See also: Abolition Abolitionist Abolitionism Abolish Abolished Abolishing Abolishment Abolir Abolengo Abolición
1. What does Abolitiondom mean? Abolitionists, specifiically the northern states during the US Civil War
Abolitiondom, Abolitionists
2. Abolitiondom (plural Abolitiondoms) Abolitionists, specifically the northern states during the US Civil War.
Abolitiondom, Abolitiondoms, Abolitionists
3. What does Abolitiondoms mean? Plural form of Abolitiondom
Abolitiondoms, Abolitiondom
4. Plural of Abolitiondom Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
5. 에서 한국어 내부, 우리는 어떻게 설명 할Abolitiondom영어 단어 그것은? Abolitiondom영어 단어는 다음과 같은 의미를 한국어 :Abolitionists, specifiically the northern states during the US Civil War
Abolitiondom, Abolitionists
6. Meaning of Abolitiondom for the defined word
7. 문법적으로, 이 워드 "Abolitiondom" 는 형태소, 좀 더 …
8. He ridiculed Virginia for her want of Southern sentiment, and foretold her dismemberment, if not her entire defection to "Abolitiondom," as he was pleased to call the public opinion of Christendom
And, Abolitiondom, As
9. Both streams could have been made impassable to gunboats, and had this been done, Abolitiondom would have had no victories to rejoice over
And, Abolitiondom
10. An Abolitiondom is a group of abolitionists, those who support the abolition of something, especially those who were members of the northern states during the United States Civil War.
An, Abolitiondom, Abolitionists, Abolition
11. Abolitiondom Abolitiondoms abolitionism (current term) abolitionisms abolitionist abolitionistic abolitionists: abolitionize abolitionized abolitionizes abolitionizing abolitions abolla abollae abollas aboma abomas: Literary usage of Abolitionism
Abolitiondom, Abolitiondoms, Abolitionism, Abolitionisms, Abolitionist, Abolitionistic, Abolitionists, Abolitionize, Abolitionized, Abolitionizes, Abolitionizing, Abolitions, Abolla, Abollae, Abollas, Aboma, Abomas
12. Doubtless the results of his murders and arsons, his maranding and pilfering, at the head of the Free State forces in Kansas, when all Abolitiondom shrieked, and prayed, and contributed bibles and rifles for his support, suggested the idea that the scene of agitation, there closed, might be transferred to Virginia with some effect.
And, Arsons, At, All, Abolitiondom, Agitation
13. In the smoke of battle, or at sea against the blue sky, the white would stand as vividly, as either the stars or stripes of Abolitiondom, the tricolor of France, or the red flag of England; as for the other objections, we have always observed that the white stripes have stood the battle and the breeze as well and looked as fresh and bright as
At, Against, As, Abolitiondom, Always, And
14. (Abolitiondom, rnispunctuate), compound entries (butterfly clam, monsoon forest), or very low-frequency
15. Abolitiondom determined at once upon his disgrace, and he was disgraced
Abolitiondom, At, And
16. McClellan having gone off, his successor at once proceeds no doubt to out the capers Abolitiondom demands of
At, Abolitiondom
17. Have advised a secret expedition which will shake Abolitiondom to foundation if successful
Advised, Abolitiondom
18. In the smoke of battle, or at sea against the blue sky, the white would stand as vividly, as either the stars or stripes of Abolitiondom, the tricolor of France, or the red flag of England; as for the other objections, we have always observed that the white stripes have stood the battle and the breeze as well and looked as fresh and bright as
At, Against, As, Abolitiondom, Always, And
19. Frederick Law Olmsted, after signalizing himself by two very wordy volumes, abounding in bitterness and prejudice of every sort, and misrepresentations upon the 'Seaboard Slave States,' finding how profitable such literature is in a pecuniary point of view, and what a run is being made upon it thoughout the entire limits of Abolitiondom
After, Abounding, And, Abolitiondom
20. 44the center of Abolitiondom in this State" - these are phrases which Douglas newspapers applied to Gales-burg at the time of the Lincoln-Douglas debate in 1858
Abolitiondom, Are, Applied, At
21. Tho infernal doctiiuo of Abolitiondom
22. Plan on April 10th that would "Shake Abolitiondom to its foundation." They decided to attack each of the seven Union ironclads with three torpedo boats, but in the several days it took to organise extra boats required, Union ironclads had left Charleston and without …
April, Abolitiondom, Attack, And
23. … any attempt by the ex-barkeeper, who is now installed in the White House, as President of Abolitiondom, to carry out the programme announced, will be a declaration of war … The McMinnville (TN) New Era: This may be viewed as a direct declaration of war on the part of the Federal Government
Any, Attempt, As, Abolitiondom, Announced
24. Derivatives >> abolishment, abolition, abolitionary, Abolitiondom, abolitionist abstracted ab STRAK ted removed in thought from the immediate situation, lost in one's own mind Synonyms >> Antonym >> attentive The child, thinking of Christmas, had an abstracted look on his face
Abolishment, Abolition, Abolitionary, Abolitiondom, Abolitionist, Abstracted, Ab, Antonym, Attentive, An
25. An Abolitiondom is a group of abolitionists, those who support the abolition of something, especially those who were members of the northern states during the United States Civil War.
An, Abolitiondom, Abolitionists, Abolition
26. Georgians were trn to their country, and a vindictive wrath was visited upon them Abolitiondom found no sympathizers in tho Empire State of the South
And, Abolitiondom
27. The swamps of Abolitiondom mast , w‘.(, wupnlieuti'.n nnd bi-ub list now had d.-nu them, .real m imagintrv)
28. Success, and that speedily, is the agonizing cry of all Abolitiondom--success, or else conscription fails--success, or the financial bubble bursts--success, or the three hundred thousand go home in May--success, or the demoralized ranks will grow skeletons by disease and desertion--success, or no new armies can be levied--success, or the
And, Agonizing, All, Abolitiondom, Armies
29. It also says that a late number of the Ledger contains an editorial unqualifiedly “commending Horace Greely, the unprincipled and unscrupulous High Priest of Abolitiondom !’’ This is a signi ficant fact, and one that ought to bring a blush to the cheek of every Southerner w , bo pays his money for such literary trash as that furnished by
Also, An, And, Abolitiondom, As
30. Abolitiondom africanderdom afrikanderdom afrikanerdom afterwisdom alderdom angeldom anglo-saxondom antdom anti-fandom antichristendom apedom archdukedom artistdom assholedom atheldom attorneydom auntdom authordom awaredom babydom bachelordom bakerdom banddom bankerdom batdom beadledom beardom beastdom beatledom beautydom beedom beggardom
Abolitiondom, Africanderdom, Afrikanderdom, Afrikanerdom, Afterwisdom, Alderdom, Angeldom, Anglo, Antdom, Anti, Antichristendom, Apedom, Archdukedom, Artistdom, Assholedom, Atheldom, Attorneydom, Auntdom, Authordom, Awaredom
Definition of abolitionism. : principles or measures promoting the abolition especially of slavery among the New Englanders committed to abolitionism.
ab·o·li·tion·ism (ăb′ə-lĭsh′ə-nĭz′əm) n. Advocacy of the abolition of slavery. ab′o·li′tion·ist n. ab•o•li•tion•ist (ˌæb əˈlɪʃ ə nɪst) n. 1. (esp. prior to the Civil War) a person who advocated or supported the abolition of slavery in the U.S. 2. a person who favors the abolition of any law or practice deemed ...
: a person who wants to stop or abolish slavery : an advocate of abolition Before going to England I had had no proper conception of the deep interest displayed by the abolitionists of England in the cause of freedom, nor did I realize the amount of substantial help given by them.
The abolitionists saw slavery as an abomination and an affliction on the United States, making it their goal to eradicate slave ownership. They sent petitions to Congress, ran for political office and inundated people of the South with anti-slavery literature.