Use Absorbative in a sentence

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See also: Absorptive Absorptivity Absorption Absolute Absolve Absorb Absolution Absolutely Absolved Absolutism Absorbing Absorbed Absorbent Absolutist

1. Definition of Absorbative : absorptive He had enjoyed the life with the peculiar appropriative, assimilative, Absorbative gust of the typical schoolboy.

Absorbative, Absorptive, Appropriative, Assimilative

2. Absorbative is an Invention perk that gives a 20% (22% on a level 20 item) chance of reducing damage by 5% per rank

Absorbative, An

3. It can be created in armour gizmos. Absorbative effectively provides a 1% damage reduction per rank

Armour, Absorbative

4. However, Absorbative does not reduce hard typeless damage (typeless damage that is unaffected by defensive abilities).

Absorbative, Abilities

5. Absorbative is an Invention perk that gives a 20% (22% on a level 20 item) chance of reducing damage by 5% per rank

Absorbative, An

6. It can be created in armour gizmos. Absorbative effectively provides a 1% damage reduction per rank

Armour, Absorbative

7. However, Absorbative does not reduce hard typeless damage (typeless damage that is unaffected by defensive abilities).

Absorbative, Abilities

8. (Is “Absorbative” even a word)? Does it enable me to keep the gloves together to hang them up? Yes it does


9. Maxim Silencers specializes in Absorbative silencers repairs


10. If you need a tailored solution, our Absorbative silencers repairs shop engineers and manufacture industrial grade noise control, waste recovery and emission control equipment with …

Absorbative, And

11. John Deere Absorbative Silencers


12. Powertherm specializes in John Deere Absorbative silencers


13. Our custom fabrication John Deere Absorbative silencers shop has state-of-the-art equipment enabling us to manufacture and customize exhaust products to your specifications.

Absorbative, Art, And

14. Absorbative atelectasis, also called denitrogenation absorption atelectasis, is the collapse of the alveoli due to the loss of the partial pressure of nitrogen within the …

Absorbative, Atelectasis, Also, Absorption, Alveoli

15. ⬥ Arcane Spirit Shield - Lucky 4 Absorbative 2 ⬥ Kalphite Rebounder - Equilibrium 4 Ruthless 3

Arcane, Absorbative

16. Powertherm specializes in Absorbative silencer repairs


17. Our custom fabrication Absorbative silencer repairs shop has state-of-the-art equipment enabling us to manufacture and customize exhaust products to your specifications.

Absorbative, Art, And

18. Absorbative Silencer Assembled Accessories

Absorbative, Assembled, Accessories

19. Maxim Silencers specializes in Absorbative silencer assembled accessories

Absorbative, Assembled, Accessories

20. If you need a tailored solution, our Absorbative silencer assembled accessories shop engineers and manufacture industrial grade noise control, waste recovery and emission control equipment with any combination of components.

Absorbative, Assembled, Accessories, And, Any


ABSORBATIVE [əbˈzôrptiv, abˈzôrptiv, əbˈsôrptiv, abˈsôrptiv]

  • › Definition of absorption in biology
  • › Definition of absorption in science
  • › Define absorption in digestion
  • › What does absorb mean
  • › Absorptive state vs postabsorptive state

Frequently Asked Questions

What does absorptive mean?

Medical Definition of absorptive. : relating to or functioning in absorption the absorptive surface of the small intestine.

What does absorve mean?

Absolve, acquit, exonerate all mean to free from blame. Absolve is a general word for this idea. To acquit is to release from a specific and usually formal accusation: The court must acquit the accused if there is not enough evidence of guilt. To exonerate is to consider a person clear of blame or consequences for an act...

What is the medical definition of absorption?

Medical Definition of absorption. 1: the process of absorbing or of being absorbed absorption of nourishment in the small intestine-compare adsorption. 2: interception of radiant energy or sound waves.

What is the definition of absorption?

absorption - (chemistry) a process in which one substance permeates another; a fluid permeates or is dissolved by a liquid or solid. soaking up. chemical science, chemistry - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions.

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