See also: Abreast Abreaction Abbreviation Abbreviate Abbreviated Abrew Abrego A Abreacted Abreactive
1. 2 : up to a particular standard or level especially of knowledge of recent developments tries to keep Abreast of [=to stay informed about] the news Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about Abreast …
Abreast, About, Amp, Antonyms
2. Equal to or alongside in progress, attainment, or awareness (usually followed by of or with): to keep Abreast of scientific developments; keeping Abreast with the times.
Alongside, Attainment, Awareness, Abreast
3. Abreast synonyms, Abreast pronunciation, Abreast translation, English dictionary definition of Abreast
4. Side by side: ships docked two Abreast
5. Up to date: keeping Abreast of the latest developments
6. Abreast: having information especially as a result of study or experience
Abreast, As
7. / əˈbrest / used to say that two or more people are next to each other and moving in the same direction: We were running / swimming two Abreast. The motorcyclist came Abreast of her car and shouted …
Are, And, Abreast
8. Charlie finished the race in second place because he could not stay Abreast of the winner.
9. The old 'Bat' was the first to get away, but she was soon overhauled by the 'Echo,' the rest following in line Abreast. YACHTING VOL
Away, Abreast
10. When they got Abreast the head of the island they quit shooting and dropped over to the Missouri shore and went home to the town
Abreast, And
11. Abreast translate: (朝同一方向)并排而行;并肩而行
12. Principales traductions: Anglais: Français: Abreast adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (side by side) côte à côte, de front loc adj locution adjectivale: groupe de mots qui servent d'adjectif.Se place normalement après le nom et reste identique au plurielEx : "ballon de football, des ballons
Anglais, Ais, Abreast, Adv, Adverb, Adjective, Adj, Adjectivale, Adjectif, Apr, Au
14. [email protected] +1 (240) 764 5180, +1 (240) 764 5192
15. Abreast - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
Abreast, And
16. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Abreast adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (side by side) uno al lado del otro loc adv locución adverbial: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como
Abreast, Adv, Adverb, Adjective, Al, Adverbial
17. Keep Abreast of something To remain closely informed about something; to follow the developments of something or some situation
Abreast, About
18. As a news correspondent for the region, it's my job to keep Abreast of any changes in the political landscape here
As, Abreast, Any
19. The boss likes to keep Abreast of all our projects, even down to the most mundane detail.
Abreast, All
20. Abreast is defined as things that are next to each other
Abreast, As, Are
21. An example of Abreast is a row of soldiers marching in a parade.
An, Abreast
22. ‘As he came Abreast of the viewing stand, he was coming full circle preparing to start the cycle again.’ ‘Twenty minutes out and through the mist we came Abreast of a race in full swing.’ ‘He said there was no way the two cars could have been Abreast of each other on the night.’
As, Abreast, Again, And
23. Adverb [ADVERB after verb] If people or things walk or move Abreast, they are next to each other, side by side, and facing in the same direction
Adverb, After, Abreast, Are, And
24. The steep pavement was too narrow for them to walk Abreast.a group of youths riding their motorbikes four Abreast.
25. Synonyms for Abreast include level, alongside, beside, abeam, equal, opposite, beside each other, cheek by jowl, in alignment and in line
Abreast, Alongside, Abeam, Alignment, And
26. Keep Abreast of synonyms, keep Abreast of pronunciation, keep Abreast of translation, English dictionary definition of keep Abreast of
27. Side by side: ships docked two Abreast
28. Up to date: keeping Abreast of the latest developments
29. Definition of Abreast in the dictionary
30. What does Abreast mean? Information and translations of Abreast in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions …
Abreast, And
31. ‘We were walking three Abreast down the sidewalk, with that peculiar city gait that belongs only to the evening - slow enough to be casual, but brisk enough to be purposeful.’ ‘Over the Marriage Bridge the Honeymoon Path is broad, allowing a couple to walk Abreast - until they reach an obstruction that represents the first difference of
Abreast, Allowing, An
32. There's nothing worse than being stuck on a narrow path behind two people walking Abreast of one another
Abreast, Another
33. Abreast (comparative more Abreast, superlative most Abreast) Side by side and facing forward
Abreast, And
34. If you haven't solved the crossword clue Abreast yet try to search our Crossword Dictionary by entering the letters you already know! (Enter a dot for each missing letters, e.g
Abreast, Already
35. “P.ZZ..” will find “PUZZLE”.) Also look at the related clues for crossword clues with similar answers to “Abreast…
Also, At, Answers, Abreast
36. Abreast Meaning: "side-by-side," from a- (1) + breast (n.); the notion is of "with breasts in line." To keep Abreast in… See definitions of Abreast.
37. Keep Abreast of definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation
Abreast, At, And
38. Find 42 ways to say Abreast OF, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Abreast, Along, Antonyms, And, At
39. Definition of Abreast adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Abreast, Adverb, Advanced
40. Definition of Abreast adverb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary
Abreast, Adverb, Advanced, American
41. Abreast of the first soldier, he too took in the round collar and halted gapemouthed
Abreast, And
42. They badly needed more resources to keep Abreast of German adjustments
Abreast, Adjustments
43. Over the past 13 years the 74-year-old retired teacher has raised an incredible pounds 47,600 to keep Porthcawl's RNLI lifeboatmen Abreast of …
An, Abreast
44. Context sentences for "Abreast" in Polish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate
Abreast, And, Accurate
45. Synonyms for Abreast in Free Thesaurus
46. 23 synonyms for Abreast: alongside, level, beside, in a row, side by side, neck and neck, shoulder to shoulder, informed about, in touch with, familiar with
Abreast, Alongside, And, About
47. To march four Abreast marchar en columna de cuatro en fondo; streets so narrow that two can barely walk Abreast calles tan estrechas que dos personas difícilmente pueden andar hombro con hombro to …
Abreast, Andar
48. Other phrases to say Stay Abreast? Phrases for Stay Abreast (alternative phrases for Stay Abreast).
Abreast, Alternative
49. Definition and synonyms of Abreast from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
And, Abreast
50. This is the British English definition of Abreast.View American English definition of Abreast.
Abreast, American
51. After him, riding three Abreast, were nine men-at-arms, all picked soldiers, who had followed the French wars before, and knew the marches of Picardy as they knew the downs of their native Hampshire
After, Abreast, At, Arms, All, And, As
52. (The White Company, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) Lord John came Abreast of me, however, and his face was more grave than was his wont
Arthur, Abreast, And
53. Abreast translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'area',abase',arrest',abbreviate', examples, definition, conjugation
Abreast, Also, Area, Abase, Arrest, Abbreviate
54. ’ Or ‘stay Abreast with….’ For example: It is important for us to keep/stay Abreast of things that are going on around us
Abreast, Are, Around
55. Jane keeps/stays Abreast of the latest developments in computers
56. This new app will help internet users to keep/stay Abreast of new changes on websites
App, Abreast
57. We must keep/stay Abreast of the court proceedings.
58. Examples from the Corpus Abreast • Four women, walking two Abreast, approached, their shoes loud on the wooden walkway
Abreast, Approached
59. • He strove to come Abreast of his more favored contemporary; he was deeply discontented if he failed
60. • That way you can keep clients and colleagues Abreast of …
And, Abreast
61. Keep Abreast of the latest news.
62. I was keeping Abreast of the situation.
63. It is something we have to keep Abreast of.
64. Always keep Abreast of the latest in news, trends and laws as this can help you take.
Always, Abreast, And, As
65. We're Abreast of things as they actually occur, so the defilements go running inside.
Abreast, As, Actually
66. But Romney needs to get Abreast of the transformational changes sweeping across Asia.
Abreast, Across, Asia
67. Examples of Abreast in a sentence
68. My teacher gives extra credit to students who stay Abreast of world issues by sharing newspaper articles with the class
Abreast, Articles
69. 🔊 To stay relevant in the field of computer programming, Kurt must stay Abreast of the latest programming languages
70. His car was Abreast of the leading car
71. We were running/cycling two Abreast
72. Young people always keep Abreast of the times
Always, Abreast
73. It's important to keep Abreast of the latest developments in computers
74. Definition and synonyms of keep / stay Abreast of something from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
And, Abreast
75. This is the British English definition of keep / stay Abreast of something.View American English definition of keep / stay Abreast of something.
Abreast, American
76. Abreast: A Prospective, Real-World Study on the Effect of Nab-Paclitaxel Treatment on Clinical Outcomes and Quality of Life of Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer A Koumarianou et al
Abreast, And, Al
77. Another way to say Keep Abreast Of? Synonyms for Keep Abreast Of (other words and phrases for Keep Abreast Of).
Another, Abreast, And
78. Keeping Abreast Of It Ingredients Unconditional Love and Gratitude, Crystalized Mineral Salts, Organic Whole-leaf Aloe Vera, Angstrom Silver and Zinc, Essential oils of: Tangerine, Lemon, Clove, Lemongrass, Lavender, Marjoram, Thyme, Cedarwood, Ginger, Juniper, Rosemary, Myrtle, Clary Sage, Nutmeg and Helichrysum.Co-enzyme Q-10, Vitamin E and
Abreast, And, Aloe, Angstrom
79. Since the job is a project of public interest, visits are being organised for journalists, to keep society Abreast of the latest progress and news about the project
Are, Abreast, And, About
ABREAST [əˈbrest]
abreast (adverb)
Definition of abreast 1 : beside one another in line columns of men five abreast with seats two abreast on each side of the aisle They drew abreast of [=alongside of] each other. 2 : up to a particular standard or level especially of knowledge of recent developments tries to keep abreast of [=to stay informed about] the news
adverb, adjective. side by side; beside each other in a line: They walked two abreast down the street. equal to or alongside in progress, attainment, or awareness (usually followed by of or with): to keep abreast of scientific developments; keeping abreast with the times.
Abreast: having information especially as a result of study or experience. Synonyms: acquainted, au courant, conversant… Antonyms: ignorant, unacquainted, unfamiliar… Find the right word.
Definition of abreast. 1 : beside one another in line columns of men five abreast with seats two abreast on each side of the aisle They drew abreast of [=alongside of] each other. 2 : up to a particular standard or level especially of knowledge of recent developments tries to keep abreast of [=to stay informed about] the news.