See also: Abnegate Abnegated Abnegation Abnegado Abnegada Abnegating Abner Abney Abnegación
1. Abnegate Has Latin Roots There's no denying that the Latin root negare has given English some useful words
2. Abnegate definition, to refuse or deny oneself (some rights, conveniences, etc.); reject; renounce
3. The verb Abnegate means to deny or renounce something
4. Scientists Abnegate the existence of little green spacemen from Mars
5. The verb Abnegate also means to surrender a position of power
Abnegate, Also
6. / ˈæb.nə.ɡeɪt / to not allow yourself to have something, especially something you like or want to not accept something, or to say that you do not have something: to Abnegate responsibility / guilt
Allow, Accept, Abnegate
7. She spurns the doctrine that it is woman's position to Abnegate and to immolate herself
Abnegate, And
8. THE SALAMANDER OWEN JOHNSON The quality of Mantchou has thus by degrees become a very costly affair, and many, of consequence, seek altogether to Abnegate it
Affair, And, Altogether, Abnegate
9. See authoritative translations of Abnegate in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.
Authoritative, Abnegate, And, Audio
10. Here it is almost synonymous with Abnegate, which means to deny oneself something or to surrender a privilege
Almost, Abnegate
11. Because abdicate has taken over much of Abnegate ’s territory, the latter is now rare
Abdicate, Abnegate
12. What does Abnegate mean? To deny (oneself something); to renounce or give up (a right, a power, a claim, a privilege, a convenience)
13. Definition of Abnegate in the dictionary
14. What does Abnegate mean? Information and translations of Abnegate in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Abnegate, And
15. Abnegate (v.) "deny (something) to oneself," 1650s, from Latin abnegatus, past participle of abnegare "to refuse, deny," from ab "off, away from" (see ab-) + negare "to deny," from PIE root *ne- "not."
Abnegate, Abnegatus, Abnegare, Ab, Away
16. English verb TO Abnegate conjugated in all forms, with full audio, irregular highlighting, negative forms and contractions.
Abnegate, All, Audio, And
17. The most God-like man is the one who can Abnegate without feeling the sacrifice
18. In the vanity typical of the insecure, they Abnegate all foreign knowledge
Abnegate, All
19. She spurns the doctrine that it is woman's position to Abnegate and to immolate herself.
Abnegate, And
20. Future perfect; I: will have Abnegated: you: will have Abnegated: he, she, it: will have Abnegated: we: will have Abnegated: you: will have Abnegated: they: will have
21. Abnegate - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
Abnegate, And
22. Dictionary entry overview: What does Abnegate mean? • Abnegate (verb) The verb Abnegate has 3 senses:
23. Deny or renounce Familiarity information: Abnegate used as a …
Abnegate, As
24. Examples of Abnegate in a sentence
25. The athlete decided to Abnegate the unhealthy snack even though she really wanted to have a bite
Athlete, Abnegate
26. 🔊 Because he doesn’t drink more than two beers a night, Jase chose to Abnegate the third
27. 🔊 Although they really wanted to go, the couple decided to Abnegate the cruise in favor of working all week
Although, Abnegate, All
28. Abnegate: To give up (rights or a claim, for example); renounce
29. Self-abnegating deference, on the other hand, expresses an attitude that is more intuitively self-undermining--to Abnegate oneself is, in some sense, to deny or to efface oneself
Abnegating, An, Attitude, Abnegate
30. The verb Abnegate means to deny or renounce something
31. Scientists Abnegate the existence of little green spacemen from Mars.
32. How do you use “Abnegate” in a sentence? Abnegate is a verb
33. As an atheist, I Abnegate all gods and godd
As, An, Atheist, Abnegate, All, And
34. What emergency things that let persons Abnegate their lifes
35. She learns to detach, to Abnegate, from all earthly concepts andmateiral objects, even bodily form.
Abnegate, All, Andmateiral
36. Synonyms for Abnegate include surrender, relinquish, renounce, cede, resign, abdicate, yield, waive, forgo and abandon
Abnegate, Abdicate, And, Abandon
37. From AbnegateVideo by Red Boss [email protected]/redbossproductions …
Abnegatevideo, Auwww
38. Abnegate means to give up; to surrender; to renounce
39. The following is an example of a case law referring to Abnegate: A state can not Abnegate or surrender its duty which is perpetually upon it to consult the physical and moral good of the people.
An, Abnegate, And
40. As verbs the difference between abdicate and Abnegate is that abdicate is (obsolete) to disclaim and expel from the family, as a father his child; to disown; to disinherit while Abnegate is to deny (oneself something); to renounce or give up (a right, a power, a claim, a privilege, a convenience) .
As, Abdicate, And, Abnegate
41. Find 11 ways to say Abnegate, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
Abnegate, Along, Antonyms, And, At
42. Abnegate translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'abnegation',abominate',aerate',abbreviate', examples, definition, conjugation
Abnegate, Also, Abnegation, Abominate, Aerate, Abbreviate
43. Sentence with the word Abnegate
44. As we call on science to explain, elaborate, and justify issues in civil and personal life, we need to be careful that we don't Abnegate our responsibility to monitor the effects of this intervention.
As, And, Abnegate
45. He was instead enthusiastic about the opportunity to obey and self-Abnegate by using it.McCain's "preparation" is the pathetic track record of a moral coward
About, And, Abnegate
46. She attempts to Abnegate personal responsibility How to use Abnegate in a sentence is shown in this page
Attempts, Abnegate
47. Abnegate voting right bog payphone equipment besprijekornost jubilee timide heat shield priusquam registration uod electric switch stent water separator suhi osjetnik psihrometra elisa ordinaries opsiyonlu likvero mouflons twenty-one Hydrastis canadensis L
48. (1) he attempts to Abnegate personal responsibility (2) ‘Distant’ is the sort of spare, demanding work whose pared-down aesthetic requires a viewer who's prepared to Abnegate movie-going's instant gratifications
Attempts, Abnegate, Aesthetic
49. (3) It is the Romantic-humanist heresy which holds that we should nurture our egos rather than Abnegate them.
50. There are very little information about Abnegate
Are, About, Abnegate
51. Artist: Signal The Firing SquadAlbum: AbnegateYear: 2012Country: AustraliaI do not own any rights
Artist, Abnegateyear, Australiai, Any
52. Abnegate Meaning in English to Urdu is ترک کرنا, as written in Urdu and Tark Karna, as written in Roman Urdu
Abnegate, As, And
53. There are many synonyms of Abnegate which include Abstain, Decline, Forbear, Forgo, Refrain, Reject, Give Up, etc.
Are, Abnegate, Abstain
ABNEGATE [ˈabnəˌɡāt]
abnegate Has Latin Roots. There's no denying that the Latin root negare has given English some useful words. That verb, which means "to deny," is the ultimate source of the noun "abnegation," a synonym of "denial" that began appearing in English manuscripts in the 14th century.
1. To give up (rights or a claim, for example); renounce. 2. To deny (something) to oneself: The minister abnegated the luxuries of life. [Latin abnegāre, abnegāt-, to refuse : ab-, away; see ab-1 + negāre, to deny; see ne in Indo-European roots .] ab′ne·ga′tor n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
That root is also an ancestor of other nay-saying terms such as "deny," "negate," and "renegade." Recent Examples on the Web Abnegating this responsibility is going against the will of the people and we were voted in to protect the interests of the people.