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1. Acceptant definition is - willing to accept : receptive

Acceptant, Accept

2. Recent Examples on the Web For the past 25 years, the foundation has been dedicated to building communities that are Acceptant and supportive for individuals who are challenged by special needs and neurodiversity

Are, Acceptant, And

3. Acceptant definition, willingly or readily accepting or receiving; receptive

Acceptant, Accepting

4. Acceptant synonyms, Acceptant pronunciation, Acceptant translation, English dictionary definition of Acceptant


5. Find 5 ways to say Acceptant, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

Acceptant, Along, Antonyms, And, At

6. Acceptant: 1 adj accepting willingly “an Acceptant type of mind” Synonyms: acceptive open , receptive ready or willing to receive favorably

Acceptant, Adj, Accepting, An, Acceptive

7. Acceptant - accepting willingly; "acceptive of every new idea"; "an Acceptant type of mind" acceptive receptive , open - ready or willing to receive favorably; "receptive to the proposals"

Acceptant, Accepting, Acceptive, An

8. Acceptant adj adjectif: modifie un nom

Acceptant, Adj, Adjectif

9. Definiții, conjugări, declinări, paradigme pentru Acceptanta din dicționarele: MDA2, DN, MDN '00, Șăineanu, ed


10. Acceptant - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums

Acceptant, And

11. What does Acceptant mean? Accepting willingly

Acceptant, Accepting

12. (adjective) Words near Acceptant in the Dictionary

Adjective, Acceptant

13. Definition of Acceptant in the dictionary


14. What does Acceptant mean? Information and translations of Acceptant in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Acceptant, And

15. Acceptant (feminine singular Acceptante, masculine plural Acceptants, feminine plural Acceptantes) Acceptant; Latin Verb

Acceptant, Acceptante, Acceptants, Acceptantes

16. Synonyms for Acceptant include open, amenable, acceptive, accepting, open-minded, responsive, susceptible, sympathetic, flexible and approachable

Acceptant, Amenable, Acceptive, Accepting, And, Approachable

17. 1 1959 : C'est comme ma convention entre le constituant et l'Acceptant); attesté plus tardivement comme terme de polémique relig., il désigne les partisans de la soumission à l'autorité pontificale (cf

Acceptant, Attest, Autorit

18. En Acceptant cette responsabilité, nous préviendrons la tragédie pour la collectivité.: By accepting that duty, we will avoid the tragedy of the commons.: Milosevic peut interrompre notre campagne arienne, mais seulement en Acceptant les objectifs essentiels de la communaut internationale.: Milosevic can end our air campaign only by accepting the key objectives of the international community.

Acceptant, Accepting, Avoid, Arienne, Air

19. ‘Friday morning, first day of the test I still vex but I was Acceptant of my fate.’ ‘Antislavery sentiment would not necessarily have prevented someone from owning or hiring slaves, but would have made it less likely than if the individual had been completely Acceptant of slavery.’

Acceptant, Antislavery

20. Synonyms for Acceptant in Free Thesaurus


21. 6 synonyms for Acceptant: amenable, open, open-minded, receptive, responsive, acceptive

Acceptant, Amenable, Acceptive

22. What are synonyms for Acceptant?

Are, Acceptant

23. Acceptant definition: receiving willingly; receptive Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Acceptant, And

24. Acceptant of Willingly accepting

Acceptant, Accepting

25. ‘They tire people out, wear them down, make them Acceptant of shoddy workmanship or service


26. Acceptant satellit metallic case earnings, profit tropic of Cancer Isomorphically dwarf cuckoo chop up canning actually oscillating mill chocolate crêpe tarmac cumula zelen modrec to knock, to run into, to nail on, to strike hard, to hit and attack, to try (an idea) on someone சம்பளக் கணக்கு அலுவலகம்

Acceptant, Actually, And, Attack, An

27. Information about Acceptant in the dictionary, synonyms and antonyms

About, Acceptant, Audioenglish, And, Antonyms

28. Today, most of the company consider 99% Acceptant ratio as a good achievement in quality

Acceptant, As, Achievement

29. After the Acceptant speech of Joe Biden, Obama showed up as a surprise on the third day of the DNC

After, Acceptant, As

30. The Government remains the only Employer Acceptant of Wage claims unwarranted by Production gains.


31. Instead of having our governments do the killing for us, since most of the western population seems so Acceptant of such actions, we could go and do the job ourselves.

Acceptant, Actions, And

32. Acceptant How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? ac-cept-ant

Acceptant, Ac, Ant

33. Antonyms for Acceptant include unreceptive, narrow-minded, unresponsive, biased, prejudiced, resistant, cold, cool, hostile and insensitive

Antonyms, Acceptant, And

34. Acceptant purge of public officials irriguer infrared absorption spectra rublo inseparable resztkowy domination pulssin kestomodulaatio craquer original document fim seria bank some time ago hot strip mill Kreis Hui (Provinz Henan, China) (u.E.) (Eig, Geo) liten gurka banter linguagem precisar (set phrase) continue despite repeated prohibition

Acceptant, Absorption, Ago

35. Acceptant - find the meaning and all words formed with Acceptant, anagrams with Acceptant and much more

Acceptant, And, All, Anagrams

36. The word Acceptant uses 9 letters: a, a, c, c, e, n, p, t, t


37. Acceptant is playable in: Words With Friends 19


38. Looking for phrases related to the word Acceptant? Find a list of matching phrases on! The Web's largest and most authoritative phrases and idioms resource.

Acceptant, And, Authoritative

39. Upgrade second Acceptant sigil - Dragon Mania Legends do you think about that?Which dragon should I use Acceptant?Have a ni

Acceptant, About

40. N'Acceptant pas d'être second, comme tout bon américain Le promoteur défia notre homme de v'nir affronter son poulain Piqués à vif dans leur orgueil, toutes …

Acceptant, Am, Affronter

41. Acceptant \ak.sɛp.tɑ̃\ masculin (pour une femme on dit : Acceptante) (Droit) Personne qui accepte, donne son consentement à une convention.D’autres auteurs qui enseignent la théorie de l’agnition ont imaginé un troisième système, celui de l’expédition : le contrat devient parfait, d’après eux, par le fait que l’Acceptant a envoyé la lettre qui contient son adhésion à l

Acceptant, Ak, Acceptante, Accepte, Autres, Auteurs, Agnition, Apr, Adh

42. This lecture explains risk averse, risk neutral, and risk Acceptant (risk loving) preferences in a game theoretical context

Averse, And, Acceptant

43. Hereto present and accepting: Explanation: promettant garantir de toutes revendications quelconques au Sieur Jacob Pozer marchand demeurant à Québec, à ce présent et Acceptant acquéreur pour lui ses hoirs et ayans cause à l'avenir, c'est à savoir

And, Accepting, Au, Acceptant, Acqu, Ayans, Avenir

44. Of the various clusters of prenatal attitudes toward children, the "Acceptant-democratic" seemed most growth facilitating.

Attitudes, Acceptant

45. In a world that is Acceptant of so many things: why is prostitution still frowned upon? Anonymous

Acceptant, Anonymous

46. The power of Acceptant EPIC - Dragon Mania Legends ⚡ Arya's here again with news about upcoming events! ⚡ 🐲 Nov 9-16: Ancient Dungeon! 🐲 In addition to havin

Acceptant, Arya, Again, About, Ancient, Addition


ACCEPTANT [əkˈseptəns]

  • › Define acceptance and commitment therapy
  • › What acceptance is not
  • › Define acceptance for kids
  • › Define acceptance criteria in agile
  • › Define acceptance in contract law

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I mean by acceptance?


  • an engagement to pay an order, draft, or bill of exchange when it becomes due, as by the person on whom it is drawn.
  • an order, draft, etc., that a person or bank has accepted as calling for payment and has thus promised to pay.
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What word means acceptance?

Webster Dictionary (2.50 / 2 votes)Rate this definition:

  • Acceptance (noun) the act of accepting; a receiving what is offered, with approbation, satisfaction, or acquiescence;
  • Acceptance (noun) state of being accepted; acceptableness
  • Acceptance (noun) an assent and engagement by the person on whom a bill of exchange is drawn, to pay it when due...
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What does acceptance mean?

Definition of acceptance. 1 : the quality or state of being accepted or acceptable His theories have gained widespread acceptance. 2 : the act of accepting something or someone : the fact of being accepted : approval acceptance of responsibility.

What's the definition of acceptance?

Acceptance means agreeing to receive something or the act of receiving it. An example of acceptance would be the taking of a bribe. The definition of acceptance means agreeing with or taking on a belief or beliefs. An example of acceptance would be agreeing with the theory of evolution. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "Acceptance.".

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