Use Acatalectic in a sentence

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See also: Catalectic Catalytic Cataleptic Cataleptical Acat Avatar Acute Action Acatalepsy

1. First Known Use of Acatalectic 1589, in the meaning defined above History and Etymology for Acatalectic borrowed from Late Latin acatalēcticus, from a- a- entry 2 (borrowed from Greek a-) + …

Acatalectic, Above, And, Acatal

2. Acatalectic definition, not catalectic; complete


3. ‘When unstressed syllables are not dropped at the beginning or the end of a line, they are said to be Acatalectic.

Are, At, Acatalectic

4. Acatalectic: 1 adj (verse) metrically complete; especially having the full number of syllables in the final metrical foot Antonyms: catalectic (verse) metrically incomplete; especially lacking one or more syllables in the final metrical foot hypercatalectic (verse) having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a metrically complete verse

Acatalectic, Adj, Antonyms, An, At

5. What does Acatalectic mean? Having a metrically complete pattern, especially having the full number of syllables in the final foot


6. Definition of Acatalectic in the dictionary


7. What does Acatalectic mean? Information and translations of Acatalectic in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Acatalectic, And

8. Acatalectic definition: having the necessary number of feet or syllables , esp having a complete final foot Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Acatalectic, And

9. Acatalectic (not comparable) ( poetry , prosody ) Designating a line of verse having the required number of syllables in the last foot Related terms [ edit ]


10. (prosody) a line of verse that has the full number of syllables Familiarity information: Acatalectic used as a noun is very rare.

Acatalectic, As

11. Translation for 'Acatalectic' in the free English-Chinese dictionary and many other Chinese translations.

Acatalectic, And

12. An Acatalectic line of verse is one having the metrically complete number of syllables in the final foot

An, Acatalectic

13. For example, to describe Shakespeare’s sonnets as having been written in iambic pentameter Acatalectic

As, Acatalectic

14. Acatalectic is a 11 letter word, used as a article, with Late Latin origins, and has the letters aaaccceiltt (aceilt)

Acatalectic, As, Article, And, Aaaccceiltt, Aceilt

15. Translation for 'Acatalectic' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations.

Acatalectic, And

16. Acatalectic: Meaning and Definition of

Acatalectic, And

17. Acatalectic 17 is a valid Scrabble Word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Acatalectic 17 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Acatalectic 21 is a valid word in WWF


18. Acatalectic - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Acatalectic and much more

Acatalectic, Anagrams, And

19. The word Acatalectic uses 11 letters: a, a, a, c, c, c, e, i, l, t, t


20. Acatalectic is playable in: Words With Friends 21


21. Synonyms for Acatalectic in Free Thesaurus


22. 2 antonyms for Acatalectic: catalectic, hypercatalectic

Antonyms, Acatalectic

23. What are synonyms for Acatalectic?

Are, Acatalectic

24. $ Acatalectic /yr A perfectly formed line of Meter, with exactly the correct number of syllables in exactly the correct sequence is called Acatalectic


25. Acatalectic is a adjective according to parts of speech

Acatalectic, Adjective, According

26. The Greek iambic trimeter is an Acatalectic verse, Acatalectic meaning a verse that does not take away a syllable at the end of the line: all three trimeter metra are completely used in this Acatalectic meter

An, Acatalectic, Away, At, All, Are

27. 2 antonyms for Acatalectic: catalectic, hypercatalectic

Antonyms, Acatalectic

28. There are always several meanings of each word in English, the correct meaning of Ghair Mahzoof in English is Acatalectic, and in Urdu we write it غیر محذوف

Are, Always, Acatalectic, And

29. By form, the word Acatalectic is an adjective

Acatalectic, An, Adjective

30. Acatalectic Source: The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms Author(s): Chris Baldick

Acatalectic, Author

31. The former is trochaic—the latter is octametre Acatalectic, alternating with heptametre catalectic repeated in the refrain of the fifth verse, and terminating with tetrametre catalectic.

Acatalectic, Alternating, And

32. What rhymes with Acatalectic? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Acatalectic

Acatalectic, About

33. Catalectic (adj.) 1580s, of a line of verse, "wanting an unaccented syllable in the last foot," from Late Latin catalecticus, from Greek katalektikos "leaving off," from kata "down" (see cata-) + legein "to leave off, cease from," from PIE root *sleg-"be slack, be languid." A complete line is said to be Acatalectic.

Adj, An, Acatalectic

34. We found 26 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Acatalectic: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Acatalectic" is defined


35. General (25 matching dictionaries) Acatalectic: [home, info]


36. The formation of alpha-Acatalectic acid and acetylmethylcarbinol by Ascaris lumbricoides

Alpha, Acatalectic, Acid, And, Acetylmethylcarbinol, Ascaris

37. Each stanza is constructed from six lines which Poe claimed were a mixture of forms, “octameter Acatalectic” (lines 1 and 3) “octameter catalectic” (lines 2,4, and 5) and “tetrameter catalectic” (line 6) “Octameter Acatalectic:” is a line of eight meters, each meter composed of two poetic feet – …

Acatalectic, And

38. Acatalectic Source: The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature Author(s): M

Acatalectic, Author

39. Catalectic: 1 adj (verse) metrically incomplete; especially lacking one or more syllables in the final metrical foot Antonyms: Acatalectic (verse) metrically complete; especially having the full number of syllables in the final metrical foot hypercatalectic (verse) having an extra syllable or syllables at the end of a metrically complete verse

Adj, Antonyms, Acatalectic, An, At

40. In the first place, he broke entirely with alliteration and with any-length lines, composing his poem in a metre which is either a fifteen-syllabled iambic tetrameter catalectic, or else, as the reader pleases, a series of distichs in iambic dimeters, alternately Acatalectic and catalectic.

Alliteration, And, Any, As, Alternately, Acatalectic

41. What does Acatalectics mean? Plural form of Acatalectic

Acatalectics, Acatalectic

42. Acatalectic: having complete or full number of syllables in a poetic line acatalepsy: the unknowableness of all things to a certainty acatamathesia: inability to understand data presented to the senses acates: provisions that have been purchased acatour: provisioner; quartermaster acaudate: tailless acaulescent: having a very short stem

Acatalectic, Acatalepsy, All, Acatamathesia, Acates, Acatour, Acaudate, Acaulescent


ACATALECTIC [āˌkadlˈektik]

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Which is the correct definition of the word acatalectic?

    acatalectic(adj) (prosody) a line of verse that has the full number of syllables. acatalectic(adj) (verse) metrically complete; especially having the full number of syllables in the final metrical foot.

    What is An acatalectic line?

    An acatalectic line of verse is one having the metrically complete number of syllables in the final foot. When talking about poetry written in English the term is arguably of limited significance or utility, at least by comparison to its antonym, catalectic, for the simple reason that acatalexis is considered to be...

    What does catalectic mean?

    Having a metrically complete pattern, especially having the full number of syllables in the final foot. [Late Latin acatalēcticus, from Greek akatalēktikos : a-, not; see a-1 + katalēktikos, incomplete; see catalectic .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

    What is acatalexis in poetry?

    When talking about poetry written in English the term is arguably of limited significance or utility, at least by comparison to its antonym, catalectic, for the simple reason that acatalexis is considered to be the "usual case" in the large majority of metrical contexts and therefore explicit reference to it proves almost universally superfluous.

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