See also: Acquitted Acquitting Acquisition Acquittal Acquittance Acquire Acquiesce Acquaintance Acquired Acquiescence Acquainted Acquiesced Acquiescent Acquiring Acquisitive
1. Sanity Acquittees, buttherewerefew community programs tosupervise or treatdangerous mentally illofftnd-erswhomight bereleased
2. Using a database of all Missouri insanity Acquittees committed on July 1, 1997 (N = 873) and all insanity Acquittees unconditionally released from 1986 through 1997 (N = 193), this study calculated the lengths of commitment and identified variables associated with the unconditional release of insanity Acquittees from indefinite commitment by the mental health and criminal justice systems.
All, Acquittees, And, Associated
3. Insanity Acquittees would be acceptable.3 This Note first reconciles the opinions of the majority and the concurrence by considering a reading ofJones that is consistent with both opinions, permitting the continued confinement of Acquittees who have regained their sanity
Acquittees, Acceptable, And
4. And Insanity Acquittees Scope Note This chapter discusses the situation where a defendant’s competence to stand trial or criminal responsibility is at issue
And, Acquittees, At
5. Our website will provide you with information about upcoming meetings, statistics about the acquittee population, and resources for treatment professionals who provide services to Acquittees in the community
About, Acquittee, And, Acquittees
6. Insanity Acquittees thus stand in a fundamentally different position from persons who have not been adjudicated to have committed criminal acts
Acquittees, Adjudicated, Acts
7. Furthermore, NGRI Acquittees tend to reoffend less frequently than non-mentally-ill offenders convicted of the same charges (Silver, Cohen, & Spodak, 1989) and are more likely to be rearrested for
Acquittees, Amp, And, Are
8. Insanity Acquittees Treatment and Release For more than one and a half centuries, from the first insanity defense commitment of John Hadfield in England in 1800 through the mid-1960s, insane defendants (those not guilty by reason of insanity, or NGRIs) were automatically and indefinitely committed to a secure psychiatric facility until the
Acquittees, And, Automatically
9. Research has demonstrated that insanity Acquittees returning to the community have low recidivism rates and moderately low revocation rates
Acquittees, And
10. Acquittees and is in a better position to make deci-sions about their ongoing commitment
Acquittees, And, About
11. Long’s due process claims, the court reviewed the existing procedural protections that were already in place for insanity Acquittees fac-ing recommitment, including the right to review all
Already, Acquittees, All
12. The Privileging Process for Insanity Acquittees I
13. Even though state departments of mental health have primary responsibility for the care, custody, and treatment of insanity Acquittees, the impact of insanity Acquittees on the public mental health system is generally lacking in policy discussions and as a topic for policy research
And, Acquittees, As
14. This issue has received increased attention in Missouri, where insanity Acquittees now occupy half of the long
Attention, Acquittees
15. Acquittees to be improperly released or inadequately treated in the hospital and/or community
Acquittees, And
16. To address these concerns, the Commission recommended the estab-lishment of a PSRB to serve as a centralized authority overseeing the management and supervision of Acquittees throughout the state (Connecticut Law Revision Com-mission, 1985).
Address, As, Authority, And, Acquittees
17. Dealing with insanity Acquittees languishing in state hospitals
18. Evaluation and treatment of insanity Acquittees in the community
And, Acquittees
19. Insanity Acquittees have special needs for treatment as a result of their legal status, history of criminal behavior, and mental illness linked with criminal behavior
Acquittees, As, And
20. Consequently, the present study investigates attitudes toward offenders with mental illness (insanity Acquittees) in a sample of 113 registered mental health nurses in Ghana
Attitudes, Acquittees
21. Violence risk assessments did not predict long-term outcomes for insanity Acquittees in the community but should be utilized for the development of treatment and management strategies
Assessments, Acquittees, And
22. Most insanity Acquittees are found to have a dangerous mental disorder
Acquittees, Are
23. The dispute before us, rather, concerns the question whether the differences between insanity Acquittees and other candidates for civil commitment justify committing insanity Acquittees indefinitely, as D.C
Acquittees, And, As
24. Overhaul services for NGRI Acquittees: Compared to other states, Washington is clearly an outlier in terms of prioritizing far longer inpatient hospitalization and far less outpatient conditional release for NGRI Acquittees
Acquittees, An, And
25. The Government may commit Acquittees until they can prove by a preponderance of the evidence that they are no longer mentally ill or dangerous to themselves or society.3 The pe- riod for which Acquittees may be hospitalized bears no relation to the
Acquittees, Are
26. Using a database of all Missouri insanity Acquittees committed on July 1, 1997 (N = 873) and all insanity Acquittees unconditionally released from 1986 through 1997 (N = 193), this study calculated the lengths of commitment and identified variables associated with the unconditional release of
All, Acquittees, And, Associated
27. Most insanity Acquittees in our system are chronically mentally ill individuals who fit well into the psychosocial rehabilitation models that have developed over the past 15 years.
Acquittees, Are
28. Acquittees from the hospital back to community placements.2 Although society is often against a return to the community for insanity Acquittees, it is fiscally and clinically prudent to allow such conditional discharges to continue
Acquittees, Although, Against, And, Allow
29. “Those Acquittees [deemed not guilty by reason of insanity] are much less likely than people released from prisons to reoffend and especially to commit acts of violence.” Yet because policymakers, judges, prosecutors, and even some psychiatrists fear what such Acquittees are going to do when released, the Acquittees are often detained in
Acquittees, Are, And, Acts
30. Acquittees is the transition from hospital to the community and monitoring in the community in a manner that protects the community from risk of violence and provides the individual with robust treatment upon transition out of a hospital setting
Acquittees, And
31. The release of insanity Acquittees requires making informed decisions regarding both the presence and severity of an individuals' mental illness and the dangerousness of these individuals.
Acquittees, And, An
32. Research suggests that both goals were met in that insanity Acquittees no longer languished in hospitals with no hope of being released and those who remained dangerous and mentally ill remained in a secure facility
Acquittees, And
33. That insanity Acquittees should be afforded the same procedural safe-guards as persons who are committed to mental institutions via civil commitment proceedings.5 This Note argues that the Court's decision is an externalization of a growing fear among the general public that too many "guilty" people
Acquittees, Afforded, As, Are, Argues, An, Among
34. Acquittees committed by the Court are placed in the custody of the DMHMRSAS Commissioner
Acquittees, Are
35. A DMHMRSAS fact sheet on the NGRI system notes that/'restriction of liberties of Acquittees is based on identified risks and clinical treatment needs [with] gradual increases in freedom based on successful completion of the previous, more restrictive level
Acquittees, And
36. Grounded in case law, and supported by follow-up studies demonstrating low recidivism rates, states have been encouraged in their efforts to conditionally release NGRI Acquittees
And, Acquittees
37. The authors evaluated a state-wide sample of 127 NGRI Acquittees released into the community after spending a mean of 61.63 months (SD = 76.54) in the hospital.
Authors, Acquittees, After
38. Insanity Acquittees in Missouri on July 1, 1996, was 43.7 years (SD = 10.9), and ages ranged from 18.3 to 86.3 years
Acquittees, And, Ages
39. Less than half of the insanity Acquittees had ever been married (42.2%), and 8.6 per- cent were married at the time of the sur- vey
Acquittees, And, At
40. On the survey date, 442 insanity Acquittees …
41. Of the Acquittees, 61 (57%) had incurred a prior arrest and 40 (37%) had been arrested previously for a felony
Acquittees, Arrest, And, Arrested
42. As part of its responsibility to supervise Acquittees, the board reviews six-month reports on the acquitee ' s mental health status provided by CVH ' s superintendent
As, Acquittees, Acquitee
43. The current study investigated factors associated with voluntary and involuntary readmissions to forensic hospitals 356 insanity Acquittees on conditional release in the state of Maryland from 2007, 2008, and 2009 and monitored their community progress for a 3‐year follow‐up period.
Associated, And, Acquittees
44. It is concluded that conditional release plays a crucial role in the treatment of insanity Acquittees and that mental health administrators may either proactively modify their systems, in a way that balances public safety with individual rights and treatment needs, or wait for the modification mandate to be forced upon them in the wake of a
Acquittees, And, Administrators
45. Developing Services for Insanity Acquittees Conditionally Released Into the Community: Maximizing Success and Minimizing Recidivism
Acquittees, And
46. Between 1985 and 1989, a total of 173 insanity Acquittees were under the board's jurisdiction; most were hospitalized in state psychiatric facilities
And, Acquittees
47. The authors discuss issues that must be addressed in creating a psychiatric security review board, including the conflict between protecting the public and treating insanity Acquittees
Authors, Addressed, And, Acquittees
48. NGRI Acquittees uniquely walk the line of involvement in both the criminal justice and mental health systems, both of which have literature indicating the presence of underlying racial biases related to practices and outcomes
Acquittees, And
49. As such, the present study examined potential differences in the number of risk factors assigned for NGRI Acquittees based
As, Assigned, Acquittees
50. On insanity Acquittees be focused on evaluating the effectiveness of mandated community treatment programs for insanity Acquittees
51. One area being designated for such research is the monitoring and management of psychopathology in conditionally released insanity Acquittees, as mental deterioration in this population is a primary concern in
Area, And, Acquittees, As
52. The Review Panel Process: An Algorithm for the Conditional Release of Insanity Acquittees McDermott, Barbara E.; Thompson, John W
An, Algorithm, Acquittees
Definition of acquit. 1 : to discharge completely (as from an accusation or obligation) The court acquitted the prisoner. 2 : to conduct (oneself) usually satisfactorily especially under stress The recruits acquitted themselves like veterans.
An acquittal in a criminal case means that the prosecution failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. It does not represent a finding that the defendant (accused) is innocent.
The definition of acquitted is when someone has been released of responsibility for a crime or been found to be not guilty. An example of acquitted is a person who was charged with a crime but then found innocent in court. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "acquitted.".