See also: Ablated Ablation Ablates Ablaze Ablative Ablate Ablade Ablaut Procedure
1. Ablated synonyms, Ablated pronunciation, Ablated translation, English dictionary definition of Ablated
2. Get a Ablated mug for your daughter Julia.
3. Synonyms for Ablated include eroded, evaporated, melted, molt, molten, vaporised and vaporized
Ablated, And
4. Laser ablation or laser stripping is a method of wire stripping where enamel coatings can be removed from precise locations with non-mechanical means, thus creating laser Ablated wire
Ablation, Ablated
5. The Ablated (or destroyed) areas of tissue inside your heart may take up to eight weeks to heal
Ablated, Areas
6. Briefly, the Ablated tumor was removed in a block-by-block, superficial-to-deep manner, and was further Ablated and subsequently removed as much as possible to maximize its elimination
Ablated, And, As
7. My thyroid was Ablated via radioactive iodine treatment about a year ago
Ablated, About, Ago
8. Since my thyroid has been Ablated…
9. If your thyroid has been removed or Ablated, sometimes the stressor that this is causing on the body could be enough to throw off TSH levels
10. Ablated: 1 adj made smaller or less by melting or erosion or vaporization “the rocket's Ablated head shield” Synonyms: decreased , reduced made less in size or amount or degree
Ablated, Adj, Amount
11. To become Ablated; undergo ablation
Ablated, Ablation
12. The Ablated material interacts with the laser pulse to produce a highly energetic plasma
13. The Ablated material also aggregates into small particles that can be sampled, atomised
Ablated, Also, Aggregates, Atomised
14. • Ablated (adjective) Sense 1
Ablated, Adjective
15. Context example: the rocket's Ablated head shield
16. Phospho-Ablated Id2 inhibits G1/S transition
17. The manner in which phosphorylated and phospho-Ablated Id2 affected myoblast proliferation was measured by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation into S-phase of the cell cycle (Figure 1A).S-phase myoblasts were determined from flow cytometric analysis of BrdU expression (y-axis) and DNA content (x-axis).
And, Ablated, Affected, Analysis, Axis
18. The stiffness inside the Ablated zone represented a radial distribution with downtrend, following a linear law
19. The stiffness at the inner edge of Ablated zone is stable and significantly higher than that at the outer edge
At, Ablated, And
20. Synonyms for Ablated in Free Thesaurus
21. 2 words related to Ablated: decreased, reduced
22. There are plenty of veins to take the blood back to the heart when the saphenous system is Ablated
Are, Ablated
23. The Ablated channels represent a relatively small surface and volume fraction of the epidermis and upper dermis, and heal very fast
Ablated, And
24. A pilot study was performed to explore the benefits of treatments through Ablated conduits for skin tightening, cellulite, and acne scarring.
Ablated, And, Acne
25. Chocolate increased cataplexy in double-Ablated mice, but did not increase DT sleep
26. Clomipramine significantly decreased cataplexy in double-Ablated mice, but did not affect the number of bouts or mean bout duration of DT sleep.
Ablated, Affect
27. Ablation for AF does not increase the 30-day operative mortality or perioperative morbidity compared to non-Ablated …
Ablation, Af, Ablated
28. T =thickness of the tissue Ablated in microns; S = diameter of the optical zone in millimeters; D = dioptric correction; The ablation depth does not include the transition (blend) zone of the surgery which usually adds extra 8 microns.
Ablated, Ablation, Adds
29. A smaller laser Ablated opening width may easily lead to the formation of voids under screen printing and co-firing backside aluminum
Ablated, And, Aluminum
30. The effect of laser intensity on characteristics of the plasma Ablated from a low-Z (CH) planar target irradiated by a 250 ps, 0.438 µm laser pulse with the intensity of up to 10 16 W/cm 2 as well as on parameters of the laser-driven shock generated in the target for various scale-lengths of preformed plasma was investigated at the kilojoule Prague Asterix Laser System (PALS) laser facility.
Ablated, As, At, Asterix
31. Heat Shield Sample, Gemini, Ablated square piece of honeycomb heatshield; Ablated grey and black upper surface, white center section and brown lower section; flat back
Ablated, And
32. Ablated Records, Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio)
33. Ablated Records distributing musick and sick brutal merch
Ablated, And
34. Number of Ablated spots in the course of renal sympathetic denervation in CKD patients with uncontrolled hypertension: EnligHTN vs
35. Avicenna Technology is a leading provider of laser Ablated fine wire and laser machine polymer tubing for the medical device market
Avicenna, Ablated, And
36. All Ablated lesions were at least partially heterogeneous on both T1- and T2-weighted MR sequences, but each mass was generally hyperintense to normal renal parenchyma on T1-weighted sequences and hypointense to normal renal parenchyma on T2-weighted sequences
All, Ablated, At, And
37. No enhancement was noted at any time in the Ablated tumor or the ablation cavity, as
At, Any, Ablated, Ablation, As
38. Ablated endometrium, also endometrium post-ablation procedure, is endometrium that has been destroyed to render it nonfunctional.
Ablated, Also, Ablation
39. In this paper, a high performance manipulation strategy for gas bubbles is proposed by utilizing ferrofluid-infused laser-Ablated microstructured surfaces (FLAMS)
40. With the decrease of mesh number, the water intrusion pressure of the laser Ablated copper mesh decreases as is shown in Fig
Ablated, As
ABLATED [əˈblāt]
Uterine Ablation is also known as endometrial ablation, uterine ablation is a procedure done to remove the tissue that lines the uterus. This tissue is known as endometrium. The procedure is not considered a surgery, therefore, you will not have any incision or cut in your body.
Cardiac ablation is a procedure that is necessary when the electricity within the heart malfunctions and the heartbeat becomes irregular.
The main danger to cardiac ablation includes what happens at the site of entry. The procedure has an increased risk of bleeding or infection at the site of entry of the catheter into the vessel. In some instances, blood clots can form making removal difficult and slowly down healing to the area.
• ABLATION (noun) The noun ABLATION has 2 senses: 1. surgical removal of a body part or tissue. 2. the erosive process that reduces the size of glaciers. Familiarity information: ABLATION used as a noun is rare.