See also: Academically Academia Academic Academy Acadia Academe Academician
1. A : with regard to formal studies or academics doing well Academically Academically advanced students And it has made them more appealing to colleges, which have grown more welcoming as they find …
Academics, Academically, Advanced, And, Appealing, As
2. 1. Academically - in regard to academic matters; "Academically, this is a good school" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection
Academically, Academic
3. / ˌæk.əˈdem.ɪ.k ə l.i / in a way that relates to studying and thinking, not practical skills: She's always done well Academically. It may be that a child is bright, but not Academically inclined.
And, Always, Academically
4. [First attested in the late 16th century] Academically disadvantaged demographic group. Academically, the football team is …
Attested, Academically
5. Academically (Adverb) In an academic style or way.
Academically, Adverb, An, Academic
6. Synonyms for Academically in Free Thesaurus
7. At Academically, we are always striving to meet the needs of our clients and their families
At, Academically, Are, Always, And
8. Many of you know that Academically specializes in academic coaching (which includes assistance with study skills, homework initiation and management, executive functioning strategies, test taking strategies and self-advocacy) and college admissions consulting services.
Academically, Academic, Assistance, And, Advocacy, Admissions
9. Welcome to the page with the answer to the clue Academically specializing
Answer, Academically
10. Most people know it, Academically, but very few ever give the fact any actual consideration
Academically, Any, Actual
11. And I must confess that I had treated the idea very cavalierly and Academically as a dream and nothing more
And, Academically, As
12. In addition to near record numbers, this year's incoming freshman class is better prepared Academically.
Addition, Academically
13. Academically definition: in relation to an academy Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Academically, An, Academy, And
14. Definition of Academically adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Academically, Adverb, Advanced
15. What is the definition of Academically? What is the meaning of Academically? How do you use Academically in a sentence? What are synonyms for Academically?
Academically, Are
16. Academically: 1 adv in regard to academic matters “ Academically , this is a good school”
Academically, Adv, Academic
17. At Nyack, we seek to exalt Jesus Christ by being Academically Excellent
At, Academically
18. Academically: In an academical manner; as an academic
Academically, An, Academical, As, Academic
19. Because of the custodial job that schools need to fill for many families to the job of socialization, there are a lot of reasons to suggest that students will still go to facilities of some sort for their education -- even if the platform for much of what they will do Academically is online
Are, Academically
20. The sole purpose is to raise funds to support disadvantaged but Academically gifted youths by meeting their education fees and costs through high school and college education.
Academically, And
21. Antonyms for Academically include non-Academically, noneducationally, sportingly, sportively, unAcademically, ignorantly, uneducatedly, unlearnedly, untutoredly and
Antonyms, Academically, And
22. Academically (comparative more Academically, superlative most Academically) In an academic style or way; from an academic perspective
Academically, An, Academic
23. [First attested in the late 16th century] Academically disadvantaged demographic group Academically, the football team is counter-productive
Attested, Academically
24. An Academically gifted child un niño con grandes dotes intelectuales; Academically, the boy is below average en los estudios el chico está por debajo del promedio; she's outstanding Academically es muy brillante desde el punto de vista académico; an Academically renowned professor un catedrático de renombre en círculos universitarios; an Academically sound argument un argumento sólido
An, Academically, Average, Acad, Argument, Argumento
25. Academically Adrift raises serious questions about the quality of the academic and social experiences of college students
Academically, Adrift, About, Academic, And
26. Definition of Academically (adverb): relating to education or learning
Academically, Adverb
27. Definition and synonyms of Academically from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
And, Academically
28. This is the British English definition of Academically.View American English definition of Academically.
Academically, American
29. Academically Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Academically behind Academically challenging Academically low Achieve Academically excel Academically How an individual communicates, performs Academically, and controls impulses (subject placement) - grammar Non-Academically selective performs well Academically shine - the student shines
Academically, And, Achieve, An
30. Academically or Intellectually Gifted (AIG) students perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of accomplishment when compared with …
Academically, Aig, At, Accomplishment
31. Academically, Newcastle upon Tyne
32. Looking for Academically? Find out information about Academically
Academically, About
33. Relating to studies such as languages, philosophy, and pure Explanation of Academically
As, And, Academically
34. Academically successful students speak up in class, even if their attempts are a bit clumsy and difficult
Academically, Attempts, Are, And
35. What is the opposite of Academically? Antonyms for Academically (opposite of Academically).
Academically, Antonyms
36. Children Suffering 'Emotionally and Academically': Parents Sound the Alarm on School Closures
And, Academically, Alarm
37. How to Read "Academically" Reading may not seem like something you need to learn how to do once you’re in college, but it is a vital skill that will take you beyond the comprehension of words on a page
38. He found the course Academically challenging
39. Many religious schools perform well Academically
40. She's always done well Academically
Always, Academically
41. She's very bright, but she's not Academically inclined
42. Academically - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Academically and much more.
Academically, Anagrams, And
43. Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses is a detailed collection of statistics and cross references to additional research compiled by the authors
Academically, Adrift, And, Additional, Authors
44. Definition of Academically disadvantaged in the dictionary
45. Meaning of Academically disadvantaged
46. What does Academically disadvantaged mean? Information and translations of Academically disadvantaged in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Academically, And
47. Academically Adrift is not, however, a book about lazy professors, shiftless students, and spineless administrators
Academically, Adrift, About, And, Administrators
48. Search Academically inclined and thousands of other words in English Cobuild dictionary from Reverso
Academically, And
49. You can complete the definition of Academically inclined given by the English Cobuild dictionary with other English dictionaries : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster
50. 2 reviews of Lee Academy For Academically Gifted Students "Our daughter just finished her second year at Lee Academy and our youngest daughter will join them this coming fall
Academy, Academically, At, And
51. A community that supports our children Academically, socially, and emotionally
Academically, And
52. Academically Yours Tutoring & Educational Services
Academically, Amp
53. When Beating the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Males appeared in 1998, it was hailed as "a crucial book" (Baltimore Sun) and "undoubtedly one of the most important tools the African American parent can possess" (Kweisi Mfume, President NAACP)
Academically, African, American, Appeared, As, And
54. Federal regulations prevent students from receiving financial aid for classes unless the student has performed Academically related activities.
Aid, Academically, Activities
55. Academically related activities, as defined by the U.S
Academically, Activities, As
56. 1 day ago · Local resources help students get back on track after falling behind Academically due to the pandemic
Ago, After, Academically
57. Academically and/or intellectually gifted students perform or show the potential to perform at substantially high levels of accomplishment when compared with others of their age, experience or environment
Academically, And, At, Accomplishment, Age
58. Academically and/or intellectually gifted students exhibit high-performance capability in intellectual areas, specific academic fields or in
Academically, And, Areas, Academic
ACADEMICALLY [akəˈdemiklē]
Meaning of academically in English. › in a way that relates to schools and to the ability to study and think: Research shows children perform better academically when they continue in the same school.
Definition of 'academic'. academic. Academic is used to describe things that relate to the work done in schools, colleges, and universities, especially work that involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills.
Definition of academia. : the life, community, or world of teachers, schools, and education : academe scientists in industry and academia a career in academia.
Religion is a unified set of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a Church, all those who adhere to them.