do not deviate significantly from those of the standard variety of the language. Adjective: acrolectal. Contrast with basilect, a language variety that is significantly different from the standard variety.

What does basilect and acrolect mean?

Use of the terms acrolect, mesolect and basilect attempts to avoid the value judgement inherent in earlier terminology, by which the language spoken by the ruling classes in a capital city was defined as the "correct" or "pure" form while that spoken by the lower classes and inhabitants of outlying provinces was "a dialect"...

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