Use Acquaint in a sentence

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See also: Acquaintance Acquaint Acquainted Acquaintance's Acquainting Acquaintanceships Acquire Acquiesce Acquiescent Acquiescence Acquisition Acquit Acquittal Acquired Acquisitive Acquiree Acquitted Acquitting Acquisitiveness Acquiesced Acquisite Acquaints Acquiring

1. Acquaint definition is - to cause to know personally


2. How to use Acquaint in a sentence


3. Synonym Discussion of Acquaint.


4. Acquaint creates AI solutions for each specific client, providing them with customized problem-solving systems that are unique, precise and guarantee long-term business growth

Acquaint, Ai, Are, And

5. Find 37 ways to say Acquaint, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Acquaint, Along, Antonyms, And, At

6. Some common synonyms of Acquaint are apprise, inform, and notify

Acquaint, Are, Apprise, And

7. While all these words mean "to make one aware of something," Acquaint lays stress on introducing to or familiarizing with. Acquaint yourself with the keyboard When is apprise a more appropriate choice than Acquaint?

All, Aware, Acquaint, Apprise, Appropriate

8. Acquaint is a company with great people to deal with


9. Acquaint is a true business partner.


10. Acquaint is a property CRM packed with features designed to cut down on as much repetitive admin as possible leaving you and your staff more time to develop your business

Acquaint, As, Admin, And

11. Definition of Acquaint with in the Idioms Dictionary


12. What does Acquaint with expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.


13. Acquaint definition, to make more or less familiar, aware, or conversant (usually followed by with): to Acquaint the mayor with our plan

Acquaint, Aware

14. Acquaint verb tell, reveal, advise, inform, communicate, disclose, notify, enlighten, divulge, familiarize, apprise, let (someone) know I want to Acquaint myself with your abilities and your weaknesses

Acquaint, Advise, Apprise, Abilities, And

15. Have steps been made to Acquaint them with their rights?


16. Compound Forms/Forme composte: Inglese: Italiano: Acquaint yourself with [sth] v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (become familiar with) impratichirsi con v rif verbo riflessivo o intransitivo pronominale: Verbo che richiede un pronome riferito al soggetto stesso, ma non un complemento oggetto

Acquaint, As, An, Al

17. Local farms Acquaint residents with the area's early agricultural legacy, hosting events like Farm Tot Fridays at Dr

Acquaint, Area, Agricultural, At

18. Acquainted翻譯:相識的;認識的;熟悉的。了解更多。


19. Acquaint is flexible enough to meet your current needs and grow with you

Acquaint, And

20. Acquaint will manage all aspects of your business from contacts, properties, diary, marketing, lettings accounts, mail merge …

Acquaint, All, Aspects, Accounts

21. Local farms Acquaint residents with the area's early agricultural legacy, hosting events like Farm Tot Fridays at Dr

Acquaint, Area, Agricultural, At

22. To Acquaint Publications, I would like to thank Acquaint Publications for providing me with an opportunity to publish an article with them based on Chronic Kidney Disease, the response rate was quite fast and it took me only a week to get my article reviewed without any delays.

Acquaint, An, Article, And, Any

23. These engaging dialogues Acquaint readers with two key African-American thinkers: bell hooks (her spelling), Oberlin College professor of English and Women's Studies and author of Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black, and Cornel West, Princeton University professor of Theology and Afro-American Studies and author of Prophetic Fragments.

Acquaint, African, American, And, Author, Afro

24. Synonyms for Acquaint in Free Thesaurus


25. 25 synonyms for Acquaint: tell, reveal, advise, inform, communicate, disclose, notify, enlighten

Acquaint, Advise

26. Acquaint was founded in 2014 with the mission of preventing future pipeline failures


27. What does Acquaint mean? To let (someone) know; give knowledge to; make (someone) aware; inform

Acquaint, Aware

28. (verb) To Acquaint oneself with the facts.


29. Acquaint (v.) early 13c., "make oneself known" (reflexive, now obsolete); early 14c., "to gain for oneself personal knowledge of," from Old French acointer "make known; make or seek Acquaintance of," from Vulgar Latin * accognitare "to make known," from Latin accognitus "Acquainted with," past participle of accognoscere "know well," from ad "to" (see ad-) + cognitus, past participle of

Acquaint, Acointer, Acquaintance, Accognitare, Accognitus, Acquainted, Accognoscere, Ad

30. Acquaint SoftTech is #1 top web and mobile app development company based in USA, India UK, delivering Android, iOS, iPhone application development services in Canada, Australia, and many other countries.

Acquaint, And, App, Android, Application, Australia

31. Acquaint A simple Xamarin app named Acquaint

Acquaint, App

32. Acquaint welcomes members from different parts of the world to join webinars to encourages research academicians explore and share their innovations to the scientific community

Acquaint, Academicians, And

33. To Acquaint (a person) with a particular fact, situation, person, etc again Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, …

Acquaint, Again, And

34. See authoritative translations of Acquaint in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.

Authoritative, Acquaint, And, Audio

35. Acquaint CRM is a flexible software solution that caters for Sales, Lettings and Property Management in a single integrated easy to use package

Acquaint, And

36. Word forms: Acquaints, Acquainting, Acquainted 1

Acquaints, Acquainting, Acquainted

37. Transitive verb If you Acquaint someone with something, you tell them about it so that they know it

Acquaint, About

38. • A good production person must keep up with every development and ideally Acquaint the art directors with every one as well

And, Acquaint, Art, As

39. • It was a mournful pair that hired a boat to take them to Saltash and Acquaint the Lee family of the tragedy

And, Acquaint

40. • You should Acquaint yourself with any material that is …

Acquaint, Any

41. Early 13c., "make oneself known" (reflexive, now obsolete); early 14c., "to gain for oneself personal knowledge of," from Old French acointer "make known; make or seek Acquaintance of," from Vulgar Latin * accognitare "to make known," from Latin accognitus "Acquainted with," past participle of accognoscere "know well," from ad "to" (see ad-) + cognitus, past participle of

Acointer, Acquaintance, Accognitare, Accognitus, Acquainted, Accognoscere, Ad

42. Acquaint [sb] with [sth] vtr + prep (introduce, make familiar) presentar algo a loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo").

Acquaint, Algo, Acusar

43. We have three goals: to honor the teachers for their contributions; to re-Acquaint them with some of their favorite students; and to …

Acquaint, And

44. Definition of Acquaint written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels.

Acquaint, Audio, And

45. CK 284588 Did you Acquaint him with the fact? CM 297040 He Acquainted himself with his job

Acquaint, Acquainted

46. CM 2264356 She is an old Acquaintance of mine

An, Acquaintance

47. 21 Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee

Acquaint, And, At

48. Acquaint somebody/yourself with something to make somebody/yourself familiar with or aware of something

Acquaint, Aware

49. Please Acquaint me with the facts of the case


50. You will first need to Acquaint


51. ‘To Acquaint me with the ground reality, he asked me to stay at the village and supervise the irrigation of peaches during April-May, which I did.’ ‘A US official at the UN began Acquainting him with the ‘political realities’ before he left New York.’

Acquaint, Asked, At, And, April, Acquainting

52. Additionally, the lodge offers enlightening experiences outside the lodge to help Acquaint travelers with the local culture.

Additionally, Acquaint

53. FORBES: Connect Google Wallet is the first significant endeavor to Acquaint the masses with NFC.


54. Crystal-clear definitions of 25,000 entries, covering 90 subfields of psychology from clinical and cognitive psychology to psychopharmacology and statistics, appendices on entries from categories such as biographies, psychological tests, and psychotherapies, and a "quick guide" to easily Acquaint the reader with stylistic and formatting

And, Appendices, As, Acquaint

55. Acquaint is a CRM that covers sales, lettings, property management, contact & client management, marketing as well as accounting.

Acquaint, Amp, As, Accounting

56. Examples of Acquaint in a sentence


57. The faculty mixer is the perfect time for you to Acquaint yourself with your teachers


58. 🔊 Before the next class, I need to Acquaint myself with the short story in case we have a pop quiz


59. 🔊 Jill will ask the apartment manager to Acquaint her with the layout

Ask, Apartment, Acquaint

60. Antonyms for Acquaint include conceal, deceive, delude, falsify, hide, mislead, misrepresent, secrete, suppress and withhold

Antonyms, Acquaint, And

61. ‘To Acquaint me with the ground reality, he asked me to stay at the village and supervise the irrigation of peaches during April-May, which I did.’ ‘A US official at the UN began Acquainting him with the ‘political realities’ before he left New York.’

Acquaint, Asked, At, And, April, Acquainting


ACQUAINT [əˈkwānt]


  • › Professional acquaintances definition
  • › Make your acquaintance definition
  • › Business acquaintance definition
  • › What does acquaint mean
  • › Getting acquainted meaning

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best definition of the word acquaint?

acquaint 1 To make known socially:nintroduce, present. 2 To impart information to: More ...

Is acquaint a verb?

transitive verb 1 : to cause to know personally was acquainted with the mayor 2 : to make familiar : to cause to know firsthand acquainting the new employees with their responsibilities She took a few days to acquaint herself with the facts of the case. Synonyms Choose the Right Synonym More Example Sentences Learn More about acquaint

What is the meaning of acquaint?

1. 2. 3. verb tell, reveal, advise, inform, communicate, disclose, notify, enlighten, divulge, familiarize, apprise, let (someone) know I want to acquaint myself with your abilities and your weaknesses. Have steps been made to acquaint them with their rights? 1. To make known socially: introduce, present. 2. To impart information to:

What does "acquaint ed" mean?


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